Mar 5 2006, 08:11 PM
Hey folks,
We'd like a volunteer or volunteers to handle two different but similar tasks at dumpshock:
* posting Shadowrun news to the main page of -- stuff like news about new websites, game aids, podcasts, FanPro news, links to cool threads in the forums, etc.
* posting "Shadowrun in real life" stories/news to the main page of -- stuff like cyberlimb development, weapons developments, wacky news stories that sound like the Universal Brotherhood, etc.
Knowledge of basic HTML [hyperlinks, bold, italics] will be necessary but could be taught easily enough.
Ideally we'd like to have each category of news have 1 or 2 updates a week, and the same person could handle both categories if they like. If you're interested and have some time to spare, please send me a PM.
Mar 5 2006, 09:17 PM
Mar 5 2006, 09:38 PM
The front page has a nice RSS feed for those who want to keep up to date without bogging through the ... culture ... of dumpshock.
Mar 5 2006, 10:37 PM
I heard the internet is just a fad. Forums and RSS feeds are a passing thrill. If you wanted something a little more distributed, I would be willing to write a system where people submit links and a description, then a moderator just approves it. It helps to distribute the load a little. I can even include a DHTML editor.
Mar 5 2006, 10:45 PM
QUOTE (Platinum) |
I heard the internet is just a fad. Forums and RSS feeds are a passing thrill. If you wanted something a little more distributed, I would be willing to write a system where people submit links and a description, then a moderator just approves it. It helps to distribute the load a little. I can even include a DHTML editor. |
It also screams for spiders to come along and plant their links to spam websites, phishing websites, et cetera.
Quicker and easier, but more prone to junk links.
Mar 5 2006, 10:55 PM
That's why it's moderated

I like the idea, personally. I could certainly pitch in and help moderate such a system whereas it'd be beyond my ability to perform the functions directly.
Mar 5 2006, 11:04 PM
But it also puts said moderators at risk if they don't have any basic protections put in place (or, hell, some advanced protections if you aren't really careful).
User-submitted is nice, but sometimes it's just too risky.
Mar 5 2006, 11:11 PM
QUOTE (tanka) |
But it also puts said moderators at risk if they don't have any basic protections put in place (or, hell, some advanced protections if you aren't really careful).
User-submitted is nice, but sometimes it's just too risky. |
I have quite a few of these on different sites that I maintain. 90% of the links I get are decent. You get some yahoo's out there that submit junk, but those are gone with a simple click of a button. For someone to write a custom engine to submit links would not be worth their time.
Mar 5 2006, 11:20 PM
It's pretty trivial for someone to zap links over to the maintainer; since we already have a blog engine in place, I really don't think there's any need to re-invent the wheel. At the most, a simple web form for mailing them links and a description may be handy.
Mar 5 2006, 11:25 PM
QUOTE (Platinum) |
QUOTE (tanka @ Mar 5 2006, 07:04 PM) | But it also puts said moderators at risk if they don't have any basic protections put in place (or, hell, some advanced protections if you aren't really careful).
User-submitted is nice, but sometimes it's just too risky. |
I have quite a few of these on different sites that I maintain. 90% of the links I get are decent. You get some yahoo's out there that submit junk, but those are gone with a simple click of a button. For someone to write a custom engine to submit links would not be worth their time.
True, but how many of those sites get traffic like Dumpshock does?
Either way, whichever will stand via Adam's call. If he wants a user-submitted blog like that, he'll put it up. If not, he won't.
Mar 5 2006, 11:40 PM
how does 350,000 unique page views a month and 30,000 unique visitors sound?
Mar 5 2006, 11:41 PM
I'm still waiting for a call for volunteers to moderate an off topic forum.
Mar 6 2006, 12:31 AM
QUOTE (Arethusa) |
I'm still waiting for a call for volunteers to moderate an off topic forum. |
We tried that. Didn't work so well.
Mar 6 2006, 12:34 AM
Meh, I wouldn't much care for there being one. If people want to discuss other things, they can go to forums for other things.
No offense, but I don't come here to find out what people think about the economy. I come here to find out what people think about Shadowrun.
Just my "random passing by .02".
Mar 6 2006, 01:09 AM
Platinum: Sounds sucessful, but Dumpshock seems like it may have more popularity. That's just my opinion, and this probably isn't the place to discuss it.
eidolon: I agree. I can go to plenty of other forums for "off-topic" discourse.
Mar 6 2006, 02:32 AM
Yeah, and I call bullshit. Any community capable of civil discourse on one subject is capable of handling something so earth shattering as an off topic forum. Pick a few members of the community capable of self control to deal with problems as they arise and you have the entire situation sorted out.
If you don't like it, go ahead! Don't read it. No one said you had to. Why people on this forum act like the addition of an off topic forum would somehow bring ruin and destruction to precious Shadowrun will ever elude me.
Mar 6 2006, 02:39 AM
QUOTE (Arethusa) |
Why people on this forum act like the addition of an off topic forum would somehow bring ruin and destruction to precious Shadowrun will ever elude me. |
Your join date is long enough ago to remember the Lounge and the fiasco that surrounded it and its flaming crash into oblivion. The board hasn't seemed to suffer much from its absence.
Mar 6 2006, 02:47 AM
Or, which has not been renewed
Mar 6 2006, 04:34 AM
QUOTE (Arethusa) |
If you don't like it, go ahead! Don't read it. No one said you had to. |
If you like it, go ahead! Go to another forum. Nobody said you couldn't.

Is it any different?
emo samurai
Mar 6 2006, 04:53 AM
What was Bulldrek and the Lounge?
Mar 6 2006, 05:06 AM
The Lounge was the off-topic forum. Basically (from what I've read), it blew to flaming pieces a lot, and the administrators finally said "ENOUGH!" and deleted the whole thing.
This caused a lot of people to get angry, and so registered and moved to Bulldrek.
Obviously I could be way off, as I wasn't around.
Anywho, Arethusa, if you want an OT forum that also has RPG discussion, try RPG.Net (as much as I know some people here seem to hate them). Or any number of other free forums where you can discuss just about anything. Administration has said no, and I doubt they'll change their minds, well, ever.
Ancient History
Mar 6 2006, 05:08 AM
Before your time, old son.
The Lounge was basically where Dumpshockers could talk about non-SR topics...and such became a breeding ground for flame wars, the last of which destroyed it.
Bulldrek was a cancerous budding from before the final demise of the Lounge, inhabited by the Abortion Engine (3278), Crazy Elf, and others to act out all the craziness and intelligent discussions that were getting them in trouble over in Dumpshock. Bulldrek was fabricated on a no-Admin, 100% freespeech policy...which actually worked until it finally died a year or two ago.
The death of the Lounge spawned
Underworld93, while the loss of Bulldrek was partially offset by the
Freespeech forums and
Animalball forums.
Mar 6 2006, 05:38 AM
QUOTE (eidolon) |
QUOTE (Arethusa) | If you don't like it, go ahead! Don't read it. No one said you had to. |
If you like it, go ahead! Go to another forum. Nobody said you couldn't.  Is it any different? |
Uh, yes. I'm not sure why it never seems to occur to anyone that part of the reason off topic forums usually work to tighten communities is that they allow disparate members of communities to get to know eachother better. If that's not your thing, fine, stick to the Shadowrun forum. may be nice. I don't know (Bulldrek was generally a shithole, though). But it won't have the same people, which is already defeating much of the point.
I've yet to see the Dumpshock administrators present a reasonable argument for why a new off topic forum can't be formed with enlisted existing community members handling moderating. I've yet to see it fail anywhere else with a community that is otherwise more or less sane and pleasant.
Mar 6 2006, 05:45 AM
QUOTE (Arethusa) |
But it won't have the same people |
Who are you wanting to hit on?

a community that is otherwise more or less sane and pleasant. |

Are you serious? Are you actually typing this with a straight face? From the guy who typed this:
bullshit. Any community capable of civil discourse |
Mar 6 2006, 06:06 AM
There is a difference between ever so slightly rough language and genuine hostility. This isn't the most well behaved or most wonderful forum I've ever been to. Doesn't have to be, either. I've only seen one forum ever that had genuine justification for not having an off topic forum (that would be The High Road).
tisoz, pm me for good time
Mar 6 2006, 03:41 PM
QUOTE (Arethusa) |
tisoz, pm me for good time |
Mar 6 2006, 04:07 PM
QUOTE (Arethusa) |
There is a difference between ever so slightly rough language and genuine hostility. This isn't the most well behaved or most wonderful forum I've ever been to. Doesn't have to be, either. I've only seen one forum ever that had genuine justification for not having an off topic forum (that would be The High Road). |
And it's misread strong language that can bring about hostility. Remember, we can't hear tonal changes in your text to denote sarcasm or cynicism.
Mar 6 2006, 06:45 PM
I think an OT lounge is a recipe for disaster. I already really dislike people on this board from on topic posts, I don't need OT forums to fuel more hate. PM people or join a chat room if you are feeling really social.
Mar 6 2006, 07:54 PM
I've yet to see the Dumpshock administrators present a reasonable argument for why a new off topic forum can't be formed with enlisted existing community members handling moderating. I've yet to see it fail anywhere else with a community that is otherwise more or less sane and pleasant. |
The main problem is that disputes and ill-feelings from the Lounge would end up spilling over into the other forums; people who were bickering about politics weren't able to forget that argument when they were discussing Shadowrun.
Given that the forums are under-moderated as it is, I'm not keen to re-add another forum that has a history of not working on Dumpshock. Not this week, not this month. Especially when the argument for re-adding it was presented as a thread-jack.
Mar 6 2006, 08:26 PM
Where would you suggest it be raised? The other forums barely get read as it is, and non Shadowrun threads aren't allowed. Which is really a large part of the reason so many borderline OT threads consistently pop up as it is. And as this thread does pertain to the direction of community involvement in the site, I don't consider it to be that far off as it is.
And if there are serious problems where people can't keep politics or personal disputes out of completely unrelated subjects, handing out temp bans and read only access sounds far more reasonable than just shutting down the forum altogether.
Mar 6 2006, 08:53 PM
There is a feature request forum, private messaging, email... Use more appropriate channels if you simply must discuss the concept of an off topic forum. The administration is well aware that some members are very passionate about wanting an off topic forum. They are aware of the benefits and pitfalls that such a forum brings to a community like ours. They've made a decision on the issue, and we have to assume it's the right decision for this site at this time. For now you'll have to use one of the off-site forums founded and/or frequented by our members current and past to sate your miscellaneous chat requirements.
This is not the thread for this discussion.
Mar 28 2006, 04:28 PM
I might as well put this where it belongs.
I volunteer. I can send you my qualifications if you want.
Mar 28 2006, 05:12 PM
sorry plat, i think i was already accepted, (or atleast in a pm i was) But Adam has recently gotten a new contract and hasnt had time to set me up with the server side account, or something
Mar 28 2006, 07:00 PM
Ca't you use something like till it is setup?, or do they want comment tracking?
Mar 29 2006, 12:24 AM
i think what they want is something like, or something, so it's actually a part of DS, but i'm honestly not sure
Mar 29 2006, 12:49 AM
It will all be based around the front page at
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