Jun 21 2006, 09:24 AM
About 5 years and 3 computers ago, I found a very nifty little generator for matrix nodes with included security sheafs (<-is that even a word?).
Now, I'm actually going to USE a damned decker, and I was looking for it.
Any links?
Jun 21 2006, 09:28 AM
MotherF^&King SOB
- Simply Google for "shadowrun matrix generator".
Of course I didn't find it the first time, the ADSL cord had fallen out.
Pray, excuse my stupidity.
Crusher Bob
Jun 21 2006, 09:28 AM
Shadowrun Matrix GeneratorYour Google-fu is weak, old man.
Jun 21 2006, 10:15 AM
One thing I would /love/ to see would be
this done for SR3. Could make games a bit more interesting, at least in my opinion. Deckers could do their own thing while the gm is dealing with the rest of the group or whatever.