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Full Version: Dual Wielding Modifiers
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Having a discussion with some friends about splitting dicepools when dual wielding and I cannot find anything about it in the core book. I need the section about splitting dicepools and I need, through either the FAQ or errata the rule that says you can split your pool in any way you want please.

Thank you in advance.

PS: I'd have done this myself but I'm taking care of my 4-month son alone. Hard to get things done.
20th Anniversary edition: pg 150
4th edition: pg 141
Derp, I overlooked that about a dozen times. I was searching for something that said "Dual Wield" or "Two Guns," not "Attacker Using A Second Firearm."

Can you find any example of a character splitting their dicepool? The person I'm in this discussion with says you have to split the pools evenly.
I can assure You that by Raw you only have to split the Pool .Its nowhere written that it has to be done evenly
(but I doubt that this helps You biggrin.gif )

with an uneven Dance
It also states that such things are up for GM discretion, but yeah can't find any mention of an even split.
The FAQ says you can split the pool how ever you like. It's the lone entry in the Game Mechanics section which is probably why you didn't see it. Guess it would make too much sense to put it in the Combat section, or the skills section. wink.gif
Like for the lazy or child minding.
QUOTE (Mantis @ Dec 5 2012, 06:23 PM) *
The FAQ says you can split the pool how ever you like. It's the lone entry in the Game Mechanics section which is probably why you didn't see it. Guess it would make too much sense to put it in the Combat section, or the skills section. wink.gif
Like for the lazy or child minding.

QUOTE (Neraph @ Dec 5 2012, 10:18 PM) *

The FAQ contradicts other pieces. Specialization, for example, is a dice pool modifier (and one of the few saving graces on splitting the pool).

The correct math should be (Attribute + skill)/2 +/- modifiers (range, visibility, specialization, recoil).
The FAQ got close enough to the point I was trying to make and a friend of mine was trying to refute. He was claiming that it had to be a 50-50 split when you split your pool.
Makes me wonder what he'd say you had to do if you had an odd number for the dice pool to start with. Going 50/50 would leave you with an odd die out, and if you were quite literal then you'd have to either drop that odd die or add one to the total pool to have an even split.
I don't want to know what he'd say to that, as either way he'd rule it would be wrong.
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