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Full Version: Jumping in SR Missions
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
My local group is thinking of starting a SR Missions group after playing Pathfinder Society for the last year. I have a question that people can perhaps help me with. As a GM, is there a central database/website to report the game results at like Paizo site? Or is it just as simple as filling out the adventure log for the players?

Thanks for any help.
I believe it's here. Like, literally here.

EDIT: I was close. It's actually here.
QUOTE (Neraph @ Dec 7 2012, 10:59 AM) *
I believe it's here. Like, literally here.

EDIT: I was close. It's actually here.

Thanks for the reply. So thats it? Just create a new post and give the players their paperwork? Hope my group enjoys switching to SR. Been a long time since Ive had a chance to run this game.
I'm not certain, but I think that you post your findings in the appropriate thread.
Not really... I've seen enough people playing Missions at conventions that the posts don't equate to the number of games played.
Cryptoknight--yeah, the disparity between games run and games reported has always been fairly high.
There's no real means of enforcement, so a lot of folks don't bother with the reporting.

Especially since character advancement is tied to the play record sheets, not to the reporting.

Or, more often, they just aren't aware they are supposed to report anything.

This should probably be in the Missions Sub-Forum here, but I'll answer anyway wink.gif (I don't make it into the main forum that often anymore)

We request that GMs report the results on the forums linked above so that, if it's provided early enough, we can take the results into account for future Missions adventures. if you don't report, you can't impact future plotlines smile.gif Also, ONLY the GM needs to report (And there's a blurb at the front of each Mission about that).

However, this is not required. It's purely a voluntary thing by GMs. There are only two things you and your players need to do to maintain an official game: Follow the Missions rules in the FAQ, and be sure your players fill out and keep the debriefing logs. This allows the characters to be played at conventions or any other Missions game out there.

Have fun, and post up any questions here or over on the official forums. I'm a little slow to answer sometimes, but I do my best. And we have a fair number of regular GMs and players around who can answer most questions before I can anyway smile.gif

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