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  1. Throat Punch Games Daily Punch 1-15-13 (0 replies)
  2. Reakt Question (2 replies)
  3. New Full Auto Rules (57 replies)
  4. Cybertechnology question (3 replies)
  5. Redneck Street Samurai (26 replies)
  6. Warform/Biodrones augmented stats (14 replies)
  7. Alternate complex forms (2 replies)
  8. Mprbidly Obese Physical Adept (12 replies)
  9. SR, gritty Cyberpunk themes, and which books are must haves (23 replies)
  10. Freefall balance augmenter (3 replies)
  11. Salt Lake City (96 replies)
  12. Matrix Perception (12 replies)
  13. Technomancers rewritten (7 replies)
  14. Stacked Foci bonus (8 replies)
  15. Buying and Fencing Gear (27 replies)
  16. Montreal 2074 is out! (59 replies)
  17. Old Adventures vs New (20 replies)
  18. Applied social skills (45 replies)
  19. Stupid Piloting Question (65 replies)
  20. So Much For Stealth (22 replies)
  21. The Weatherman (26 replies)
  22. Crunch books (27 replies)
  23. Movement, charging and combat! (14 replies)
  24. Of riggers and men (0 replies)
  25. Getting paid (50 replies)
  26. Who needs a smartlink system anymore? (5 replies)
  27. Background count in Lagos? (1 reply)
  28. So who did I piss off? (2 replies)
  29. Homemade Negative Qualities (158 replies)
  30. Shooting through barriers (31 replies)
  31. Size of an assault cannon (60 replies)
  32. The Bugs (16 replies)
  33. A few rules questions from a new-ish player (10 replies)
  34. Real world smartlink/gun (2 replies)
  35. Technomancer Rigger: Which Complex Forms Are A Must? (23 replies)
  36. "Take Aim" Clarification (41 replies)
  37. Just curious (5 replies)
  38. Shadowrun Dice App (20 replies)
  39. Capacity on Imaging Scopes (96 replies)
  40. Paranoid idea: Awakened/Resonant nanoware/bioware. (29 replies)
  41. Shadowrun 4/20th anniversary differences (15 replies)
  42. Hacking in Shadowrun (1 reply)
  43. Soul Reaver Build (11 replies)
  44. The dystopian world of Shadowrun, in real life (14 replies)
  45. William Gibson Predicts 2013. (0 replies)
  46. Side View Generator (13 replies)
  47. Character Creation: BP and Viability (81 replies)
  48. Nanoforged weapons (0 replies)
  49. The Minigun (16 replies)
  50. Handling money rewards (20 replies)
  51. A Seemingly Impossible Task (21 replies)
  52. Hidden snipers (99 replies)
  53. Drone Device Rating (25 replies)
  54. Foci, Astral Forms, and Materialization (9 replies)
  55. Prize fighting in shadowrun (6 replies)
  56. Rigger Improvement Eilte Level (12 replies)
  57. Lightning Reflexes (79 replies)
  58. BIO Drone swarms, costs? (21 replies)
  59. Paranoid positive (oops, I mean negative) quality (31 replies)
  60. The old bait and switch (27 replies)
  61. The Force (3 replies)
  62. Parageology released (19 replies)
  63. The Profesional Guard (21 replies)
  64. Nanopaste Ratings? (6 replies)
  65. Minicorps in your game (11 replies)
  66. Cash for karma (22 replies)
  67. Needing some assistance with a 400BP Magician Concept (68 replies)
  68. Ally Spirits (46 replies)
  69. Jogging and Defaulting the run skill. (8 replies)
  70. How to ease players into a runner's mindset? (90 replies)
  71. Runners Needed For Location And Extraction (3 replies)
  72. Happy Holidays Everyone! (2 replies)
  73. Airport / Aircraft Security? (25 replies)
  74. Help With Creation Rules For Setting Adaptation (44 replies)
  75. ... so I just became a Rigger. (16 replies)
  76. Sixth World Hellholes (78 replies)
  77. Why Safehouses is important... (15 replies)
  78. Horizon prison (50 replies)
  79. Need help developing ex-Russian spy concept, please (22 replies)
  80. Shadowrun: The Clutch of Dragons is out! (87 replies)
  81. Unaugmented mundane nightmare. (17 replies)
  82. Happy Alternative Awakening Day! (1 reply)
  83. Where is Rigger 4! (5 replies)
  84. The life of a SINless man (1 reply)
  85. The Shadowrun teaser video (93 replies)
  86. My players kinda fragged the pooch... (23 replies)
  87. Masking my ghoul (13 replies)
  88. 12:12:12 12/12/12 (44 replies)
  89. Combat basics (7 replies)
  90. What I should have done after my first run.... (7 replies)
  91. New Shadowrun novels? (5 replies)
  92. Questions about Skillwires (33 replies)
  93. My first trollbow (119 replies)
  94. Catching up... (77 replies)
  95. Las Vegas and the PCC (7 replies)
  96. Dirt Witch/Witch Doctor - Parabotany (w/Some Parageology) (10 replies)
  97. Matrix math (53 replies)
  98. Enchanced Pheromone Receptors (12 replies)
  99. Adepts and Mentor Spirits (11 replies)
  100. Tracking an Agent / AI (15 replies)
  101. Oh Johnson! (23 replies)
  102. 2072: Middle East (14 replies)
  103. Status Afflictions, Diseases (Nausea, etc) (4 replies)
  104. a quick way for introducing the 2052 lore to new players? (4 replies)
  105. Vehicle quirks. (8 replies)
  106. Matrix perception confusion (14 replies)
  107. Gwynplaine (65 replies)
  108. Need a translation (28 replies)
  109. Mind Probe Alterations? (52 replies)
  110. Jumping in SR Missions (7 replies)
  111. Minituarisation rules (11 replies)
  112. Homebrew: The Seer's Way (7 replies)
  113. We can rebuild him! (34 replies)
  114. Question about the ARES HVAR and Gas Vent (10 replies)
  115. Shooting people with blackpowder firearms in the future (89 replies)
  116. Would like to create 5th edition rulebook. (155 replies)
  117. Ninjas! (43 replies)
  118. Dual Wielding Modifiers (10 replies)
  119. Spy Games questions (36 replies)
  120. Armor treatments - form fitting (29 replies)
  121. Quote of the Week (4 replies)
  122. Earthdawn Loremaster Needed - Naming? Patterns? (6 replies)
  123. AI (Artifical Intelligence) Query: Subscriptions (3 replies)
  124. Cool concept car with SR feel to it (35 replies)
  125. Magic Computers (17 replies)
  126. Dijon, France (3 replies)
  127. Long Term Injuries and Modifiers? (15 replies)
  128. Total Amnesia (43 replies)
  129. Counterspell Critter Powers? (33 replies)
  130. Concealment (82 replies)
  131. Advice, please: My players are getting ambitious (40 replies)
  132. Moved: Shadowrun Returns Update. (-- replies)
  133. Alpha complex in shadowrun (12 replies)
  134. Master of 1000 faces (13 replies)
  135. "I won't be back!" (5 replies)
  136. Help me think like my players! (29 replies)
  137. Dodge RAM Truck (11 replies)
  138. Good novel -- running the shadows in modern day (0 replies)
  139. Hacking bank accounts (265 replies)
  140. Lower power scale Shadowrun game (14 replies)
  141. Knowledge and frequency of Fake SINs? (2 replies)
  142. Gnome ex-Corp Street Samurai (9 replies)
  143. It's quiet on here today... (22 replies)
  144. Future Muscle Replacement (15 replies)
  145. Aliens in shadowrun. (154 replies)
  146. 400 BP Vampire Mystic Adept (97 replies)
  147. Random Musings: Tropico 2070 (9 replies)
  148. Knockout with feet (13 replies)
  149. Not enough Power Points (36 replies)
  150. Prefab Skyscrapers (2 replies)
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