QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Dec 30 2012, 01:37 AM)
Any magician can astrally project, leaving their physical bodies behind and effectively becoming an astral form.
Yes, but that's not the same as the Astral Form critter power,
SR4A, page 293.
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Dec 30 2012, 01:37 AM)
Also, I think it's possible for an ally spirit to have Endowment as long as the magician is capable of summoning guardian and/or task spirits (and said ally spirit actually has Materialization, in this case), though this might depend on how a GM interprets the available powers part.
No. Ally spirits cannot have access to the special powers available from Invoking.
From the FAQ:
Ally spirit powers can be chosen from any powers available to spirits the initiate’s tradition may conjure. If the initiate knows Invoking metamagic, are the powers available to great form spirits available as ally spirit powers?
No. The powers must come from those available to the initiate’s tradition; Invoking is not inherent to a tradition.