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  1. Drugs are bad, mmmkay (6 replies)
  2. Find someone astrally with a link (e.g.hairs) (1 reply)
  3. Barrier vs elemtal wall (16 replies)
  4. Killer GM anonymous (33 replies)
  5. 20 minute character challenge (68 replies)
  6. Shadowrun on Mars (13 replies)
  7. Aura Sifting (3 replies)
  8. Safehouses IRL (43 replies)
  9. Smartguns Exist (5 replies)
  10. SR3 - Adventure Modules? (2 replies)
  11. Tiny Helicopter Piloted By Human Thoughts (10 replies)
  12. So...Origins (15 replies)
  13. Shadowrun Apocalypse (13 replies)
  14. Immortal Elf Spike Baby as a PC? (21 replies)
  15. SuRGED characters need some input (4 replies)
  16. Unofficial Errata for Martin de Vries in Street Legends (5 replies)
  17. Edge then edge again? (89 replies)
  18. Database for NPCs (2 replies)
  19. Who's Who on Dumpshock (186 replies)
  20. What can give a character an extra free action? (5 replies)
  21. Blade combat, and multiple attacks (36 replies)
  22. Thinking about a new house rule... (14 replies)
  23. Foci Descriptions and Hermetic Mages (6 replies)
  24. Regeneration as an Adept Power (59 replies)
  25. How do you make characters? (31 replies)
  26. CRASH 1.0 is comming-DOOM! DOOM! (2 replies)
  27. Alien Hand Syndrome (A new negative quality) (12 replies)
  28. Favorite negative qualities to ensure hilarity (24 replies)
  29. SR5 Quickstart Rules are on drivethruRPG (145 replies)
  30. Upcoming releases (29 replies)
  31. 10 Mercs (42 replies)
  32. Potent Quotables (679 replies)
  33. SuRGED (1 reply)
  34. Mystic Adept, Shapeshifter 400BP (52 replies)
  35. Best Thrown Weapons? (65 replies)
  36. Shadowrun Returns Anthology (17 replies)
  37. Body Integrity Identity Disorder (0 replies)
  38. Corpsec loadout (14 replies)
  39. Ruger thunderbolt vs ruger super warhawk. (61 replies)
  40. Weapon mods and mod slots. (0 replies)
  41. Shadowrun 5th Ed. Preview #2 (612 replies)
  42. How to subdue a mage? (14 replies)
  43. Standard magic defense ? (4 replies)
  44. Skill Web (15 replies)
  45. Need help putting "something else"in an Adept (29 replies)
  46. Different condition monitor. (36 replies)
  47. Custom cyber limbs (1 reply)
  48. Get your Zeta Bravo today! (41 replies)
  49. Spirit Edge (46 replies)
  50. Magic (23 replies)
  51. RL Corporate Hacking Example (1 reply)
  52. Elemetal strike, what can It "do" (15 replies)
  53. Combat example? (4 replies)
  54. The digital arms trade (2 replies)
  55. Advertising in Shadowrun (12 replies)
  56. Copying Programs (4 replies)
  57. GM Resources? (12 replies)
  58. In Depth Look at Contents of Box Set (19 replies)
  59. Question about missions and metaplots (1 reply)
  60. Upgrading Ware (11 replies)
  61. Walking through walls (27 replies)
  62. Decker app (5 replies)
  63. Shadowrun 5th Introduction adventure? (6 replies)
  64. Thermographic vision(Natural) and Thermal Smk. Grenades (55 replies)
  65. Spirits On Their Home Planes (14 replies)
  66. Weapons Mounting question and the Iron Will (49 replies)
  67. new GM (again) : PEACH my one-shot and stuff ... (4 replies)
  68. Character Negative Qualities (42 replies)
  69. AIs and the New Matrix. (6 replies)
  70. Interactive Chicago Map (20 replies)
  71. Physical Camouflage VS Improved Invisibility (14 replies)
  72. Spider changeling (38 replies)
  73. Spell Defense (8 replies)
  74. Shadowrun Tabletop - Hidden Stories (351 replies)
  75. What can you to do lower Public Awareness? (75 replies)
  76. I'm a 'Run Fixer. Ask Me Anything! (19 replies)
  77. Storm Front is out! (1058 replies)
  78. What to run, and when? (16 replies)
  79. Fox Shapeshifter (19 replies)
  80. Spike babies (29 replies)
  81. TrackingPoint Rifle (3 replies)
  82. Free City of Hamburg (8 replies)
  83. Adepts and background count (21 replies)
  84. New Gun Question (7 replies)
  85. Fragging Cyberlimbs, how do they work? (15 replies)
  86. ANZAC Day (32 replies)
  87. New Spell: Bug Zapper (19 replies)
  88. Ammo types (6 replies)
  89. Anyone making any special plans for the 21st? (130 replies)
  90. Azrael (19 replies)
  91. Possessed cars (10 replies)
  92. Uses for Orichalcum aside from expediting Enchanting? (25 replies)
  93. No Scramble this year? (2 replies)
  94. Professial-fu, or the way of the mirror shades (10 replies)
  95. Advice please (28 replies)
  96. Does this exist, is so how? (15 replies)
  97. Arise Bug spirits (1 reply)
  98. Recoil comp for 2 weapon firing (14 replies)
  99. Aztlan conspiracy (15 replies)
  100. Rigging bikes (140 replies)
  101. Milspec Armor & Possesionspirits (59 replies)
  102. Shadowrun Returns Kickstarter Rewards issues (0 replies)
  103. Finding Really Old Topics - How? (3 replies)
  104. The Ultimate Rigger/Hacker setup (Drone Focus, Command Vehicle/ Dronerigger/Hacker) (56 replies)
  105. New Addition to Rigger Black Book (2 replies)
  106. The Way Of The Samurai! (107 replies)
  107. Royal Canadian Mint is looking for software developers (1 reply)
  108. Bioware, now (3 replies)
  109. And now a running list of things I am not allowed to do in Shadowrun (3715 replies)
  110. Shapechange - What is the natural/augmented Attribute max? (61 replies)
  111. Catch me up with the story (2 replies)
  112. Shadowrun Returns up for prepurchase on Steam (10 replies)
  113. Your Runners in Shadowrun Returns (19 replies)
  114. Insect Spirits Max Attributes (6 replies)
  115. The Return (171 replies)
  116. Science Fiction in Shadowrun (5 replies)
  117. Movement Power (41 replies)
  118. Knight Errant raid into Redmond (25 replies)
  119. Bio Booster Armor (8 replies)
  120. Spirit Types and Spirit Foci (4 replies)
  121. Shadowrun Covers (1 reply)
  122. Decking in Shadowrun Returns (0 replies)
  123. Hacking weapons... (46 replies)
  124. Karmagen System (14 replies)
  125. Eliohann: What has he become? (4 replies)
  126. Moved: Gaming Snacks (-- replies)
  127. Musical Instruments (21 replies)
  128. Posession Trouble (43 replies)
  129. Reagent Prices? (4 replies)
  130. Horror Marks, Demon Pacts, and Corruption (34 replies)
  131. Sacrificial Limb now out! (14 replies)
  132. A matter of meta magics effecting others (35 replies)
  133. Social Skills during Combat 2 (5 replies)
  134. Way of the Adept - mentor (4 replies)
  135. Luxury-AAA Zones? (17 replies)
  136. Meat Body while astral projection (21 replies)
  137. Dawn of Artifact contacts (44 replies)
  138. Group lifestyle (1 reply)
  139. Raven shifter (8 replies)
  140. Getting Around Seattle (13 replies)
  141. Damage from falling off a bike (13 replies)
  142. Page reference for long term binding sought (3 replies)
  143. San Fancisco Post-Saito (10 replies)
  144. Furry Troll (5 replies)
  145. Looking for SR3 character generator (8 replies)
  146. Rules Question regarding security (34 replies)
  147. Vaguely Inception-Styled Story Seed (5 replies)
  148. Confused on Comlinks and Deadzones (29 replies)
  149. Theorycraft - Walker Mode (32 replies)
  150. How big is a dracoform? (20 replies)
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