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Full Version: Moving to Pearl Habor Area
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Hey I am moving to Hawaii and am in need for my alter egos to come out... Yes... I will miss my GM Grendel.... and all those I gamed with in So. Cal... Please... tell me there is something going on out there some place for my dice... and my imagination....
Not in this forum. Good luck! smile.gif
Sadly, it appears SR isn't very popular here in Hawaii. A few posters on this forum are from/in Hawaii, various parts of Oahu. The game itself isn't well supported in the various gaming stores on the island. I've looked smile.gif D20 variants rule the shelves.
I'm sure there is some closet SR players on Hawaii just gotta hang around the RPG shops and hope. Good luck.
Yep. I'm here in Oahu (living in Kunia), with my SR books, but haven't really looked for a game group. I've (rarely) found an SR supplement or two at Borders, but about the only place that seems to carry a regular supply is a hole-in-the-wall gaming/used music store called Jelly's. And even that is dwarfed by their D20 selection.
Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate
My advice? Recruit. This way, you get your gamers and expand the Shadowrun customer base.

Everybody wins!
Sounds like I need to move to Hawaii and open a REAL game/comic store!
Ok, then it starts here..... I am going to try and round us up!!!!! Those wanting to play SR start emailing.... I have only ran a DEMO at gen con so cal... but if anyone wants to run great if not I will work on one. Just a heads up... I am looking for a place to live should have one by the end of the week then we can just run at my place... Let your friends know... the ball is rolling now...
find me a job at a TV station and i'm there biggrin.gif lol or any other enterinmenty kinda work place
Necro Tech
Foolish Mortal. You have feld to the barren lands where nary a person commits petty crime for nuyen. I'll tell Gendel to get to work on the voice link.
I miss you Necro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kayko wants felix.. j/k she likes having her soul in the devils hands!!! and yeah get that voice link working you decker!!! I know you miss my female ways!!!
Puck Wildhorse, M.D.
'Tis indeed a shame that we've lost our favorite Face. Now who are we going to rescue from the clutches of the Circle One (Yakuza/Evil Team of Runners/NPC mercenary who may or may not be possessed by a demon/anyone else we've managed to piss off recently) at least once a game month?

We miss you too Angel.

It sounds like Hawaii is about short of SR players as West Texas.

I've almost gotten a group together a couple of times (new players), but something always kills it like the week before we start. Last time, it was World of Warcraft. Damn weak-willed bastards.
I MAY be moving to Honolulu at the end of the summer, and would love to find a group to play with. I also have every SR book printed thus far (I bought SRI the week it hit the shelves and never stoped...) which sounds like it could be a good thing...

Unfortunatly my relocation to Oahu is dependant on being admitted to the medical school in Manoa, so even if I do end up there I don't know how much free time I will have. question.gif
check with on-base activities. There are a lot of gamers in the military (i started shadowrun when stationed in japan). Just look at postings at games shops or at fleet/comunity centers.
I'll try that.... You would think being female would make this easier to get guys together to game huh... but I guess I will but want ads in game stores and well yeah posting on bases... hmmm don't know where to do that... i am a civy
Heh we should make our own group. Sounds like we've got a just under a half dozen. Any GMs tho? nyahnyah.gif
Looks like I found one... and if all else I'll do it. I move in my place around next week so we do have a place to do it. Just email me and I will start sending out info.
Okay, I hate to infest this thread with a Shedim, but this seems worth it.

A small comic book store called Last Sanctuary is having a Spring Cleaning sale, including 75% off all their RPG products. Just started on Friday, runs through this week.

Unfortunately, they didn't have much SR stuff at all. The only thing I saw was a bundle of five books:

* SR Companion
* Rigger 3
* Matrix
* Sprawl Survival Guide

... all for $20 total. Not a bad deal, if you need a few of those books for your collection or just want to get a friend started on SR for cheap.

I didn't pick it up, though, since I'm waiting on SR4. smile.gif

The shop is located on the 1500 block of Kapiolani Boulevard, directly behind Ala Moana Center.
Thread Resurrection!

Any SR types out there here in Hawaii?
We had a game going for several months, but we're doing Rifts right now.
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