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  1. Different Campaign for SR4 rules (8 replies)
  2. What other niches can a hacker/rigger fulfill (20 replies)
  3. Whats better for hacking/rigging? (27 replies)
  4. Mundane Hacker/Rigger/Support Basics (3 replies)
  5. Martial Arts in Shadowrun (63 replies)
  6. Mages, and those who play them. (62 replies)
  7. War In Tsimshian (4 replies)
  8. Some questions I was going to ask Rob (8 replies)
  9. SR slang (5 replies)
  10. The way the game is played... (11 replies)
  11. Sustaining foci (8 replies)
  12. Ehran's speech (34 replies)
  13. the future is now? (8 replies)
  14. Questions (57 replies)
  15. Drugs and their street price (6 replies)
  16. Quick fix for matrix-users (20 replies)
  17. Multiple Spirits for Aid Sorcery? (23 replies)
  18. Character Critique: Redux (17 replies)
  19. Paydata Prices (15 replies)
  20. Rule Clarification (7 replies)
  21. rules for asian mentor deus ex machina flashback (18 replies)
  22. Question on the Down Cycle... (4 replies)
  23. is up! (29 replies)
  24. RL Cyberpsychosis (7 replies)
  25. Why Japanacorps are Badass [RL] (62 replies)
  26. Sample Systems to Hack (5 replies)
  27. Moved: Sample Systems to Hack (-- replies)
  28. Anyone have any extra books? (7 replies)
  29. government control of thought (9 replies)
  30. Emergence Q&A (8 replies)
  31. The Way of the Grey (6 replies)
  32. Mage Sight Goggles (23 replies)
  33. Mentor Spirits (14 replies)
  34. Why was Lugh Surehand exiled? (7 replies)
  35. Grounding through Foci (23 replies)
  36. Agents and Response (112 replies)
  37. A 'runner who's been around a while (17 replies)
  38. Critical Strike (11 replies)
  39. Running BRAINSCAN (11 replies)
  40. Writers Guidelines (10 replies)
  41. Help with Vehicle Combat please? (7 replies)
  42. Dennou Coil (13 replies)
  43. Catching the game master, on the spot! (23 replies)
  44. Stock? (40 replies)
  45. A double fistful of combat dice? (94 replies)
  46. Special Forces Challenge (5 replies)
  47. A new take on Alienation (8 replies)
  48. Humanoid drone (4 replies)
  49. Redlining cyberlimbs (137 replies)
  50. Punk in SR (81 replies)
  51. Web Gear etc.. (5 replies)
  52. European Adventure (26 replies)
  53. Technomancers relay as Nodes? (5 replies)
  54. A question on Submersion (8 replies)
  55. out-of-body using VR googles... (0 replies)
  56. Twitterpated (0 replies)
  57. Explosive damage scaling (63 replies)
  58. Positive Changling Qualities (15 replies)
  59. SR needs 80s shurikens (10 replies)
  60. My Own Private Delta Clinic (32 replies)
  61. Augmentation Preview, PDF, and PDF + Pre-Order (10 replies)
  62. Casting Indirect Combat Spells on Oneself... (6 replies)
  63. Possessing a lock (29 replies)
  64. Passkeys and Hackers (25 replies)
  65. Mr. Magoo Challenge (235 replies)
  66. Putting the Right Things Wrong (6 replies)
  67. Reforming the Rigger's Rolls (4 replies)
  68. Intercepting wired signals (23 replies)
  69. Utility of More Agent talk (21 replies)
  70. Flaw: Pink Mohawk? (40 replies)
  71. Friends and Foes (27 replies)
  72. Spirit and Critter Combat (3rd Ed) (1 reply)
  73. Barrett Sniper Rifle Stats (37 replies)
  74. Spicing up Combat Spells (32 replies)
  75. steam-powered cyberarm?! (3 replies)
  76. Initiative and No Cyberware (11 replies)
  77. Discovering Node/System capabilities (8 replies)
  78. Question about Captain Chaos (18 replies)
  79. Mumm-Ra (18 replies)
  80. MBT Stats for SR4 (106 replies)
  81. About time (36 replies)
  82. Inhabiting wimps (18 replies)
  83. Please clarify some magic stuff (30 replies)
  84. Tracking and cybercombat (21 replies)
  85. Firearms (166 replies)
  86. Karma Costs (13 replies)
  87. Silly Body Mods (23 replies)
  88. Intiative Passes (17 replies)
  89. Global Warming + Boat = Free Spirits? (2 replies)
  90. Spirits, Stun Damage, & Disruption (9 replies)
  91. Essence-free limb replacement (2 replies)
  92. Stick n' Shock (56 replies)
  93. Need suggestions on legwork (9 replies)
  94. Stick n' Shock: The Poll (19 replies)
  95. Liam O'Conner (41 replies)
  96. Chicago 2070? (31 replies)
  97. Case of the BTLes (36 replies)
  98. Saw 'Stranger then Fiction' last week (7 replies)
  99. Prospective Characters (26 replies)
  100. Dr. David Banner (23 replies)
  101. Spirit Movement power vs Vehicles (70 replies)
  102. Were can I get books! (3 replies)
  103. RL Wireless/Counterwireless Combat (6 replies)
  104. RL open air light projector (0 replies)
  105. two weapons and recoil (107 replies)
  106. The Limits of Movement (71 replies)
  107. Are there any range limits on sustaining powers? (21 replies)
  108. Radar Scanner / Ultrasound and others.. (9 replies)
  109. Missions' Patient Zero (2 replies)
  110. Mafia war (0 replies)
  111. Twittering from Gen Con (0 replies)
  112. Perception range (10 replies)
  113. Blow'n Drek up (41 replies)
  114. SR4 Shadowtalk (87 replies)
  115. The World's Most Advanced Bionic Arm (2 replies)
  116. NPC Roster 3 (21 replies)
  117. Commandos? (1 reply)
  118. Quirks! (35 replies)
  119. Smartlink question (43 replies)
  120. Manatech (57 replies)
  121. I need an adventure... (10 replies)
  122. Official Site? (1 reply)
  123. They Did a Bad-Bad Thing (123 replies)
  124. Are people still goblinizing? (38 replies)
  125. Running Multipliers? (3 replies)
  126. GenCon 2007 Shadowrun Events and Locations (0 replies)
  127. Moved: Running Multipliers? (-- replies)
  128. Running Speed (4 replies)
  129. Will this revolutionize explosives? (9 replies)
  130. A Free Spirit (0 replies)
  131. Decking vs Magic (1 reply)
  132. Why is Bio SOTA (28 replies)
  133. Firearms/Infantry Supplement (20 replies)
  134. Revisiting Ultrasound (9 replies)
  135. Dragon challenge (422 replies)
  136. Made By Heaven (4 replies)
  137. Chinese Surveillance. (0 replies)
  138. Enrichening the Setting (75 replies)
  139. Negative Notoriety (29 replies)
  140. Street Date for Augmentation (20 replies)
  141. Possession and Cyberware (2 replies)
  142. Drones, Drones, Drones, (42 replies)
  143. Bring the new comers up to speed (41 replies)
  144. Adept detective building (31 replies)
  145. Zero Sum Gain (35 replies)
  146. Free Ally Spirt (14 replies)
  147. TV Show with Shadowrun steal-potential (6 replies)
  148. Commandos ala Shadowrun (7 replies)
  149. Microtrancievers (130 replies)
  150. Magical Compounds (5 replies)
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