Sep 12 2005, 06:32 PM
Either I am blind and I didn't see rules for drinking synthahol in the toxins/drugs section or they just were not there.
Anyways, my goofball players decided to drink A LOT of synthahol at a bar before a meet. Off the top of my head I made up a synthahol drink and said it had a DV of 2S. I was nice and only made them roll for that only twice (although the amount they bought and drank should have called for more checks). Even had a funny incident where 2 of the idiots glitched on the check and threw up on another team member.
Anyone have any ideas on how it would work or was my bullshit good enough?
Sep 13 2005, 12:14 AM
QUOTE (Superbum) |
was my bullshit good enough? |
Did it keep the flow of the game going, did it make for a good story, and did the players complain?
If yes, then it was good enough.
Sep 13 2005, 12:20 AM
Never a good session unless at least one player storms out of the game, I say.
Sep 13 2005, 02:51 AM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
Never a good session unless at least one player storms out of the game, I say. |
Hah, a little projectile vomit isn't gonna make me walk away from the table.
Although, for the second 'accident', one of my buddies actually ran around looking for me before hurling. Luckily, I dodged that one.
They made it up to me later by being meat shields.
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