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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Hy everybod ,
Iwas just asking myself about Desert Wars , asking me where and when do it exactly takes place, and from that i just tought about those big fat events of the year sutch as superball and those kind of things but whith a 6th worlds taste, besides the desert Wars date's what yours ??

Merry Xmas
Ancient History
Oct 31st - Shit goes down

Dec. 24th - Shit goes down
Dec 31st-Jan 1st : More shit goes down.
Don't you mean Jan. 1st-Dec. 31st?

Jan 1st-Next Dec 31st: Yet even MORE shit goes down.
yeah , kinda usefull guys... i know that shit goes down every day in SR but what are the day shit rains from the sky in 15 litters buckets ?
7 years from now, the Sixth World's gonna happen. Get Ready!
Check this shit out for a better description of events throughout the SR timeline.
QUOTE (Spookymonster)
Check this shit out for a better description of events throughout the SR timeline.

That shit's some good shit about what shit goes down.
Fresno Bob
Shit yeah!
QUOTE (Voorhees)
Shit yeah!

What's that shit you're shittin' your shits about?!
Fresno Bob
QUOTE (Phaeton)
What's that shit you're shittin' your shits about?!

I'm just shitting the shit with you shitters.
QUOTE (Voorhees)
QUOTE (Phaeton)
What's that shit you're shittin' your shits about?!

I'm just shitting the shit with you shitters.

Is that shitting so?...Well, I've got some shitworthy shitting shitty shittable shit for you, sir!
Fresno Bob
I shit would like to shit a look at that shit.
QUOTE (Voorhees)
I shit would like to shit a look at that shit.

*shitting shows him the shitting shit with extra shit on the shitting side of shit*
Fresno Bob
QUOTE (Phaeton)
shitting shows him the shitting shit with extra shit on the shitting side of shit*

Well, shit my shits, that is some shittingly fine shit you've shitting got there.
QUOTE (Voorhees)
QUOTE (Phaeton)
shitting shows him the shitting shit with extra shit on the shitting side of shit*

Well, shit my shits, that is some shittingly fine shit you've shitting got there.

Damn shit right it shitting is!
Fresno Bob
Shit yeah, I shitting would go as shitting far as to say its shitting shitastic!
QUOTE (Voorhees)
Shit yeah, I shitting would go as shitting far as to say its shitting shitastic!

How shitting long do you think we can shitting keep this shitting shit shitting?
Fresno Bob
QUOTE (Phaeton)
How shitting long do you think we can shitting keep this shitting shit shitting?

You'd be shitting surprised by how shitting long this can be shitting kept up. Although I may drop the shit out, so I can shitting play Fallout 2.
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