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  1. RL Corps in 2070 (41 replies)
  2. Vat-grown organs (33 replies)
  3. Swoops for shadow run (38 replies)
  4. [Dragons6thW] Running For... (20 replies)
  5. SR3 Combat Rules Question (22 replies)
  6. Shadowrun Movie (0 replies)
  7. Can a Living Persona be Hacked? (11 replies)
  8. Witch Trial (32 replies)
  9. SR1/SR2 to SR3 Conversion Guide? (1 reply)
  10. Mentor Spirits for Technomancers? (24 replies)
  11. SOTA Weapons (57 replies)
  12. Cost of Drugs (31 replies)
  13. Paper Minis (2 replies)
  14. SR4 in 2050 (11 replies)
  15. a couple ideas to bounce around (19 replies)
  16. guns and other connected items (14 replies)
  17. Your PAN (4 replies)
  18. Who's the richest dragon of them all? (16 replies)
  19. Famous runners? (85 replies)
  20. Question about the M79B1 LAW Rocket... (25 replies)
  21. Nanopaste disguises and assensing (33 replies)
  22. Cased vs. Caseless Ammunition (99 replies)
  23. First time running the running the shadows (1 reply)
  24. Anyone come across this before? (1 reply)
  25. Is this a nifty visual aid to give my players? (20 replies)
  26. Melee question (39 replies)
  27. Run gone bad or stunt gone good? (0 replies)
  28. Harlequin (2 replies)
  29. Alternative Dankwalther Deaths (31 replies)
  30. SR3 to SR4 Matrix Host Conversion (11 replies)
  31. Midnight: 2070 (23 replies)
  32. Why everything will be wireless in SR (6 replies)
  33. quick question on damage (13 replies)
  34. Insect Spirits and Cyberware (5 replies)
  35. Commlink - Why bother? (59 replies)
  36. What Weapons To Use? (56 replies)
  37. Need help with setting. (47 replies)
  38. HELLHOUND PUPPIES! (142 replies)
  39. newbie gm questions (12 replies)
  40. Come here sparky...metal grinds the ground (13 replies)
  41. New metamagic: malleability. (34 replies)
  42. Should I buy Shadows of North America? (30 replies)
  43. Dude, armor sucks. (118 replies)
  44. What are there some many useless spells? (23 replies)
  45. Inside Man (20 replies)
  46. Where would I post? (13 replies)
  47. How can i make 'Legwork' more interesting (14 replies)
  48. Armor Encumbrance (3 replies)
  49. New cyberware: MechaShiva. (47 replies)
  50. Target: Matrix still good? (4 replies)
  51. continuity error (40 replies)
  52. The great new conspiracy. (19 replies)
  53. Roll over....Good Boy. Now play dead! (15 replies)
  54. The future of bottle beverages (49 replies)
  55. My First Character (15 replies)
  56. Corp officespace in 2070 (3 replies)
  57. Campaign Assistance Requested (5 replies)
  58. Damage Tracks (2 replies)
  59. Am I the only one that finds it a bit wierd ...... (5 replies)
  60. Stuff begging to be updated (29 replies)
  61. Skill and Attribute Degradation (23 replies)
  62. Cyber arm gyro mount is worthless. (19 replies)
  63. Beta wear. (32 replies)
  64. University libraries and the curious mage (27 replies)
  65. Shadowrun books (8 replies)
  66. Moving to Pearl Habor Area (20 replies)
  67. Online VOIP with white board (0 replies)
  68. Well that was interesting (19 replies)
  69. Rules question: Commlink upgrades (11 replies)
  70. The Inside Man (4 replies)
  71. Jack Dempsey: Grudge monster (15 replies)
  72. how much damage would a dud grenade do? (11 replies)
  73. SR5 (13 replies)
  74. 3E vs 4E (17 replies)
  75. Hermetic seals. (16 replies)
  76. Name that gun (44 replies)
  77. What is a SIN? A piece of code? A chip? (11 replies)
  78. What do you like about SR4 and what changes? (166 replies)
  79. There ain't no Romeo in this story (0 replies)
  80. Flaw: Homemade Telesma. (26 replies)
  81. About Nigel D. Findley's setting books. (23 replies)
  82. Magician Adept (6 replies)
  83. para-animals attack shipping? (39 replies)
  84. Made it Ma! Top of the world! (11 replies)
  85. Lasers in SR4 (17 replies)
  86. Wired Reflexes- are they worth it? (40 replies)
  87. Bwahahahahaaa (7 replies)
  88. Money (42 replies)
  89. So How Many of You are There? (22 replies)
  90. Chameleon suit (3 replies)
  91. [SoA2064] Who was responsible for... (11 replies)
  92. brutal combat (17 replies)
  93. A matter of theroetical magical limits.. (67 replies)
  94. The speed of spirits. (10 replies)
  95. Musical com-links. (5 replies)
  96. [SoA2064] Penta reviews SotA 2064 (27 replies)
  97. Doing that Cold-War Mod to Shadowrun 3e. (36 replies)
  98. Which cyberware/bioware (67 replies)
  99. Shadowrun Fiction Request (17 replies)
  100. Force of Personality. (24 replies)
  101. Question, where do Runners meet? (68 replies)
  102. Rotodrone with automatic rifle (1 reply)
  103. Calendars Beyond 2039 (16 replies)
  104. Shadowrun Phosthetics (5 replies)
  105. Marvel 2099 Connection (11 replies)
  106. Cryonics (44 replies)
  107. Copying drone pilot/autosoft (73 replies)
  108. Weapons Foci (38 replies)
  109. cyber arm damage (2 replies)
  110. Resonance/Magic loss due to Essence loss a penalty (20 replies)
  111. D10 Conversion for SR3 (19 replies)
  112. Where are the Aurelius when you need them? (27 replies)
  113. line of sight after casting (10 replies)
  114. Matrix-wide research (8 replies)
  115. Decking Naked (26 replies)
  116. Force 10 Manaballs (55 replies)
  117. New GM (19 replies)
  118. Need Some Help With My Marine (29 replies)
  119. The Beam Principle (6 replies)
  120. Cybercombat (16 replies)
  121. Newbie question on magic (5 replies)
  122. Dealing with Magic (48 replies)
  123. rounding (11 replies)
  124. Austisic Savant Technomanser (18 replies)
  125. Sleep training system (3 replies)
  126. Wait a second... (61 replies)
  127. A few general questions (12 replies)
  128. I just finished 2XS. (25 replies)
  129. Machine Sprites in Drones (2 replies)
  130. Active skills question (12 replies)
  131. Stun tracks (8 replies)
  132. SR4 - Sample Characters as pre-filled sheets? (2 replies)
  133. First Runs (11 replies)
  134. Resolving SR4 issues (84 replies)
  135. Priority System in SR4 (13 replies)
  136. A Website with some Good Ideas (5 replies)
  137. A few SR 4 questions / concerns (25 replies)
  138. THIS is why --- (36 replies)
  139. Dumpshock Volunteer[s] Needed (35 replies)
  140. SR4 less modifiers? (15 replies)
  141. Significant others and Shadowrun (50 replies)
  142. For shits and giggles, Desert Flame Wars MKII. (5 replies)
  143. Europe? (52 replies)
  144. Grand Theft Auto (6 replies)
  145. Stealing Cars/Bikes (42 replies)
  146. Hacking through a non-wireless node... (9 replies)
  147. Vehicular Naughtiness (1 reply)
  148. [RL]Another step to DNI (1 reply)
  149. This is my body … this is my blood. (16 replies)
  150. Serbitars Packages (130 replies)
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