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Full Version: Reading Shadowland Issues 1-7 without needed to use pirated copies!
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun

Saw this and thought to pass it along for those who remember it and might not have them anymore.

Hoping they can do this for Ka*Ge someday...
Jareth Valar
QUOTE (Sendaz @ Oct 6 2019, 06:30 PM) *

Saw this and thought to pass it along for those who remember it and might not have them anymore.

Hoping they can do this for Ka*Ge someday...

Many thanks to Kevin, but to you as well for sharing here. (I'd have never known as I don't do Reddit)

SOOOO much nostalgia in one tiny zip. *sigh*

Fingers crossed for Ka*Ge as well.

All of my physical copies (of pretty much everything pre-late 3E) went the way of the Dodo due to house water damage, so this just made my week. Thanks. biggrin.gif
Now this is awesome. Many thanks.
Well, Gurth has had the scans up for ages, but it's nice to have a legal blessing for sharing wink.gif
I didn't even know this existed, but hooray for a legal means of acquisition on some classic lore.
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