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  1. a simple, logistical bioware question (2 replies)
  2. Removing the caps from SR4 (16 replies)
  3. Character Helper (30 replies)
  4. Any online SR4 games starting? (6 replies)
  5. SR4 needs work (169 replies)
  6. Power Satalites? (18 replies)
  7. Running the Shadows in Nagasaki (27 replies)
  8. Wanted: Illustrations for gear and vehicles. (4 replies)
  9. wacky cyberware ideas? (19 replies)
  10. Combat Pool (12 replies)
  11. Sensing metamagic? (4 replies)
  12. Shadoweun books on PDF... (3 replies)
  13. Good one-liners (91 replies)
  14. Spirit...Spirit some people fear it.... (90 replies)
  15. The Commlink used as a Repeater (33 replies)
  16. elemental strike (2 replies)
  17. Magic Monowire (25 replies)
  18. Reality Filters, standard issue? (1 reply)
  19. Shell stops taking cheques (20 replies)
  20. What is missing (5 replies)
  21. Drugs in the BBB (1 reply)
  22. Glitches (89 replies)
  23. Bug City - getting in. (3 replies)
  24. Highest Soak? (23 replies)
  25. First run results (17 replies)
  26. Synthahol (3 replies)
  27. Multiple Commlinks (4 replies)
  28. Houserule Package (18 replies)
  29. the cyberdecks gand-father? (10 replies)
  30. Another Possible Stupid Question-Sliver Gun (61 replies)
  31. No armor layering rules? (18 replies)
  32. Rule of Six (3 replies)
  33. Bay Area and Saito (64 replies)
  34. System Failure preview (160 replies)
  35. Attribute Boost (7 replies)
  36. Fourth Edition (68 replies)
  37. euro - Nuyen? (6 replies)
  38. What is your SR Game like? (16 replies)
  39. EX Ammo isDumb (41 replies)
  40. Contacts forever (23 replies)
  41. Ritual Spellcasting Rules kill Great Ghost Dance (43 replies)
  42. New to Shadowrun.. (45 replies)
  43. Autonav chips and Knowsofts (2 replies)
  44. mana bolt clarification (17 replies)
  45. Cheap Decker/Hackers (13 replies)
  46. Initiative, Spirits, Agents & Sprites (0 replies)
  47. Hacker Adepts (24 replies)
  48. Crash 2.0 (16 replies)
  49.'s like a punchline (31 replies)
  50. Your first self-made PCs! (23 replies)
  51. Another NOLA/SR simmilarity (3 replies)
  52. Low-power Start (35 replies)
  53. Do others get an error when attempting to send aPM (9 replies)
  54. Adepts and Augmentations (7 replies)
  55. Max in a skill? (132 replies)
  56. Attack method (72 replies)
  57. Who will stick with SR3? (51 replies)
  58. Funniest Glitch so far (25 replies)
  59. Ares Slivergun - Variations on a Theme (51 replies)
  60. Converting Adepts (7 replies)
  61. Combat Turns and Chase Turns (9 replies)
  62. Tiffani Self-Defender (1 reply)
  63. Election? (1 reply)
  64. Do you award partial karma during large runs? (15 replies)
  65. Full Skill List (2 replies)
  66. Ambidexterity (27 replies)
  67. Skills you just gotta have (37 replies)
  68. SR4 Pros and Cons: A Non-Player's Request (32 replies)
  69. Tiffani Self-Defender (1 reply)
  70. More about NPCs (11 replies)
  71. New to Shadowrun: Pre-Published Adventures? (11 replies)
  72. System Failure (77 replies)
  73. My first game... (64 replies)
  74. Cyberware (3 replies)
  75. [Real Life] Attention mecha fans! (25 replies)
  76. SR3 to SR4 conversion (3 replies)
  77. Spell Stacking (9 replies)
  78. Bare-Bones NPCs (19 replies)
  79. Ok, Need Help With My Shamen Please (14 replies)
  80. Making the Most of It (28 replies)
  81. Do you award partial karma during large runs (0 replies)
  82. Shadowrun Tutorial (3 replies)
  83. SoA- Tibet (17 replies)
  84. The power of Chaotic World and Heavy Weapons (28 replies)
  85. SOA-Proteus (5 replies)
  86. Mapsofts? A question... (6 replies)
  87. DAQ: SR4 attempted summary (40 replies)
  88. help with adept powers and cyber (3 replies)
  89. Spirit forms and weapons (11 replies)
  90. Healing Overcasting Draing (1 reply)
  91. First printing and Errata (9 replies)
  92. Buck's Thoughts on SR4 (9 replies)
  93. Riggers new toy (16 replies)
  94. Ambidexterity (14 replies)
  95. So long, SR4 (67 replies)
  96. Attribute/Skill Dice versus Test Dice (23 replies)
  97. Unresisted Stun Damage (1 reply)
  98. Response Decrease (4 replies)
  99. Shadorun 4th Edition: Reinventing the wheel (35 replies)
  100. Boosting Cars? (23 replies)
  101. What does the skinlink really do? (1 reply)
  102. Payscale in SR4?! (27 replies)
  103. SR4 Character Dossier PDF? (1 reply)
  104. New Orleans (19 replies)
  105. The Tick (15 replies)
  106. Revised PDF 1.1.1 and searching (2 replies)
  107. Slap Fight! (7 replies)
  108. How do you keep track of PC's and NPC's (16 replies)
  109. Stun Dmg linked to Willpower? (26 replies)
  110. AR Zones (89 replies)
  111. Blank white dice, anyone have a good source (9 replies)
  112. Combat Paralysis and Addiction (3 replies)
  113. Need Advice On Shamen Path.. (5 replies)
  114. Favorite Changes (10 replies)
  115. WWesque Shapeshifter (Cheetah) (4 replies)
  116. Do we need programs? (24 replies)
  117. GM Screen SR4 (0 replies)
  118. Anyone seen the actual book yet? (10 replies)
  119. hacker adepts (38 replies)
  120. Conversion guide? (10 replies)
  121. What to Get For the Decker that Wants Everything.. (22 replies)
  122. High Lifestyle for free (6 replies)
  123. Trolls what are they good for? (59 replies)
  124. Edge and Glitching (3 replies)
  125. Shadows of Asia (36 replies)
  126. Spirit Bane & Watcher Spirits (10 replies)
  127. Buying Ammunition (50 replies)
  128. SR4 Expansion Books (3 replies)
  129. Cyberlimb Math and other dumb questions (2 replies)
  130. Full defense resets when? (4 replies)
  131. Average Power level? (9 replies)
  132. GeoWars (3 replies)
  133. History (53 replies)
  134. SR4 PDF format? (3 replies)
  135. Life after / during Shadowrunning (2 replies)
  136. Arm Stats (13 replies)
  137. SR4 PDF for sale Now! (187 replies)
  138. My Only Gripe (0 replies)
  139. A Matrix run example? (27 replies)
  140. Wired reflexes costs way too much (13 replies)
  141. SOLA....Huh? (35 replies)
  142. Working the motivations (23 replies)
  143. Riot Shields and Assault Rifles (13 replies)
  144. Sustaining spells from the Astral plane (0 replies)
  145. UK Release Date for SR4? (7 replies)
  146. Melee Combat Opposed? (3 replies)
  147. Katrina (185 replies)
  148. The Idiot's Guide To The Matrix Thread (501 replies)
  149. Advancing a physad in 4e (11 replies)
  150. Drug Costs? (8 replies)
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