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I feel like such a noob asking this but I remember I got it wrong the first time I played and dont want to get it wrong again after not playing SR for 3 years. In combat it goes

1. Attacker rolls to score hits.
2. Defender rolls to avoid hits.
3. compare
4. If net hits plus weapon damage exceed the defenders rolls you potentially do damage.
5. Defender makes a resist check.

At the end of that, if the defender has resisted the damage, does he still take stun damage?

Any help is wonderful,

That order looks right. After the damage type (stun or physical) is determined in steps 3 and 4, you either resist all of the damage or take what you didn't resist. The damage type doesn't change again, and if you reist it all you don't take damage.
awesome thanks! smile.gif
QUOTE (Lass @ Dec 19 2012, 10:37 AM) *
I feel like such a noob asking this but I remember I got it wrong the first time I played and dont want to get it wrong again after not playing SR for 3 years. In combat it goes

1. Attacker rolls to score hits.
2. Defender rolls to avoid hits.
3. compare
4. If net hits plus weapon damage exceed the defenders rolls you potentially do damage.
5. Defender makes a resist check.

At the end of that, if the defender has resisted the damage, does he still take stun damage?

No. Number 4 should be "If attacker has net hits you add net hits to base weapon damage to determine how much damage the defender needs to soak."

Then, if modified damage after the soak is greater than the defender's modified armor value the damage is physical. If the modified damage is lower than the modified armor value, the damage is converted to stun.

EDIT: SR4A, page 149, Resolving Combat; SR4A, page 150, Ranged Combat Summary sidebar; SR4A, page 157, Melee Combat Summary sidebar.
I thought you determined whether or not it was stun damage based on net hits, not net damage.
Am I reading that right?
add net hits to damage
if modified damage is over AV damage is physical. Go to soak.
damage is stun

soak = roll body + armor , subtract from damage. Defender takes that many boxes.
Neraph OVERLOOKED that this was SR THREE! NOT FOUR!
QUOTE (Bearclaw @ Dec 19 2012, 06:44 PM) *
I thought you determined whether or not it was stun damage based on net hits, not net damage.
Am I reading that right?
add net hits to damage
if modified damage is over AV damage is physical. Go to soak.
damage is stun

soak = roll body + armor , subtract from damage. Defender takes that many boxes.

Yah, I derped for a second. At least I posted the references that are correct.

QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Dec 19 2012, 06:52 PM) *
Neraph OVERLOOKED that this was SR THREE! NOT FOUR!

How could I overlook something that wasn't stated?
My bad, i read the first sentence as meaning SR3 was played, i am way too tired it seems x.x
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