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  1. Ghouls, Magic Loss, & Cyberware (4 replies)
  2. Illusionist rigger (3 replies)
  3. Question about Missions (8 replies)
  4. AR vs. VR (29 replies)
  5. Why does Move-by-wire cause TLE-X? (7 replies)
  6. Collapsing Now is now live! (29 replies)
  7. World Mythology and Shadowrun (4 replies)
  8. All-Ritual Magic? (32 replies)
  9. Kage's Questions and Explorations (34 replies)
  10. Blackjack's Shadowrun Page (4 replies)
  11. The Astral Chameleon/Astral Impressions edge/flaw (10 replies)
  12. Shadowrun – 1930s Edition (9 replies)
  13. Vignettes and short stories (11 replies)
  14. Moved: Looking for players: Actual play podcast/ retrospective (-- replies)
  15. An Introspective Thought about Creativity and Energy (3 replies)
  16. GM / Player aid for SR3 - Crunch calculator (4 replies)
  17. Looking for info on a giant caravan (5 replies)
  18. Did anyone ever fix SR2-SR3 light pistols/heavy pistols? (9 replies)
  19. Lowlife kickstarter (32 replies)
  20. Off-Grid SINner? (9 replies)
  21. I wonder why concealing weapons wasn't a bigger thing (8 replies)
  22. Shadowrun 3rd edition Doberman question (7 replies)
  23. Filing legitimate flight plans between countries as a runner team (3 replies)
  24. Shadowrunner Amazon (8 replies)
  25. 6e: Fun with Surveys (26 replies)
  26. Pacing Stories (3 replies)
  27. Anti-Dragon League (6 replies)
  28. SR2 Anchoring (7 replies)
  29. Pay to Win taken to a SR Level (27 replies)
  30. SR2 Bodyguard - Mariner f/Waterworld? (1 reply)
  31. SR2 Big & Small shopping (4 replies)
  32. Looking for a signature saying (0 replies)
  33. Lowlife kickstarter (1 reply)
  34. At what point did the SR metaplot "Jump the Shark?" (36 replies)
  35. Where do I find/put Maps? (11 replies)
  36. How do Critters gain new powers? (4 replies)
  37. Damage - Stabilising without assistance... (5 replies)
  38. I would have thought that with all this isolation ... (103 replies)
  39. [SR2]Help Me With My First Character (2 replies)
  40. SR2 Game (3 replies)
  41. SR3 - Ghouls, astral vision and cybereyes (28 replies)
  42. converting an overly-established 2E campaign to 6E (10 replies)
  43. Shadowrun TV show (0 replies)
  44. Has anyone run John Wick as a Shadowrun? (2 replies)
  45. Does anyone know where to find "A Matter of Reputation?" (0 replies)
  46. Questions to ask Mr Johnson (5 replies)
  47. Best Wireless Bonus EVER (8 replies)
  48. Empathy Software (17 replies)
  49. Building a new cyberware package (22 replies)
  50. Dragon Fights (6 replies)
  51. Building a new cyberware package (0 replies)
  52. Records on File (4ed) (2 replies)
  53. SR3 - Secondary Effects for Elemental Manipulation Spells (51 replies)
  54. Hollowpoint houserule (11 replies)
  55. Things We are no longer allowed to do on the 'Run (9 replies)
  56. Best uses of RFID tags! (8 replies)
  57. Not Sprawlgangers... but Gangs of the Undercity! (3 replies)
  58. It's all getting a little bit mental in the US of A... (13 replies)
  59. Analysis of the Edge mechanic (0 replies)
  60. Good and Bad edition changes (51 replies)
  61. Tír na nÓg vs the IRA (9 replies)
  62. Packing an Arsenal (13 replies)
  63. Low cost lifestyle (2 replies)
  64. Apocryphal Rules Errata (73 replies)
  65. Edge spreadsheet (2 replies)
  66. Source code for NSRCG (1 reply)
  67. best 'ware discount (4E) (6 replies)
  68. Languages, Wuxing (5 replies)
  69. Adepts, combat biker and Urban Brawl (2 replies)
  70. Custom Reputation System (2 replies)
  71. Neo-Anarchist Guide to the Awakened Draft (1 reply)
  72. Throwing down some art (3 replies)
  73. [3E] Expendable Spell Foci (1 reply)
  74. Fun campaign idea (2 replies)
  75. Karma Costs for First Bonding (3 replies)
  76. Shadowrun Sixth World Rounding (4 replies)
  77. 5th ed Machinist (0 replies)
  78. Sixth Edition (688 replies)
  79. Aaaaaaand we are back (10 replies)
  80. SR1 - Graceful logoff and surpressed IC (5 replies)
  81. RL VITAS (11 replies)
  82. SR1 - DMZ (2 replies)
  83. What strange run partners have you taken? (2 replies)
  84. Spicing up the game (12 replies)
  85. Poor man's Cyberdeck (21 replies)
  86. SR3 - Question on spirit powers (13 replies)
  87. NPC roster (17 replies)
  88. Cutting Black is now available. (31 replies)
  89. The PIZZA Rule (20 replies)
  90. Paying the Fixer (10 replies)
  91. What director for a Shadowrun Movie... (13 replies)
  92. It's been a while... (7 replies)
  93. Sixth World News (23 replies)
  94. Blackjack's Shadowrun Page (70 replies)
  95. Catalyst doing more of the same (1 reply)
  96. What changes would you make for a new edition of old school shadowrun? (23 replies)
  97. Help lore & location (52 replies)
  98. Lore Question: Dragon Update (7 replies)
  99. Spirits and Magical Threats (18 replies)
  100. Infos about Bugs arc (9 replies)
  101. 6E Character Generator (3 replies)
  102. Conversion of SR2 adventures to SR3 (2 replies)
  103. Shadowrun-esqe minis (2 replies)
  104. Resources for Playing SR4 Online In Real Time (7 replies)
  105. Guts (4 ED) (3 replies)
  106. Dunkelzahn and Harlequin arcs (8 replies)
  107. Not exactly Shadowrun (8 replies)
  108. Reading Shadowland Issues 1-7 without needed to use pirated copies! (4 replies)
  109. Your notes to yourself (3 replies)
  110. 3rd Edition Discord PBP, is it possible? (1 reply)
  111. Confusion about SR6 Magic Points and Power Points at Chargen? (6 replies)
  112. Looking for Shadowrun 3 Core Rulebook Limited Edition (English) (14 replies)
  113. Best Way to Catch Up? (4 replies)
  114. [SR4] Astral Sight Quality (8 replies)
  115. 4e - Wheres the sample run payouts? (7 replies)
  116. Fashion and Underaged Characters (or Those Who Look Underage) (19 replies)
  117. [SR4] Top 10 Complex Forms? (2 replies)
  118. Should I run classic adventures with 20th Anniversary ed (36 replies)
  119. Best Food Fight Ever? (4 replies)
  120. [SR4] Technomancer Changelings and Electrosense/E-Sensing (1 reply)
  121. Lend me your teams please! (3 replies)
  122. House Rules : Give Them To Me (14 replies)
  123. What's the hot take on 6E? (53 replies)
  124. Tabletop Counters (0 replies)
  125. Real-life wireless implant hacking (66 replies)
  126. Historical Exceptional Attributes (7 replies)
  127. SR Knockoff Kickstarter (17 replies)
  128. Sixth World Beginner Box Errors? (1 reply)
  129. Shadowrun: Sixth World Beginner Box Digital Box (0 replies)
  130. The Neo-Anarchist Streetpedia (94 replies)
  131. Underwater adaptations (1 reply)
  132. Crossing Shadows in 1080p (3 replies)
  133. Shadowrun Anarchy - Pre-made character errors (3 replies)
  134. Scrambled Text Generator... Anyone know of one? (3 replies)
  135. Building a neighborhood (6 replies)
  136. Edition preference (23 replies)
  137. Shadowrun Timeline/Earthdawn (0 replies)
  138. Favorite edition? (1 reply)
  139. Shadowrun Returns module : The Angel's Flesh (0 replies)
  140. Dieselpunk Shadows (86 replies)
  141. Another Shadowrun Inspirations Thread (11 replies)
  142. SR4 Hero Lab: Mutant Critters (2 replies)
  143. SR 30th Anniversary (47 replies)
  144. I made a list (3 replies)
  145. Shadowrun Returns Community Created Content (3 replies)
  146. When they keep trying to push us to a Wireless ON world (21 replies)
  147. SR 5 question wrt adept power smashing blow (4 replies)
  148. 2E Questions (3 replies)
  149. Starting an SR5 campaign what should I look out for? (5 replies)
  150. A few clarifications, if you please... (41 replies)
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