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  1. Cyberlimb house-rule results? (12 replies)
  2. New ways to get notoreity (26 replies)
  3. Singin the machine gun blues... (26 replies)
  4. Counterspell - Spell Defense (19 replies)
  5. What was the weirdest situation... (42 replies)
  6. Cyberware and Computer Security (9 replies)
  7. astral visability (10 replies)
  8. Building a Villan (8 replies)
  9. First Run (16 replies)
  10. Dude, they attacked my apt! (39 replies)
  11. How do you sneak past a spirit? (72 replies)
  12. Good Freaking Gods! Levitation Amazement. (21 replies)
  13. Attacking Magical Foci (16 replies)
  14. Old age and Leonization (8 replies)
  15. Dispelling Defence (3 replies)
  16. Supression Fire (30 replies)
  17. Character Creation: Skill Groups Question (34 replies)
  18. Character creation - skill groups question (5 replies)
  19. Dumpshock Times (27 replies)
  20. Where are the previews of upcoming products? (22 replies)
  21. Astral Summoning and Spellcasting (2 replies)
  22. Spell defense and LOS (5 replies)
  23. How to contact a gang (13 replies)
  24. Gotta love... (23 replies)
  25. Contact's too uber? (20 replies)
  26. Bonding Foci at Character Creation? (1 reply)
  27. Intercept Traffic (11 replies)
  28. Important knowledge skills for a street doc? (4 replies)
  29. Music for Runners (64 replies)
  30. Deckers in 2070 (6 replies)
  31. Additional Cyberlimbs and new rigger options? (9 replies)
  32. Knife Amnesty in UK (228 replies)
  33. Something Fidhy in Tir Na n'Og! (4 replies)
  34. Levitate versus combat drone (11 replies)
  35. Continued spirit discussion (27 replies)
  36. Correct order of Shadowrun Books (2 replies)
  37. New Spell: Dreamwalk (4 replies)
  38. signal 9 technomancer... (14 replies)
  39. Summoning Spirits (2 replies)
  40. Augmented/unaugmented Attributes (10 replies)
  41. Warding whole buildings (26 replies)
  42. Going for the Long Haul (33 replies)
  43. Spicing Up Combat (29 replies)
  44. Negative Quality-Phobias? (30 replies)
  45. Suppressive Fire (2 replies)
  46. Do RPG players dislike depressing settings? (150 replies)
  47. Matrix Questions (21 replies)
  48. Post-Apocalyptic Modding (12 replies)
  49. One Cyber-arm, Two handed rifles (5 replies)
  50. Dead Man's Trigger question (11 replies)
  51. Spirit Possession question (42 replies)
  52. Sustaining Innate Spell (35 replies)
  53. Rigging/Hacking: help! (83 replies)
  54. Shadow Income (69 replies)
  55. Shadow vs. Armor's glow (7 replies)
  56. Need Feedback on my idea... (5 replies)
  57. Dudukain's Dedicated Character Thread (58 replies)
  58. Security Armor (59 replies)
  59. An alternative to soysages (34 replies)
  60. The lowest of the low (62 replies)
  61. Ram Damage vs people in vehicle (3 replies)
  62. Chaining Comlinks (30 replies)
  63. Knowledge skills (43 replies)
  64. Non-Corporate Runs (5 replies)
  65. Contact Lens (36 replies)
  66. You can't Damage a Node... (16 replies)
  67. Cyberlimbs (3 replies)
  68. Long Bursts, Full Bursts and Multiple Targets (5 replies)
  69. New to the boards - some questions (27 replies)
  70. Damage (17 replies)
  71. Keeping track of large combats (7 replies)
  72. Shadorun e-books (5 replies)
  73. specialization question (1 reply)
  74. Ally spirits (7 replies)
  75. Another cry for help - Matrix Generator (3 replies)
  76. Bullet Ricochet (29 replies)
  77. Drones... Drones... and more Drones... (14 replies)
  78. comlinks response and signal attributes (5 replies)
  79. Headware commlinks (4 replies)
  80. Chase combat houserules (4 replies)
  81. some newbie questions (8 replies)
  82. So 'softs affect response? (6 replies)
  83. Making character sheets (7 replies)
  84. Fanning the hammer (7 replies)
  85. Average income in SR? (5 replies)
  86. My work in progess/not-so-dedicated char thread (5 replies)
  87. Hacking Default (26 replies)
  88. Limit on number of spirits (3 replies)
  89. How do you and your group handle distance? (28 replies)
  90. Commlink/AR interface questions (13 replies)
  91. Spirits and Corp Complex (10 replies)
  92. SR4 websites (14 replies)
  93. Sustaining Foci (5 replies)
  94. Rigging / Drones (5 replies)
  95. Paid per day? (9 replies)
  96. Rules Question (13 replies)
  97. Finding a Node (11 replies)
  98. How is matrix combat handled (3 replies)
  99. Very non complex question about wireless and nodes (8 replies)
  100. Question: Adept Powers (2 replies)
  101. Mages and Direct Spells, Iam i missing something.. (26 replies)
  102. Nodes (11 replies)
  103. Movement the Power (31 replies)
  104. Over the top Force (101 replies)
  105. Commlink Headware Delta Essence (14 replies)
  106. Alternate History Ideas? (14 replies)
  107. Explaining SR ammo costs (12 replies)
  108. Caribbean League Information? (5 replies)
  109. Couple of questions... (4 replies)
  110. Publicity in the Shadowworld (15 replies)
  111. Free spirits in a body (3 replies)
  112. Dungeon crawls in Shadowrun (18 replies)
  113. Contrete Dreams (5 replies)
  114. Is it possable to play a character who.... (12 replies)
  115. Meet my ally spirit...a motorcycle? (56 replies)
  116. A story line comes to an end (15 replies)
  117. The flavor is in the wine... (29 replies)
  118. Technomancy (31 replies)
  119. Posted this in the wrong forum (6 replies)
  120. Greater spirits vs normal spirits (7 replies)
  121. RL Tamanous (21 replies)
  122. Panther XXL 'recoil' ? (54 replies)
  123. Technomancer Bonus in VR Questions (7 replies)
  124. The unhackable drone. (21 replies)
  125. Powerful Sprites (32 replies)
  126. Bots on page 240 (2 replies)
  127. Shadowrun Slogans (28 replies)
  128. Shadowrun founder slowly creating Horizon Corp (2 replies)
  129. Networking Tricks (24 replies)
  130. Quick hint to a DM that needs to know (11 replies)
  131. Magical attacks (10 replies)
  132. LoneStar Gear (56 replies)
  133. Was there a Sprawl Encounter Generator? (16 replies)
  134. License Please? (10 replies)
  135. SOTA 2063 and 2064 (49 replies)
  136. The World Cup... (4 replies)
  137. Fake ID cop (21 replies)
  138. KK's Dedicated Character page (34 replies)
  139. attacking through foci? (23 replies)
  140. Question on sustained spells (7 replies)
  141. Ratings for unreated gear? (2 replies)
  142. Comlink's Firewall and System ratings? (26 replies)
  143. Urban Brawl (14 replies)
  144. Detection Spells (24 replies)
  145. I've got my can of Spray'd-AR... (30 replies)
  146. Weapon Types versus Barriers (8 replies)
  147. Cyberware Vs. Bioware (43 replies)
  148. SR4 counterspelling (57 replies)
  149. Character Sheets (8 replies)
  150. Barrens (29 replies)
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