Apr 25 2013, 11:53 PM
Apr 26 2013, 02:29 AM
We need to get Mungo in there.
Apr 26 2013, 03:12 AM
If Mungo gets put in there, I won't be able to use him for the Missions I want to write...
EDIT: I wish I could add characters in there.
Apr 26 2013, 09:19 AM
Do you mean you're not allowed to contribute to the list because you're one of the canon writers for SR?
Apr 26 2013, 09:34 AM
There's not 'face' type speciality in the list, and most of my characters play into that role
Apr 26 2013, 09:49 AM
Submitted a Dorf Mole Shaman. Shape Earth Spell and Earth Spirits. For making Tunnels.
Apr 26 2013, 03:57 PM
QUOTE (DamHawke @ Apr 26 2013, 04:19 AM)

Do you mean you're not allowed to contribute to the list because you're one of the canon writers for SR?
No, Google is locking up my rig for some unknown reason, and recovering from my surgery, I don't have the patience or ability to think (I'm out of the "good" pain pills now) to troubleshoot the issue properly. Already did the basic stuff (I'm former IT and Tech Support.).
Apr 27 2013, 07:07 AM
I submitted my mage, Huli, albeit they didn't have a listing for SuRGE characters, and that's not the most important side. She's snobby, and her runner name, "Huli Jing," is a slang term for "gold digger." At the very least, you can trust a gold digger to stick around while the money's good, and that's most of being a professional runner.
Apr 27 2013, 12:38 PM
Joel 'Batman' Hardinger and his infinite preparedness has been added to the list.
Yes, he was nicknamed Batman because he always had the right tool for the job. He also had about a dozen bolt-holes ready in an emergency and enough dirt on several major players in the area that people preferred not to go after him... though the fact that the one time someone did send some goons to pick him up resulted in the building exploding also dropped a bit of a hint.
Apr 27 2013, 01:55 PM
QUOTE (Rubic @ Apr 27 2013, 02:07 AM)

I submitted my mage, Huli, albeit they didn't have a listing for SuRGE characters...
The game takes place in 2054. SURGE hasn't happened yet.
Apr 27 2013, 03:50 PM
Hm.... 108 characters for a descripion is VERY hard. WAY too low. Come on, couldn't it have been 255... or 500?
Ah well i think i will upload a few of my most liked from myself and my players.
Apr 27 2013, 04:14 PM
Submitted two:
"Walks in Darkness" -- A Crow Shaman, specializing in Illusions. Quiet and reliable, he has a thing against Megacorps.
"Peppermint Twist" -- Peppermint Twist is a 'Gunbunny' -- hyperactive, cheerful and with a hair-trigger that's amazingly accurate.
Apr 27 2013, 08:38 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Apr 27 2013, 09:55 AM)

The game takes place in 2054. SURGE hasn't happened yet.
I know. The most important part of the character wasn't superficial appearance or special stat bumps. SuRGE or not, the core characteristics remain; she was a nuyen-oriented pro mage/shaman. Her runner name also means "Fox Spirit," and more colloquially "gold digger," as well as a few less polite epithets along that line.
Apr 29 2013, 01:45 AM
I gave them two:
Bearclaw: Former tir ghost merc/street sam.
Klaus Ebert: Mage, former Troll Kingdoms mage detective.
Apr 29 2013, 01:45 AM
I gave them two:
Bearclaw: Former tir ghost merc/street sam.
Klaus Ebert: Mage, former Troll Kingdoms mage detective.
Apr 29 2013, 07:00 AM
Added a couple myself but didn't want to give away all my ideas!
Fire Mission, human combat rigger who provides as much fire support as his drones - one of my few actual SR3 PCs
Ferret, my cowardly dwarven decker from the Post or die thread
Bloodbath, female ork adept whose killing hands power cuts opponents leaving her covered in their blood - another PC but I only ever got to play her a couple of times
tasti man LH
Apr 29 2013, 07:06 AM
I might submit more, but I'm going through them one-at-a-time. For now, I've got Buster the troll rigger: can add support with his drones, as well as providing an extra set of arms in combat, even an extra combat axe!
(this guy I plan to play as eventually)
Seriously Mike
Apr 30 2013, 06:13 PM
Of course, Seriously Mike the Ork decker. Who is actually pretty handy with a gun.
Apr 30 2013, 06:59 PM
*keeps track*
May 1 2013, 11:04 AM
You think they'll release the list of the NPCs that made the cut or do you think they'll just let us be 'pleasantly surprised' when we see them ingame?
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