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  1. What would you do for a Klondike Bar? (54 replies)
  2. Space Drones (20 replies)
  3. Rigging Question (5 replies)
  4. Drain DV with multiple targets (25 replies)
  5. New Bioware Assistance (4 replies)
  6. Conversion of old Drones & Vehicles (0 replies)
  7. Technomancers in space (9 replies)
  8. Hacking via Pilot programs (3 replies)
  9. Drop Bears in SR4 (67 replies)
  10. Node Defense (8 replies)
  11. Maps (7 replies)
  12. Sex magic (84 replies)
  13. How to Win at Shadowrun (51 replies)
  14. Actively Looking for Invisible People (20 replies)
  15. Ends of the Matrix (76 replies)
  16. Scotland? (12 replies)
  17. Traps! (6 replies)
  18. Quick Concept Question: (9 replies)
  19. Dunkelzahn -- questions about what happened (11 replies)
  20. seating and packing (2 replies)
  21. House Rules Compendium (2 replies)
  22. How dangerous can a troll go-gang be ? (95 replies)
  23. Removing cranial bombs (34 replies)
  24. Possession and the recently dead (10 replies)
  25. Unbreakable Encryption (167 replies)
  26. Moved: Probationary Member to Member, How? (-- replies)
  27. Statement from CGL regarding financial situation (85 replies)
  28. Life Imitiating Art (6 replies)
  29. Example of Hacker in Action by a SR4 newbie (6 replies)
  30. Matrix Question (12 replies)
  31. Grounding (26 replies)
  32. Ares Alpha Grenade Launcher (15 replies)
  33. Improving Ally Spirits (14 replies)
  34. "Oh, so this is a Kazu run." (25 replies)
  35. Is my math wrong? (26 replies)
  36. What does anybody really know about Tahiti? (1 reply)
  37. Daisy-Chain and Subscriptions (32 replies)
  38. Dice Rolling when Online GMing (2 replies)
  39. Mundane Faces and You (10 replies)
  40. Story? (7 replies)
  41. Anatomy of a Proposal (27 replies)
  42. Question: Logic boosting and Knowledge Skills (34 replies)
  43. SR: What do love most? And what company can best bring it? (86 replies)
  44. Warform Pet Costs (5 replies)
  45. Armor -- only the highest rating is used? (2 replies)
  46. Corporate HTR (5 replies)
  47. Complex Form list (11 replies)
  48. Level of Lethality (33 replies)
  49. Fridge Brilliance in SR (7 replies)
  50. Tactics Question (83 replies)
  51. Paper miniature (4 replies)
  52. House Rules Review (21 replies)
  53. Your Best Shadowrun Work? (34 replies)
  54. Clairvoyance / thermal vision clarification (20 replies)
  55. Social Skills (9 replies)
  56. armor chemseal (2 replies)
  57. SR Boardgame (13 replies)
  58. Shadowrun dev on This Week in Geek's Nerd News Network (0 replies)
  59. CGL Speculation #5 (762 replies)
  60. Broken players (30 replies)
  61. Moved: SR4 Fillable PDF Character Sheet by Chinagreenelvis (-- replies)
  62. Drones and Laser/Smartlink/Tracer (24 replies)
  63. Cleansing and Filtering metamagics... (20 replies)
  64. Melee Attack as a complex action? (56 replies)
  65. New Fiction (50 replies)
  66. Am I interpreting Initiation wrong? (27 replies)
  67. Weapon Mounts are forbidden? (23 replies)
  68. so where is my multitaskin upgrade? (20 replies)
  69. Skillwires and Program Options (13 replies)
  70. First Run (4 replies)
  71. Rival Corp on Alert (14 replies)
  72. Overcasting in Astral (7 replies)
  73. Balance issue question for the masses (4 replies)
  74. Erratas (57 replies)
  75. Mentor Spirit Creation (10 replies)
  76. Moved: Life in the Barrens 2 - A New Dawn (-- replies)
  77. first gen. AR home decorations? (9 replies)
  78. Drakes, Shapeshifters and partial shapeshifting (0 replies)
  79. astral actions (7 replies)
  80. Knowledges vs Actives (29 replies)
  81. Martial Arts House Rules (SR3) (4 replies)
  82. There is God in Shadowrun? (23 replies)
  83. Improving multilevel qualities (4 replies)
  84. Madison in Shadowrun (1 reply)
  85. Infected Heights and Weights (40 replies)
  86. Shadowrun Wars (21 replies)
  87. The Deep Lacuna (1 reply)
  88. Service Charge for Build and Repair (2 replies)
  89. Question on Essence (4 replies)
  90. Couple of Combat Rules Just Making Sure (24 replies)
  91. The Scarlet Woman (56 replies)
  92. Free Spirit Character (23 replies)
  93. Power Focus and Spirits (2 replies)
  94. Smartlink without PAN ? (4 replies)
  95. Missing Books? (3 replies)
  96. another day, another step towards cyberpunk (10 replies)
  97. Deep Green? (5 replies)
  98. SURGE-claws a "Natural Weapon"? (27 replies)
  99. Off topic: Shadowrun with out Essence/ magic. (59 replies)
  100. Penetrating Strike (23 replies)
  101. How do you use sprites to boost other people? (8 replies)
  102. TM Question (2 replies)
  103. Jazz vs Cram (36 replies)
  104. Drones and Edge (10 replies)
  105. Karma awards (13 replies)
  106. Fun Rules Mistakes (74 replies)
  107. How to (nicely) teach the players that they should plan and stick to the plan? (42 replies)
  108. Hacking programs over Rating 6 (45 replies)
  109. Cyber Based Hacker Question (2 replies)
  110. Another approaching SR-to-RL tech: Nanotats (1 reply)
  111. Technomancers and the Living Persona (79 replies)
  112. Glamour (19 replies)
  113. Increasing Pilot Ratings? (2 replies)
  114. Enhancements and drugs [don't] mix? (13 replies)
  115. Question about TMs and dead zones (5 replies)
  116. Some questions about drones (7 replies)
  117. SURGE numbers? (22 replies)
  118. Kowloon Walled City (Ghost Cartels) (152 replies)
  119. Teach me to face. (117 replies)
  120. Law Enforcement Corporations. (11 replies)
  121. Rigging my own body (51 replies)
  122. Matrix stats and when used (30 replies)
  123. Technomancers and Mental Attributes (10 replies)
  124. Explosives (1 reply)
  125. Slang question: Pink Mohawk? (17 replies)
  126. totems/mentor spirits 'infesting' (23 replies)
  127. My first hacker build (8 replies)
  128. Endowed Materialization and foci (31 replies)
  129. Health Insurance Fraud (4 replies)
  130. Killing hands on astral opponents (8 replies)
  131. New PDFs: 10 Jackpointers, Street Samurai Catalog, Fields of Fire (82 replies)
  132. Search-Fu failed (1 reply)
  133. Clothes that change themselves (12 replies)
  134. Downsides of 'Ware (22 replies)
  135. Vehicle Mod: Improved Economy (15 replies)
  136. High armor rating (26 replies)
  137. Blood of Kali/K-10 (56 replies)
  138. Moved: Did FrankTrollman get banned AGAIN? (-- replies)
  139. SR4 Net Hits Probability Distribution (32 replies)
  140. Grip Feet confusion (5 replies)
  141. Essence Loss and Induced Dormancy. (6 replies)
  142. Implanted foci (26 replies)
  143. Mentor Spirits (5 replies)
  144. Very general 6th World Questions (18 replies)
  145. RL Megacorp reaping what it sowed (2 replies)
  146. Medkit ratings as skill (39 replies)
  147. BP, Karma, Priority (222 replies)
  148. Posessing a cybered character (24 replies)
  149. Quick Question: Astral Initiative (5 replies)
  150. Roadmaster Loadout Advice (3 replies)
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