I've had an idea which I'd like to share. Is it just me, or are most of my threads started with something like that? I should try and come up with something original next time.
This is a run idea: The PCs are hired by a corporate Johnson to investigate a facility thought lost during the crash 2.0, an agent-run biosphere known as Alpha Complex. The exact mission could be anything from simple recon to a search and rescue to data retrieval, it doesn't really matter. What matters is that since the crash the agent program has become a full AI known as 'friend computer', and when the runners enter the complex friend computer will immediately identify them as Mutant Commie Traitors and start sending troubleshooters and robots to deal with them. this is ironic, as to the best of my knowledge there are very few communist shadowrunners.
Unfortunately, I've never actually played Paranoia so I don't know what kind of things to throw into the run to make it more entertaining... help, please!