Jan 15 2013, 07:59 PM
whats your favorite "type" of runner. are you the mega mojo slinger. the in the meet rigger/combat hacker. the matrix master (techno or decker) or the smooth talking, seductive, charm talker. or a mixture of two different ones? just wanna see the different views. also feel free to talk about experiences as said character. everyone loves a good story!
Jan 15 2013, 08:07 PM
I am a GM. I am the world, all kinds of runners included. :ь
Jan 15 2013, 08:11 PM
I'm still new to GMing. but so far I have taken a liking to making "PCs" as recurring enemy/rival NPCs in the runs. gives me a lot of entertainment as well as the group.
Jan 15 2013, 08:18 PM
I'm greedy!
Although in most if not all games I tend to favour characters with a wide breadth. One trick combat ponies usually mean you spend 3/4th's of the time with nothing to do.
Lately, despite the popular trends on this forum I've grown quite fond of technomancers...
Other times generally magi in one form or another, riggers or skillmonkeys.
But like Fatum, I am the GM... Haven't gotten to play in years.
Jan 15 2013, 08:41 PM
Also GM. When I do play, I normally fall into the loony category. On the team, normally B&E (all the better to leave dynamite in hilarious locations).
Jan 15 2013, 08:53 PM
Also a GM here. I prefer Hackers with skillwires and a Warez Connection types.
Jan 15 2013, 08:55 PM
Are there even players on this board.
Jan 15 2013, 08:56 PM
I am the Troll.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Jan 15 2013, 09:25 PM
Nexus - Cyberlogician Hacker/Rigger Information Warfare Specialist (Hong Kong)
Jenks - Black Mage Occult Investigator/Ritualist/Face (Hong Kong)
Spikes - Ex-Ganger Combat Adept (Previously of Detroit, now in Hong Kong)
The Suit - Accountant Hacker from Hell (Seattle; gives nod to Canray for the Idea)
The Kid - Driver/Extreme Sports Courier (Seattle)
Darkhoni - Shinto Priest/Ninja (Seattle)
Serpent - Mundane Russian Jack of all Trades (Seattle)
McAllister - Ex-Lone Star Detective turned Private Detective. (Seattle)
Jan 15 2013, 09:36 PM
I am a player, but I have only played one character, Sniper Adept so far, but I do like the versatility of the Adepts so far
Jan 15 2013, 09:41 PM
Moderately (and subtly) cybered investigator/infiltrator/MacGyver sort. Something like "field operative."
Jan 15 2013, 09:42 PM
QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ Jan 15 2013, 10:25 PM)
The Suit - Accountant Hacker from Hell (Seattle; gives nod to Canray for the Idea)
Waiting for an opportunity to introduce a safehouse salesman in my games
Jan 15 2013, 11:38 PM
Amateur GM, enjoy playing bizarre niche characters like breakdancing ork machinegunners or grizzled people-hunting mountainmen or shrieking super-jumping cyberlizards.
I do enjoy creating NPCs, but only really the important ones. All the day-to-day stuff is boring bookkeeping. My current favorite NPCs are a not-quite-RAW-legal escaped clonal cyborg hacker girl and her symbiotic free spirit-of-man companion; and a cyberdiva glitch/triphop nightclub owner, datahaven operator, and information broker.
Jan 16 2013, 03:05 AM
B&E centric Face characters. They're quite useful and if the player's good at RP-ing, you get LOTS of entertainment
Jan 16 2013, 03:47 AM
Synthrocker Face, when I get to play.
Since noone wants me to run my Decker.
Jan 16 2013, 04:14 AM
I've played mainly street-sams so far, but I'm having a lot of fun with my remote hacker so I can't really tell you for certain which style I enjoy most.
Jan 16 2013, 07:04 AM
My favorite Character to play would be Trickster Shamans. "Nobody said to expect you guys." my character "We're Shadowrunners!"
My favorite spell Orgasm, Trid Phantasm and Fashion. (Make some elf's shirt say "I Hate Trogs!" in the barrens.)
My favorite NPCs I've made as a GM would be my Assassin that gives the group his gun to let them kill themselves to make his job easier. My Havoc Toxic Shaman who likes to use spirits. Summoned a Spirit of Poo that wrecked havoc at an amusement park.
Jan 16 2013, 07:11 AM
QUOTE (Bushw4cker @ Jan 16 2013, 08:04 AM)
Fashion. (Make some elf's shirt say "I Hate Trogs!" in the barrens.)
You need to touch the shirt for a few combat turns though.
Jan 16 2013, 07:36 AM
QUOTE (NiL_FisK_Urd @ Jan 16 2013, 07:11 AM)
You need to touch the shirt for a few combat turns though.
Or you can use Trid Phantasm.
Jan 16 2013, 07:49 AM
QUOTE (Bushw4cker @ Jan 16 2013, 12:04 AM)
My favorite NPCs I've made as a GM would be my Assassin that gives the group his gun to let them kill themselves to make his job easier.
Jan 16 2013, 10:26 AM
I play a bunch of rpg's with the same group and I always roll last to fill any needed role or do something wacky if all "necessary" roles are filled (wacky is fun).
DuckEggBlue Omega
Jan 16 2013, 10:53 AM
Does it have to be a character we've actually played? I've only once gotten to play a character in SR that wasn't a pregen of somekind and that time the 'group' (everyone but me, but I wasn't about to throw a tantrum over something everyone else seemed enthusiastic about) decided it would be awesome if we all played magic users, so ended up playing a personalised version of the SR3 Combat Mage, which was the first character I ever played. In anycase, the character I didn't get to play was a Street Face.
Instead of an expatriot Tir elf with all the high society contacts and 3 high lifestyles he was working class hispanic ork who knew everyone and everything worth knowing, on the streets. So many touches I liked - Why bother trying to justify or maintain a relationship with an Ares executive when you can drink beer with the guy who empties his trash? Low end gear (and gremlins) for that 'second hand' 'fell-off-the-back-of-a-truck' vibe. A huge slab of undefined contacts just called "Cousins" (orks breed in litters). His super-strict grandmother who insisted his family was from spanish nobility and passed on that heritage, whether he liked it or not. I don't think I've ever been as happy with any other character I've built.
I've since built other variations on the theme, I still like the idea, maybe I'll get to play it one day.
The other idea I like is the Not-a-ShadowRunner which I've tried a couple times to make, inspired not only by the classic tropes - but also a congame I attempted to run where everyone starts with amnesia and the players build characters by having flashbacks during the game. The system was a bit clunky, and after being informed that 'knowledge skills were free', one player used nothing but for the whole adventure. It was great.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Jan 16 2013, 02:23 PM
QUOTE (NiL_FisK_Urd @ Jan 16 2013, 12:11 AM)
You need to touch the shirt for a few combat turns though.
Not really; you brush up against it (to cast the spell) and then all you have to do is sustain the magic until it becomes permanent. You do not have to remain in contact with it.
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