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Full Version: New Shadowrun novels?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Before i stopped visiting this forum there was mention of new novels that were going to release that summer. then they were delayed. shortly after mention of the delay was when i stopped visiting. did those novels ever see the light of day in any form?
Yes, one novella, Neat, was released as an ebook. It's pretty ... neat.
The novel line that was planned is on hold indefinitely, unfortunately. My understanding is there are contractual problems that date back to FASA and Roc, and prevent us from being able to release new novels. (This is also why the ePubs of older novels are no longer available). Until things are sorted out, the best we can do are things like the aforementioned "Neat" and the enhanced fiction ebooks, such as "Another Rainy Night" released earlier this year.

As this prevents me from writing a novel, it is highly annoying from a fan and an author's point of view, I'd just like to add.

Well, at least THIS author.
QUOTE (Bull @ Dec 15 2012, 06:03 AM) *
The novel line that was planned is on hold indefinitely, unfortunately. My understanding is there are contractual problems that date back to FASA and Roc, and prevent us from being able to release new novels. (This is also why the ePubs of older novels are no longer available). Until things are sorted out, the best we can do are things like the aforementioned "Neat" and the enhanced fiction ebooks, such as "Another Rainy Night" released earlier this year.


This makes me sad. frown.gif

Good to know, at least, but still... I always found the novels to be the most immersive aspect of Shadowrun, for me personally.
Alpha Blue
I miss the novels too. No better way of getting gm inspiration in my opinion.
Neat was great though:)
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