Jun 5 2006, 04:31 PM
Fake ID cop
Can you hope to get away with such a thing?
Clearly if it fails the check your in a world of hurt. but if it passes…
I’m thinking you would need to get a fake ID and fake licenses for everything a cop would have licenses for. This will include
full body armor,
pistol ownership
shotgun ownership
possibly larger gun ownership
shock weapon ownership
open carry weapon (in uniform only)
conceal carry weapon
use of marked police car
police training certificate
police badge number
that’s 10. anything else you can think of
you could ask for a discount because there all in one place, so less hacking to set them up. But you could get charged double for asking to pretend to work for the star.
Once you got a high rating police sin you would be able to get a lot done far more easily. Most people want to at least give the impression of cooperating with the police. You could even call the police information center, quote your badge number and have them run background checks for you.
Other useful fake IDs include government agent (FBI, CIA), and military commander (with the right to requisition equipment naturally) these have the advantage that your history can be marked classified so you wont have trouble with mutual acquaintances or having served at the same post as somebody you meet
Remember the payoffs may be big. But the first time your sin fails a check, or you don’t behave in accordance with your ID (such as keeping the gear you requisitioned) not only will your fake id be flagged but lots of people with lots of resources and a personal interest will make it there business to make your life very unpleasant.
Jun 5 2006, 04:35 PM
Perhaps a bit more realistic.
Purchasing agent for a AA corp’s extraterritorial out of town site. Combined with a very healthy bank balance and some suitably painted trucks and you can buy anything (including restricted and forbidden equipment) without needing to wait for the availability time to pass.
Also once it has worked once if the salesman you dealt with the first time ever works out the truth you can always blackmail him. of cause that has risks to
Ok not much more realistic
Jun 5 2006, 04:37 PM
QUOTE (Edward) |
Fake ID cop Can you hope to get away with such a thing?
Clearly if it fails the check your in a world of hurt. but if it passes…
I’m thinking you would need to get a fake ID and fake licenses for everything a cop would have licenses for. This will include full body armor, pistol ownership shotgun ownership possibly larger gun ownership shock weapon ownership open carry weapon (in uniform only) conceal carry weapon use of marked police car police training certificate police badge number that’s 10. anything else you can think of
you could ask for a discount because there all in one place, so less hacking to set them up. But you could get charged double for asking to pretend to work for the star.
Once you got a high rating police sin you would be able to get a lot done far more easily. Most people want to at least give the impression of cooperating with the police. You could even call the police information center, quote your badge number and have them run background checks for you.
Other useful fake IDs include government agent (FBI, CIA), and military commander (with the right to requisition equipment naturally) these have the advantage that your history can be marked classified so you wont have trouble with mutual acquaintances or having served at the same post as somebody you meet
Remember the payoffs may be big. But the first time your sin fails a check, or you don’t behave in accordance with your ID (such as keeping the gear you requisitioned) not only will your fake id be flagged but lots of people with lots of resources and a personal interest will make it there business to make your life very unpleasant. |
are shock weapons even restricted?
Jun 5 2006, 05:05 PM
Shock glove, 3R
Stun baton, 4R
Shock frills, 6R
Surprisingly tazers (which work at range) are completely unrestricted, availability –
Easier to get hold of than a tube of nano paste trodes.
Jun 5 2006, 05:37 PM
Getting a fake ID that says your a cop should be extremely difficult. Those are the databases that logically should have the most protection. In reality they want but logically they should. If you do get such an ID additional licenses should be unnecessary. All that is required is a training certificate at most. Today, in the US, police officers can purchase and possess Class III firearms without the restrictions imposed on civilians. Likewise, a current or former police officer only needs a single training certificate to carry a firearm in any State. You wouldn't even need a record that says you're currently a police officer to run roughshod over weapons restrictions. So long as you were not discharged for misconduct you should be able to carry any weapon, restricted or forbidden, with only a single document.
But, due to jurisdictional concerns in the Sixth World such an ID does not go nearly as far as it may have in the Fifth World. Lone Star officers aren't cops. They're private security forces who are contracted to protect certain municipalities. For this reason, their status under UCAS federal law is questionable. They may be given the same status as other police officers and it is certain that both LS and KE have lobbyists that will work towards such a goal. On the other hand, the prevailing legal theory may treat them as private security forces and only give far-reaching police privileges to members of government-run law enforcement agencies.
Likewise, police officers have no power or privilege in foreign countries. As such, your police ID means diddly squat across the boarder in Renraku Ark or any other megacorp facility, not to mention Tir, the NANs, Aztlan, Taxas, California, the CAS, and every other sovereign territory in the world. Being identified as a member of LS and KE in this case may help. If contracted security officers have recognized police privileges in multiple jurisdictions then fake membership in a major security firm would mean that your privileges will cross these boarders.
Jun 5 2006, 06:18 PM
Even as a lonstar officer, as part of the Seattle police contract I would expect special treatment in the renraku arcology. I may have no official standing but they wont want to give the impression of failing to respect you. They will be polite about there inability to answer my questions, promes to send me the reports from there internal investigation, request the same from me and send me on my way.
With careful selection of crime, perpetrator and victim they may be willing to allow me to conduct an interrogation or even to consider an extradition (if the person I want is not somebody they want to keep) this could gain me access to parts of there facilities not otherwise available.
As to the acquiring of military hard wear, I worked out you don’t need a fake id with a rating.
Any hacker could make the data that constitutes a fake id. It’s the putting on the databases (some of which do not have external write access at all) that is so hard.
So you show up to the army base with a ID that if real would get you in the how high club, you hack the ID verification hardware hard and fast (a handheld unit wont be above rating 4, so you will /probably/ avoid an alarm) and instruct it to display authorization without actually checking the ID (the speed required may require some familiarity with the system involved so there is a small setup run before the main event) you take everything you want sign of on it and leave, never to be seen again.
Depending on what you took ether in a few days or when the next inventory is done you acquire at least one enemy. The army you stole from. You may also have insulted individual officers sufficiently that they will become your personal enemies, so you want to do this without leaving any fingerprints at all.
So just how badly do you want a military T-bird with ECM6, ECCM 6. ED 6, ECD 6 sensor 6 pilot 6 all relevant autosofts at 6, armor 30, 2 HMGs 2 LMGs and 2 missile laungers (with 30 tir to ground and 30 air to air missiles (rating 6 sensor, guidance and targeting). The military will even disable there tracking tags for your of the books mission.
Jun 5 2006, 07:08 PM
I kinda assumed that fake sins were more of a joe shmoe type thing. If I were to allow a special fake SIN the price would go up considerably and the chances of it being blown are high..
Jun 5 2006, 07:12 PM
In the world of SR, everyone and their mother packs a gun. They have become ubiquitous. Joe Average Citizen may well be carrying a pistol he has no permit for. Cops are unlikely to even bother him should they spot the weapon. And, if they check him out and find out he doesn't have a permit for his gun, he'll get the equivalent of a speeding ticket: attitude from the cops, he'll promise tol get a permit as soon as possible, and a fine.
Considering how much of a non-issue having a gun is, I don't see why cops wouldn't get permits galore to have whatever the hell they want short of fully automatic weapon. Though, considering the Thunderbolt is a sort of machine pistol, I wouldn't be surprused if they could get permit for fully automatic weapons.
However, I agree that places such as the Renraku Arcology, or other closed, secured locations, have a total ban on weapons inside the premises. Since the area can be, and is, controlled, unlike the streets, it would make sense for visiting police or whatever to have to check their guns with security. Though, as a roleplay opportunity, you could make it likely that the Renraku security grunt could be talked into letting a "cop brother" keep a pistol or something, out of respect.
Jun 5 2006, 07:55 PM
I'm not sure a Lone Star ID would get you that far at all. The Lone Star megacorp probably supplies its personel with standard issue guns ( last I checked they're pretty good guns ) and probably handles the supply of more exotic weaponry on as needed basis. Lone Star then keeps detailed records on who owns which guns. What's more each gun is probably tagged ( probably in a way not easy to be removed ) so it can be linked back to its original owner.
Note : Also keep in mind that any outside guns the cops do purchase will probably be "Drop guns" ( Weapons to plant on the suspects after a "I thought he was armed" moment ) or other weapons that the cop doesn't want his mother corp to know he's got.
So unless the character has the cajones to take his fake Lone Star ID to a Lone Star supply sergeant I'm not sure just how much good the ID will be when it comes to buying weapons. On the flip side, Lone Star probably provides the standard issue stuff at a considerable discount. ( maybe even free ) Just remember your ID needs to spoof Lone Star's own personal databases ( there's got to be a negative dice modifier for that ), you've got to do a good enough job acting like a cop to pass muster and that if you get caught you're smack dab in the middle of Lone Star extra-territorial property surrounded by armed cops.
And as nasty as that sounds, Knight Errant would probably be much worse.
Jun 6 2006, 01:30 PM
I don’t see why an LS ID would take a penalty on a LS check. If anything it would deserve a bonus. If your making a LS ID what database would be the first one to show up on your “pleases to insert data” list.
As to weapon IDs, you obtain a loan star gun threw means fair or (lets face it more likely) foul and when the ID is being constructed they change the allocation of that weapon.
FBI id would be more useful however. The loan star cops working in the UCAS would still need to hand over prisoners to the feds on request.
Its all about having the minerals to fake your self an invitation to your marks how high club.
Jun 6 2006, 05:04 PM
I don’t see why an LS ID would take a penalty on a LS check. If anything it would deserve a bonus. If your making a LS ID what database would be the first one to show up on your “pleases to insert data” list. |
If the non-Lone Star organization wants to run a check on your Lone Star ID. The check will be made against the "public" Lone Star database with a few cross-reference checks to other databases. ( also available publicly )
When trying to use a Lone Star SIN on Lone Star property not only does your name get checked on the "public" Lone Star database but you'll get checked against the multiple "private" Lone Star databases. And it will be more than a "is your name there?" check. The check will include such interesting data as service record, supervisor, and requistion or purchase history. And then they'll check your name against some secure backups. Some of those back-ups may even be hidden in obscure corners of the Lone Star net to catch over-confident hackers.
The Lone Star employee or computer checking the SIN has many more resources at his disposal to prove the SIN as fake than the non-Lone Star guy.
Jun 7 2006, 03:11 PM
I was more under the impression that a check of a loan star ID from a non loan star scanner would start buy sending a request to loan star with all the records your comlink is displaying and ask “is this person really one of yours”. They would of cause want to check it well because somebody might be trying to blame something on them.
Any ID would be sent to the issuing organization for verification as a well as other sorses for cross referencing.
The tricks associated with getting into enough databases and secure redundant records to pass a test is what represents a fake ids rating
Jun 7 2006, 05:10 PM
QUOTE (booklord) |
I'm not sure a Lone Star ID would get you that far at all. The Lone Star megacorp probably supplies its personel with standard issue guns ( last I checked they're pretty good guns ) and probably handles the supply of more exotic weaponry on as needed basis. Lone Star then keeps detailed records on who owns which guns. What's more each gun is probably tagged ( probably in a way not easy to be removed ) so it can be linked back to its original owner. |
Yes, but in many countries police are exempt from private gun control laws. That means you could just take your badge and police ID to any gun store anywhere in the UCAS, plop down your badge, and get a Panther Assualt Cannon at retail price without any sort of waiting period or background check. You'd just need to fill out a little bit of paperwork. Lone Star regulations ould almost certainly prohibit you from carrying a PAC on duty but you can always carry it when off duty.
Jun 7 2006, 06:08 PM
QUOTE (Edward) |
I was more under the impression that a check of a loan star ID from a non loan star scanner would start buy sending a request to loan star with all the records your comlink is displaying and ask “is this person really one of yours”. They would of cause want to check it well because somebody might be trying to blame something on them. |
Any database that is checked by Lone Star upon an outside request would be considered public. ( and the ones most likely to be hacked ) The private ones would be for Lone Star's own internal security. It may sound callous but Lone Star is a megacorp. Their top priority is profit. So when an outside source asks for verification, they'll give it but they won't go the extra mile. But when its someone trying to rip them off. Then they'll go that extra mile and then some.
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
Yes, but in many countries police are exempt from private gun control laws. That means you could just take your badge and police ID to any gun store anywhere in the UCAS, plop down your badge, and get a Panther Assualt Cannon at retail price without any sort of waiting period or background check. You'd just need to fill out a little bit of paperwork. Lone Star regulations ould almost certainly prohibit you from carrying a PAC on duty but you can always carry it when off duty. |
It would take far more than a Lone Star ID to buy a Panther Cannon from a non-Lone Star store. My guess is that you'd need some sort of UCAS military approved mercenary certification and a background check so thorough they'd ask you to come back tomorrow. Also you'd need to purchase from a military supplier. Since all of them are either extra-territorial or heavily linked to the UCAS military, you wouldn't even get through the door with a Lone Star ID.
Not the Lone Star doesn't have panther cannons. I'm sure they do. But their personnel would probably only be allowed to remove them from their highly secure armories on extra territorial property and use them in extreme emergencys like a dragon attacking downtown Seattle. And then they're expected to put them back.
Jun 8 2006, 07:52 PM
Remember the advertising campaign “Aries arms Africa, we shore do”. The megacorp arms dealers are not all that fussy you want a tank. You don’t need permission to have a tank, just permission to ship a tank and Aries arms will deliver it to your ship.
Jun 8 2006, 08:04 PM
QUOTE (booklord) |
QUOTE (Edward) | I was more under the impression that a check of a loan star ID from a non loan star scanner would start buy sending a request to loan star with all the records your comlink is displaying and ask “is this person really one of yours”. They would of cause want to check it well because somebody might be trying to blame something on them. |
Any database that is checked by Lone Star upon an outside request would be considered public. ( and the ones most likely to be hacked ) The private ones would be for Lone Star's own internal security. It may sound callous but Lone Star is a megacorp. Their top priority is profit. So when an outside source asks for verification, they'll give it but they won't go the extra mile. But when its someone trying to rip them off. Then they'll go that extra mile and then some.
QUOTE (hyzmarca) | Yes, but in many countries police are exempt from private gun control laws. That means you could just take your badge and police ID to any gun store anywhere in the UCAS, plop down your badge, and get a Panther Assualt Cannon at retail price without any sort of waiting period or background check. You'd just need to fill out a little bit of paperwork. Lone Star regulations ould almost certainly prohibit you from carrying a PAC on duty but you can always carry it when off duty. |
It would take far more than a Lone Star ID to buy a Panther Cannon from a non-Lone Star store. My guess is that you'd need some sort of UCAS military approved mercenary certification and a background check so thorough they'd ask you to come back tomorrow. Also you'd need to purchase from a military supplier. Since all of them are either extra-territorial or heavily linked to the UCAS military, you wouldn't even get through the door with a Lone Star ID.
Not the Lone Star doesn't have panther cannons. I'm sure they do. But their personnel would probably only be allowed to remove them from their highly secure armories on extra territorial property and use them in extreme emergencys like a dragon attacking downtown Seattle. And then they're expected to put them back.
I'd imagine that anything necessitating a 20mm freaking anti-materiel rifle would immediately be passed off to the local military garrison. In Seattle's case, that's what, the Metroplex Guard? The local National Guard? I can't imagine Lone Star - or any other public security company - possessing that kind of firepower.
Jun 8 2006, 08:32 PM
Alternately, you could go for a fake personal security specialist (high grade) kinda ID. In the days of SR, independent security providers that can do facility and personal security and use lethal force are much more present. Subsidiary of X which is a Subsidiary of Y of...etc.
Jun 9 2006, 05:50 AM
QUOTE (booklord @ Jun 7 2006, 08:08 PM) |
Not the Lone Star doesn't have panther cannons. I'm sure they do. But their personnel would probably only be allowed to remove them from their highly secure armories on extra territorial property[...] |
By the way: Is Lone Star an extra territorial corporation?
Jun 9 2006, 06:10 AM
QUOTE (Oracle) |
QUOTE (booklord @ Jun 7 2006, 08:08 PM) | Not the Lone Star doesn't have panther cannons. I'm sure they do. But their personnel would probably only be allowed to remove them from their highly secure armories on extra territorial property[...] |
By the way: Is Lone Star an extra territorial corporation?
I'm pretty sure they're a AA megacorp. ( which seems kind of odd since they're so specialized to operations )
Crusher Bob
Jun 9 2006, 06:41 AM
Think you have to be AAA to get extra-territoriality.
Consider that the NYPD has something like 39,000 sworn officers, plus all the usual broom pushers, etc that would qualify for A or AA status right there.
Jun 9 2006, 07:29 AM
According to Corporate Download, p. 10, Lone Star is an AA megacorp. AAs are by definition extraterritorial megacorps. Extraterritoriality is what separates them from the A levels. AAA means the corporation sits in the Corporate Court.
I'm pretty sure that Lone Star has access to Panther assault cannons. It's stated in the Lone Star sourcebook that their Fast Response Teams normally carry stuff like H&K HK227s, but if circumstances necessitate, they can get assault rifles with grenade launchers, assault cannons, and miniguns. Heck, for their Highway Patrol units, they even got LAVs with Vanquisher miniguns. It reminds me of that poster of an Apache helicopter enforcing speed limits.
Jun 16 2006, 12:49 PM
According to Corporate Download, p. 10, Lone Star is an AA megacorp. AAs are by definition extraterritorial megacorps. Extraterritoriality is what separates them from the A levels. AAA means the corporation sits in the Corporate Court. |
Anycase we could get a page number on that? I thought only the AAA had exterterritorial status.
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