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  1. New Books (4 replies)
  2. Dart Guns (22 replies)
  3. Foci....a matter of form? (31 replies)
  4. Gear for a starting Technomancer (1 reply)
  5. Fighting Spirits. (22 replies)
  6. RL News from Seattle (6 replies)
  7. Toxins (1 reply)
  8. Attempt at a Mystic Adept (8 replies)
  9. Twin Monowhips (33 replies)
  10. New Metamagic Idea for SR3: Compressed Circles (21 replies)
  11. Shadowrun and UFOs? (15 replies)
  12. A tutorial on hacking (7 replies)
  13. Rounded "Hacker" Build (8 replies)
  14. Har' leQuin (19 replies)
  15. Upgrading a Commlink (2 replies)
  16. Wards within wards (9 replies)
  17. Life Follows Gaming 2 (24 replies)
  18. Elemental spells not worth it ? (81 replies)
  19. So how is the high-end game? (0 replies)
  20. Teleportation spells in SR (16 replies)
  21. The Horrors (27 replies)
  22. App for NPCs and places? (3 replies)
  23. SR4 Matrix in SR3 (6 replies)
  24. What's a talismonger? (17 replies)
  25. Yet another character evaluation. (15 replies)
  26. The Shadowrun NPC Wiki is now open! (46 replies)
  27. Wireless Smartlinks? (8 replies)
  28. Sample Character - Hacker (13 replies)
  29. Reverse-Engineering the Spell Formulae (35 replies)
  30. Stupid Noob Question (4 replies)
  31. Am I Getting This Right? (33 replies)
  32. Cough, I Have not Spoken in Years... (54 replies)
  33. [RL] BattleTac is here! (2 replies)
  34. (18 replies)
  35. Political Structures in Shadowrun (5 replies)
  36. Panama? (31 replies)
  37. What characters in SR4 were around in Earthdawn? (6 replies)
  38. stop bullets! (9 replies)
  39. Of Panther Cannons and Pistols (9 replies)
  40. Samantha Villiers Location (4 replies)
  41. Your cheat sheets.... (11 replies)
  42. Meta-gaming (12 replies)
  43. Magic skill specializations (6 replies)
  44. RL news that can be used for a game (0 replies)
  45. Welcome to the north polls. (17 replies)
  46. karma pool question (14 replies)
  47. Summoned Spirits and distance from summoner (10 replies)
  48. Subdual combat? (14 replies)
  49. Life Follows Gaming (51 replies)
  50. What do you think of my one-shot? (41 replies)
  51. How would YOU nerf spirits? (13 replies)
  52. Need Help With Low Powered Street Game (24 replies)
  53. Harley's back (11 replies)
  54. Prices for old weapons (58 replies)
  55. Running a skyscraper (30 replies)
  56. Need some campaign help. (24 replies)
  57. Critter Stats (0 replies)
  58. The augumented skill cap problem (26 replies)
  59. Casting Confusion (3 replies)
  60. Hacking: Server ratings? (9 replies)
  61. Essence (16 replies)
  62. Wizkids licensing to another RPG company (24 replies)
  63. Martial Arts Specialization? (84 replies)
  64. Cryogenics (15 replies)
  65. Question regarding Thermographic vision (22 replies)
  66. Grabbing a gun from someone (15 replies)
  67. Fate of Darke (52 replies)
  68. Grenades (9 replies)
  69. Spirit Domains (16 replies)
  70. Knockdown tests (6 replies)
  71. Info on Horizon corporation? (10 replies)
  72. Bull's Summary of SR4 (6 replies)
  73. if you don't cheat you an't trying (48 replies)
  74. Spellcasting vision question (8 replies)
  75. Retractable Spur Cyberware (31 replies)
  76. Anyone have any info on Shadowrun Egypt (15 replies)
  77. System Failure Release Date? (45 replies)
  78. Harlequin's Back... (21 replies)
  79. Concealment Critter Power (1 reply)
  80. I'm thinking of making a "grandstander" flaw. (9 replies)
  81. Pregenerated Enemies for Shadowrun 4 (9 replies)
  82. Detecting Matrix Tracking (16 replies)
  83. Harlequin's Back (26 replies)
  84. Advice (56 replies)
  85. Running Harlequin's Back... (9 replies)
  86. Someone posted a guide to maximizing BP efficiency (9 replies)
  87. Real-life Spyball (2 replies)
  88. Someone's claimed that they've created a SK. (48 replies)
  89. Why isn't there an EMP grenade yet? (31 replies)
  90. How much is a Mp? (79 replies)
  91. [RL] Evil AI (4 replies)
  92. Shadowrun Edition Battle Poll (17 replies)
  93. Aptitude Positive Quality (9 replies)
  94. Audio Counter-surveillance (9 replies)
  95. Digital Rights Management in 2070 (19 replies)
  96. Campaigns in the Making (24 replies)
  97. Quitting before really getting started (14 replies)
  98. Shock Gloves & Shock Frills (2 replies)
  99. azlan (24 replies)
  100. Physical Magicians (11 replies)
  101. Hazard Suits? (17 replies)
  102. Perfered SR3 chargen (37 replies)
  103. AR Gloves (2 replies)
  104. Phobia Negative Quality (14 replies)
  105. Two Questions (16 replies)
  106. Why shouldn't I buy SR4? (145 replies)
  107. Hestaby ? (7 replies)
  108. Technomancer Question (5 replies)
  109. Outdated Websites (2 replies)
  110. About Otaku... (30 replies)
  111. Reading...A matter of taste? (8 replies)
  112. Two questions about Spirits (1 reply)
  113. Eye Mods (16 replies)
  114. Healing Times (7 replies)
  115. Vehicles and vehicle combat (11 replies)
  116. New Shadowrun miniatures (5 replies)
  117. Organizing all the rules (7 replies)
  118. BuzzKill (15 replies)
  119. can I get a little help please (4 replies)
  120. Creating new PC's in an existing game? (6 replies)
  121. Electricity damage and the -2 (3 replies)
  122. Should I support my local comic shop? (25 replies)
  123. Non cyber eyeware question (26 replies)
  124. expanding a skill group (21 replies)
  125. How much do I see? (15 replies)
  126. The high-profile assasin. (38 replies)
  127. Magic Resistance & Critter Powers? (5 replies)
  128. Story Arc Help (9 replies)
  129. Street Magic (12 replies)
  130. Uncouth & Physical Mask (15 replies)
  131. Availability of Cybereyes Basic System (4 replies)
  132. US Military's Joint Combat Pistol program (187 replies)
  133. Open RPG (8 replies)
  134. When two PCs have it out for each other... (97 replies)
  135. Helpin a n00b (11 replies)
  136. The HK XM30 (13 replies)
  137. Street Gear Question (4 replies)
  138. Initiative Passes: Cyber/bio vs VR/astral (30 replies)
  139. Toxins and defense (7 replies)
  140. ISBN for Limited Edition? (9 replies)
  141. Mentor SPRITES?!?!?! (7 replies)
  142. A thank you to the game developers (0 replies)
  143. Spirits and Skills (7 replies)
  144. Advice from a GM standpoint (8 replies)
  145. [MrJBlackBook] Mr. J's Little Black Book (5 replies)
  146. If I buy SR4, should I buy Shadows of Asia? (5 replies)
  147. Upcoming books (102 replies)
  148. Alternative Sprawls (34 replies)
  149. "Ghost Hunters" (22 replies)
  150. A Shadowrun Christmas? (8 replies)
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