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Hey folks, I searched the database but didn't come up with any previous posts on Dart guns. Last night one of my player announced that he uses a Dart Pistol and a Dart Rifle as an alternative to deadly combat. The entire session was legwork so it didn't matter last night, but the run itself will be happening next Friday and I'm having a heck of a time finding the rules for these things. He uses a chemical that does 10D damage (!!!) and told me that its in the main book... WHERE?!?

10D?? Thats a killer damage code, if that is the case then why don't more runners use this? What is the defense against it? The run is against Sylvan Informations, the first adventure in the Harlequin book. There are six cyber enhanced Barghests that they have to tranq, then the run itself into a lightly secured office building. Can anyone help me with the rules on Dartguns and the scoop on the massive damage code for tranquilizer serum.

Thank you in advance.

I found this... reading it now. If anyone has anything to add its appreciated. smile.gif
Beginning on p. 249 of the BBB there are a few toxins listed, and I'm assuming that he forgot to mention the Stun part of that 10D chemical (which happens to be Gamma-Scopolamine).

The dart weapons themselves are listed on p. 116 of M&M, and around that same place are a plethora of new chemicals to play with.
Moonstone Spider
QUOTE (twofalls)
10D?? Thats a killer damage code, if that is the case then why don't more runners use this? What is the defense against it?

I believe armor helps against darts by rubbing off some chemical on the way in. There's also a few biowares and edges that make you more resistant to drugs. But the main reason most runners don't use chemicals like crazy is the cost, I believe each of those darts will be costing the player 300+ nuyen, and the really powerful drugs can easily wind up costing a thousand nuyen per shot. When ordinary bullets cost about 5 nuyen for a burst that will easily do 10D or more damage the cost adds up.
The White Dwarf
M&M has rules for the dart weapons, as well as any toxins that arent listend in SR3.

The darts themselves do 4L lowered by impact. But unless its stopped completly (ie hardend armor) the drug will also do its damage against natural body. And players can always called shot around armor anyhow (be sure to require a perception test against the armors concealability where applicable).

The various filtration 'wares help, as do antidote slap patches and a high natural body, But the chemicals do hit hard even with all the defenses you can buy. They have 1 drawback, which is the onset time. Even a time of Immediate (the fastest there is) will not kick in until the end of the combat turn... meaning even if the npc hit with 10D Stun is going to garuntee get knocked out, he gets 1 full round of actions before it happens. Time enough to radio for help, hit an alarm, or shoot the players. Also remember that since theres no attack test for the toxins, theres no success to stage the damage up, so if the npc can score at least 2 successes theyll never go out on the first hit.

As for the cost of the toxins, yea its a bit pricey if you buy everything. But given the rediculously easy "make it yourself" tns for anyone using the Chemisty knowledge skill, thats easily avoided. If your players really want to make a point of using drugs theres not much you can do about it; but then the same can be said of a lot of attack strategies players employ.
Even with the increased cost, the current chemical/dart rules are bullshit... They effectively bypass armor (1/2 Impact usually ends up being 1 or 2), and most of the drugs have really nasty side effects on top of TN penalties for wounds.

When a street sam needs to worry more about pepper spray than a 3-round burst from an AR, something is very wrong.
The White Dwarf
The half impact is irrelevent, its against a 4L hit. If you dont have 4 points of impact armor you dont belong in the shadows.

Its true about the side effects tho. Between getting hit by a taser, pepper punch, and hyper the target is likley out cold and if not is probably suffering something near +10 tn to all actions. Course, they get 3 seconds to act first. Spend em well.
QUOTE (The White Dwarf @ Oct 16 2004, 02:22 PM)
The half impact is irrelevent, its against a 4L hit.  If you dont have 4 points of impact armor you dont belong in the shadows.

Its true about the side effects tho.  Between getting hit by a taser, pepper punch, and hyper the target is likley out cold and if not is probably suffering something near +10 tn to all actions.  Course, they get 3 seconds to act first.  Spend em well.

I'm talking about the power of the drug being reduced by 1/2 impact armor - and there are no rules anywhere I could see that say you have to take damage from the dart to be affected - M&M p. 106 has the following:

Some weapons - from dartguns to squirt-guns - are designed to expose characters to drugs. Only drugs with a contact vector (squirt-guns, coated blades) or injection vector (dart-guns, needles) can be used in this way. If the attacker strikes the target and the target does not completely dodge the attack, he is considered exposed to the drug and must resist its efefcts.
Good attacks - those with many successes - will more fully expose the target, such as contacting more skin or piercing a good vein. Conversly, poor attacks - those with few successes - will limit exposure, such as only splashing the target or missing primary veins.

I see no mention of the drug only doing damage if the dart does damage - do the drug-delivery darts even have damage codes listed? If yes, where? The only listings I saw for empty ones were "as toxin".
Moonstone Spider
Oh yes, and any hardened armor apparently makes you immune to chemical delivery weapons that don't have a separate damage code so maybe there's hope for Gel packs yet.

Unless they still get to use called shot.
Wounded Ronin
I never found a damage code for the darts. I always assumed that if you were hit at all without hardened armor you had to resist the drug without any help from your impact armor, and if you dodged fully then there was no effect.
The White Dwarf

There is no where I saw where it says the drugs power is reduced by half of impact. Nor did I ever state so. If theres a quote that shows it, by all means post it. But the passage you cited has no mention of it.

Also, no where did I ever say the dart had to deal damage for the drug to work. I said if the dart was totally avoided (ie, hardened armor or dodge) then the drug never had a vector to affect the target. The reference to 4L there was resisting the darts damage, my claim was meant to imply that no runner would ever take damage from a 4L hit half impact or not. As in, the threat isnt the darts damage, its the toxin it carries. Spent a few minutes looking for the damage code as listed and didnt find it, mightve been in a module but could just as easily be lost on an obscure page or something we used as convetion in our games. The handcrossbow is 4L, the paintgun is 4L, and im pretty sure it came up in a module where the guards had darts doing 4L plus 6D Stun for narcoject. If the dart has no seperate damage code my point is unaffected; either you dodge the toxin or bend over.
QUOTE (The White Dwarf)

There is no where I saw where it says the drugs power is reduced by half of impact. Nor did I ever state so. If theres a quote that shows it, by all means post it. But the passage you cited has no mention of it.

Also, no where did I ever say the dart had to deal damage for the drug to work. I said if the dart was totally avoided (ie, hardened armor or dodge) then the drug never had a vector to affect the target. The reference to 4L there was resisting the darts damage, my claim was meant to imply that no runner would ever take damage from a 4L hit half impact or not. As in, the threat isnt the darts damage, its the toxin it carries. Spent a few minutes looking for the damage code as listed and didnt find it, mightve been in a module but could just as easily be lost on an obscure page or something we used as convetion in our games. The handcrossbow is 4L, the paintgun is 4L, and im pretty sure it came up in a module where the guards had darts doing 4L plus 6D Stun for narcoject. If the dart has no seperate damage code my point is unaffected; either you dodge the toxin or bend over.

The info on impact armor reducing power by 1/2 of the armor rating is on the same page I quoted, I just didn't feel like typing in the whole thing.

As for the rest, I could have sworn you did, but looking at it now, it's clear either my memory is going or you did some judicious editing. wink.gif
QUOTE (Moonstone Spider)
But the main reason most runners don't use chemicals like crazy is the cost, I believe each of those darts will be costing the player 300+ nuyen, and the really powerful drugs can easily wind up costing a thousand nuyen per shot.  When ordinary bullets cost about 5 nuyen for a burst that will easily do 10D or more damage the cost adds up.

QUOTE (The White Dwarf)
As for the cost of the toxins, yea its a bit pricey if you buy everything. But given the rediculously easy "make it yourself" tns for anyone using the Chemisty knowledge skill, thats easily avoided. If your players really want to make a point of using drugs theres not much you can do about it; but then the same can be said of a lot of attack strategies players employ.

Even better for the chemist, if they don't mind a bio hit, they can get chemical glands to make a few doses of it every day for them, and get immunity thrown in the package. If they nurse the stuff during their downtime, they can end up with quite a bit of it. Granted, the initial cost is extremely high (30k plus 100times cost of one dose, so 60k fo G-S), and with an avail of 10, starting char's wont have it, but it can be worth it if you plan to use a chemist for a while.

If a char desides G-S is out of the price range though, Narcoject and NeurostunIX are much cheaper. Then your question is: 8S, or 6D, hmmm.

Also, always remember that for any chemist, DMSO is your friend. Take anything that should be injected, and it just got a contact vector. Do note that it will give the target garlic breath though. Something the book never tells you.

Chemist will often try to use spray attacks, and sometimes fill their grenades with the stuff too. There's quite a range of prices on that too.

If his character doesn't have immunity to the stuff he's using, watch to see how careful he is with it. Carelessness can lead to him scratching the tip of his dart on himself, and knocking himself out before he gets to shoot it.
QUOTE (The White Dwarf @ Oct 16 2004, 02:10 PM)
They have 1 drawback, which is the onset time.  Even a time of Immediate (the fastest there is) will not kick in until the end of the combat turn

Immediate is listed as end of the combat turn. Several drugs (including gamma scop) have a speed listed as instantaneous witch is never defined. I never saw a SR2 book myself but I have been told that back then the difference was instant = as fast as bullets immediate = end of combat turn.

Has anybody got a SR3 reference to define instant re drug speeds?

As to self-exposure, that is why I prefer casual rounds. Accidental exposure is a non-event and they can be fired from a standard weapon. Even with the dart gun wouldn’t the darts be kept in a clip that makes accidental exposure unlikely?

The darts do come in a clip, but I'm trying to visualize how that would work, and I suppose pistol darts might be in a self-contained clip. Rifle darts I immagine being about the size of a stylus for a pda, so they'd be harder to have self-contained.

Also, while capsule rounds get around this, and can be fired from normal weapons, normal weapons make noise and flash, while darts do not, being mainly air powered.
Kremlin KOA
I like silencers cool.gif
Twofalls, there are several good responses above. I'll just summarize, and include page numbers.

Here are the basic places you need to look:
SR3.249 - Basic information on resisting affects.
SR3.250 - Neuro-stun, Narcoject, and Gamma-Scopolamine.
CC.51 - Hardened Armor can not be penetrated by dartguns, blowguns and needle attacks, all of which have no damage code.
MM.116 - cost and ranges for Dart Pistol, Rifle and darts.
MM.106 - rules for Exposure via Weapons
.. Antidote use
.. Additional Doses
.. Body Resistance Test
(says Instantaneous toxins are resisted at the end of the turn)

Target is affected if dodge isn't completely successful, and target isn't wearing hardened armor.
If delivery mechanism (e.g. capsule rounds) does damage, then extra successes of the attacker stage up that damage, otherwise each two successes raises the power of the drug by 1.
Combat pool dice may be used to offset the damage of the delivery mechanism (e.g. capsule rounds).
And Combat pool dice may be used to resist the effects of the drug, but just choose how many Combat Pool dice will be used and set them aside, as the final power is not yet known.
A second dose delivered before the first takes affect will raise the damage level (L, M, S, D) one level.
Third and subsequent doses before the first takes affect will raise the power of the drug by 1.
The power of the drug is normally lowered by half the rating of impact armor, but a successful called shot to an unarmored part of the target nullifies any impact armor worn. If the weapon also causes damage (e.g. capsule rounds) then the called shot can either raise the Damage Level of that, or can negate the worn armor.
At the end of the speed time, the Body roll to resist is made, using all the above adjustments, and any Combat Pool dice set aside when the first dose was delivered.

I hope that helps.
The White Dwarf
mmu1, its cool these things happen. One day I checked 4 different message boards and the post I made at the end of that day made little sense. Np.
Another question (sorry to resurrect an old thread, but its relevant. To me, anyhow).

The SR3 errata states that shots can be called to bypass armour. Would this apply to hardened armour? What about a full set of milspec plus helmet? Take this as a general question if you like, because if you can do it to milspec with a gun, I see no reason why you can't do it with a dart. I'm curious, because in one of the fiction pieces in Renraku Shutdown, one of the special forces team gets hit in the hand with a dart, and it affects them just fine. On the assumption that being special forces going into an unknown situation would probably warrant at least a full suit of light milspec plus helmet, probably with hazmat gear and an air supply, I figure the only way this could happen is if it was a called shot.

However, I do understand that its from a fiction piece, and shutdown is an SR2 book. So as far as rules mechanic's go, I'm sure some of you will dismiss it (and fairly so, but some might not, and I think that's fair enough too). But I'm curious what people think.

True, I'm mainly asking because one of my player teams is about to finally finish completely outfitting everyone with milspec, and I want to know if they can still be felled without a headshot from a handcannon that might kill them outright! (I CAN think of other ways, but I'm interested in this specific approach because its quite lo-tek)
Oh, and I also recognise that those bumblebees would have a REAL hard time making called shots with the number of dice they have, but hey *shrugs*, its Deus...
Herald of Verjigorm
QUOTE (spotlite)
The SR3 errata states that shots can be called to bypass armour.

No, the SR3 FAQ states that any shot can be called to bypass armor. By the books, that's only an option for chemical delivery.
There is much opposition to FAQ rulings on this forum, so you may expect some severe anti-FAQ angst spouted in this thread.

So, for the actual intent you asked about, yes you can try to bypass armor with bumblebee stinging. If it's hardened armor with chemical seal, then it should probably be un-bypassable. Soft armor with chemical seal, no bypassing but can be pierced. Otherwise, aim for the groin, it's rarely armored to enable mobility.
Sorry. I meant FAQ. I just checked the errata first. Ok, well, for the purposes of my question if anyone else wants a pop at it (thanks for the heads up and the interpretation Herald), can we assume that the FAQ is generally taken as acceptable as far as I'm concerned? Generally. I'm happy to hear reasons why not, but there's probably already a thread on that somewhere...!

Oh, and herald - why would the chemseal make a difference against a dart? surely that would be punctured if the armour was capable of being bypassed?

What I'm getting at is - is a full suit of hardened milspec considered hardened on every possible location? The gloves? the neck? Entirely? obviously it doesn't really go into that much detail in the book, but it seems to me that if for instance the gloves (or joints, or whatever) were completely hardened, you would have a hard time gripping your gun without a specially modified grip, wouldn't you? I can see a hazmat or other seal remaining intact without hardening, but this would not be armoured in and of itself, so surely would have no effect on a dart as opposed to a slap patch?

I'm getting myself confused, I'm sure, and possibly too concerned with detail here, but my players have a worrying tendency to go into that much detail occasionally!

I'm not being argumentative, I'm just trying to get to grips with it.
Most tactical teams nowadays issue body armor with a groin covering.
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