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  1. New SR GM with a buncha questions (47 replies)
  2. Spirit Power Concealment (154 replies)
  3. Cover for Runner Havens (3 replies)
  4. What happens to a Technomancer with Resonance 0? (19 replies)
  5. Alternate Metavariant Stats (32 replies)
  6. Control Thoughts vs Summoned Spirits (18 replies)
  7. Weapons Specialist (105 replies)
  8. Why is the "revised" version of Street Magic so hard to find? (7 replies)
  9. Aztechnology and Blood Magic (7 replies)
  10. Technomancers & Tac Nets (59 replies)
  11. Commlinks (11 replies)
  12. Evil Care Bears (23 replies)
  13. Some questions about various sensors (1 reply)
  14. Attributes -- always added to every roll or not? (3 replies)
  15. GE Autocannons and firing them... (41 replies)
  16. RL Tech (10 replies)
  17. Mentor Runner (9 replies)
  18. Most book for your buck? (52 replies)
  19. Nuke program (16 replies)
  20. and in this corner....? (132 replies)
  21. Troll Sam in training (34 replies)
  22. Shadowrun on Ipad (120 replies)
  23. Quick question rgd. operation costs for Augmentation installations (11 replies)
  24. CGL speculation #4 (168 replies)
  25. SR1-3 Books useful for SR4? (32 replies)
  26. Remote gaming issues (5 replies)
  27. The C.L.U.E. Foundation (3 replies)
  28. What to do when they've got guns on you (37 replies)
  29. Astral Hazing a FLAW!? (166 replies)
  30. Covert-Ops/Technician (5 replies)
  31. Elephant Shapeshifter (16 replies)
  32. Cyberman (52 replies)
  33. Favorite Shadowrun Novels (64 replies)
  34. Spirit Skills as services (6 replies)
  35. Focus addiction (15 replies)
  36. Future of Shadowrun (59 replies)
  37. Fun with Shapechange (45 replies)
  38. The CGL situation p3 (1226 replies)
  39. Wards (37 replies)
  40. Mechs in Shadowrun (15 replies)
  41. Increasing chargen costs for non-humans by 50% (29 replies)
  42. same rookie DM, not so much help... (4 replies)
  43. 0 attribute (106 replies)
  44. Moved: The Eighth World (-- replies)
  45. Ultraviolet Hosts (3 replies)
  46. There are Two Loren Colemans (46 replies)
  47. Do contacts, glasses or goggles intefere with spell casting? (106 replies)
  48. Technomancer limited to 5 types of sprites? (6 replies)
  49. The Security Clearence Thread (0 replies)
  50. Toying with Dice (11 replies)
  51. Repo Men (18 replies)
  52. The Dwarf Affect (133 replies)
  53. Fat Guy Street Samurai (36 replies)
  54. Joseph Glass-Walker, urban shaman (20 replies)
  55. Trid Phantasm uses and abuses (33 replies)
  56. Upvehu ? (3 replies)
  57. Catalyst,Wildifre and Posthuman parting ways (21 replies)
  58. Has anyone come across statistics about distances involved in firearm crimes? (38 replies)
  59. SR3 and WiFi (6 replies)
  60. 2070 Seattle Elections (3 replies)
  61. Knowledge Skills (21 replies)
  62. Shopping for non-SR3 books for an SR3 campaign (6 replies)
  63. first gen balance tail? (3 replies)
  64. Retrying tests (38 replies)
  65. game two of the "love hurts" story arc... (0 replies)
  66. I know Kung Fu (45 replies)
  67. Activesofts on Skill Groups? (6 replies)
  68. How do you contact a moderator? (12 replies)
  69. Making Maps (8 replies)
  70. how the AAA's keep up appearance (30 replies)
  71. Think Geek April Fools product seems very SR (7 replies)
  72. one way to mess with the star during a run (9 replies)
  73. Question on the Runner's Toolkit (31 replies)
  74. AR Gloves, coming soon (2 replies)
  75. Music genres in 2070 (10 replies)
  76. Former Docwagon (45 replies)
  77. A little in character project (13 replies)
  78. Stay Safe While Hot-Simmed (50 replies)
  79. Demolish (Gun) spell (11 replies)
  80. Robocop Runner, a character idea (12 replies)
  81. A job well done (21 replies)
  82. Basic riggers/spiders rules mechanisms (4 replies)
  83. Dwarf Splat (28 replies)
  84. Shapeshifter Help (14 replies)
  85. skillsofts & threading (18 replies)
  86. Ghoulism - Essence loss and Cyberware (8 replies)
  87. I knew they'd ruin it! (52 replies)
  88. New GM questions (15 replies)
  89. UCAS intelligence agencies (27 replies)
  90. Crash program : Unwired vs SR4A (3 replies)
  91. Shifters and damage (5 replies)
  92. two for bringing the SR future to the present (0 replies)
  93. Dwarf Splat (1 reply)
  94. Goin Down to Mexico (9 replies)
  95. Life in the Barrens AAR (224 replies)
  96. Dual nature dice penalty and Adept power Multi-tTasking (37 replies)
  97. Can you combine Ogre Stomach and Digestive Expansion? (7 replies)
  98. Time to become a SINner (0 replies)
  99. Electric kangaroo panther thing! (15 replies)
  100. Midnight (6 replies)
  101. SR4(R): Am I Playing This Character Right? (Dodge Adept) (24 replies)
  102. Running in the Warmer Climes (44 replies)
  103. SRII Nature Spirit Question (16 replies)
  104. The Cyberless non-Adept Street Samurai (34 replies)
  105. Didnt Deus have some of these (5 replies)
  106. Understanding the Matrix (1 reply)
  107. The Walking Man (5 replies)
  108. 4E Elven 'Face' (16 replies)
  109. (Fake) SINs for Free Spirits (15 replies)
  110. When Alternate History Hits Close to Home (32 replies)
  111. Decompiling (26 replies)
  112. Shape shifters and bounties (75 replies)
  113. FAB III Injections (11 replies)
  114. Pixie Toxic Mage (87 replies)
  115. electronic underpants (3 replies)
  116. Fighting Ghouls 101 (40 replies)
  117. Speeding up Combat (10 replies)
  118. Commlink Modification: Optimization (10 replies)
  119. Book: Into the Shadows - Character Negotiation (11 replies)
  120. Optimizing Armor (21 replies)
  121. Grab the Airplane and Go (3 replies)
  122. 3 layers that will make matrix nodes "secure" (52 replies)
  123. Edge + attribute rolls for grunts (43 replies)
  124. Hand of God (9 replies)
  125. More Skill Groups (23 replies)
  126. A Real-Life 'Runner (12 replies)
  127. The fate of some real-world megacorps (51 replies)
  128. Cyberware grades (14 replies)
  129. How do mundanes survive magic? (78 replies)
  130. Berserk? (9 replies)
  131. skinlink anyone? (19 replies)
  132. n00b question re: Set Up and Finishing Move (21 replies)
  133. Vehicle Damage Rules (4 replies)
  134. Heal Spell (4 replies)
  135. Seattle Getting Hit By A Large Earthquake (5 replies)
  136. Some questions about defense dice pools (11 replies)
  137. My new favorite Shadowrun inspiring song (62 replies)
  138. Starting with a bug haul. (15 replies)
  139. storyline (11 replies)
  140. Paracritter rules clarification (15 replies)
  141. When good drones go bad (58 replies)
  142. Hurting Spirits (83 replies)
  143. Rookie GM needs help. :wavey: (36 replies)
  144. Congratulations (4 replies)
  145. new Technomancer consept (2 replies)
  146. Restored: CGL Discussion THread Part 2 (244 replies)
  147. BattleTac Tactical Computer Help (12 replies)
  148. How long have you been around? (86 replies)
  149. How can I augment my AI's capabilities? (26 replies)
  150. PhotoShop just got Smarter (30 replies)
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