I'm currently trying to calculate the probabilities of successfully hacking a node on the fly, in other words beating the Firewall threshold AND not raising an alarm.
But with the "I roll once, node rolls once" mechanic things get a little more complicated than a simple threshold roll (or maybe I'm too stupid to find an easy formula), so here's the best I came up with:
FW = Node's Firewall
ST = Hacker's Stealth
P(succeeding on the n-th roll) = P(hacker accumulated >=FW hits on the n-th roll) * P(node accumulated <ST hits on the n-th roll) * P(hacker accumulated <FW hits on the n-1-th roll)
P(having accumulated >=X hits on the n-th roll) is trivial, just sum up the dice rolled on tests 1 to n and look at the CDF. Total chance of the hacker succeeding is the sum for n=1 to n=(attacker's DP), assuming you use the "-1 dice on each successive test" rule.
Am I getting somewhere, or should I just go back to reading probability theory for dummies?