Delhi gang-rape victim's friend: Cops wasted 30 minutes arguing about jurisdictionNEW DELHI: While Nirbhaya's brutal gang-rape horrified the nation, the events that followed the crime revealed shocking callousness on the part of both citizens and the police. In his first public statement, Nirbhaya's friend said on Friday that the two of them lay naked on the road for more than two hours with people stopping to look at them and then moving on.
According to the friend, the apathy did not end even after the police entered the scene. Three PCR vans arrived at the spot. Then, in an exhibition of mindless, totally insensitive bureaucratic behaviour, the cops spent the next half-hour arguing over whose jurisdiction the crime fell under, he said.
Jan 5 2013, 05:29 AM
I've been seeing a lot of these India + rape articles popping up, seemingly recently. I guess mostly I've seen them on Reddit. Really sad, depressing stuff.
Jan 5 2013, 05:41 AM
The sad, depressing part is that it's only coming to light NOW.
Jan 5 2013, 05:43 AM
True. I knew things in India weren't idyllic, but...goddamn.
To make the dystopia truly horrible...Anything SR throws at us is merely child's play next to what reality can show us.
Jan 5 2013, 02:16 PM
Rape is pretty widespread where you live, too - it's just that the destitution and poor legal/enforcement situation in places like India make it a lot more widespread, and the culture we live in both lets rape get off easy and hush up the consequences..
If you want an upper on that whole situation, check out the
Gulabi gangs - Real life "pink panther" women who visit abusive men and beat them up with bamboo sticks unless they stop abusing their wives
Jan 5 2013, 02:20 PM
Shall I mention Vance the Vigilante Simchips and Newton?
Also, what happened in India is both widespread (not to that degree in western countries, though, but Dheli has been notorious as rape capital of the subcontinent for years) and what an average Shadowrun thrill gang attack might look like if taken to the logical conclusion.
Yes, this is uglier than most games are. Because most people don't really find it relaxing to go that far off the deep end in a game played for relaxiation (though some might). How surprising.
Jan 5 2013, 05:16 PM
The one time I included a domestic abuse bit into a game disturbed my group quite a lot.
And I didn't even go deeply into it, either.
No, reality is far, far worse than fiction.
Jan 5 2013, 06:16 PM
At least worse than fiction usually bothers to go ...
Jan 5 2013, 07:07 PM
QUOTE (hermit @ Jan 5 2013, 02:16 PM)

At least worse than fiction usually bothers to go ...
The TV show "Leverage" (whose creators admit they're Shadowrun fans) stated they often based some of the villains the team worked against on real life people, but had to
tone them down because they were considered "unbelievably evil".
They also had to take frequent breaks from research as they started having major concerns for the human race after seeing so many villains that walk amongst us.
Jan 5 2013, 07:17 PM
One show I can think of that does at least broach the topic of sexxual violence is Law&Order's Special Victims spin-off. CSI also has it's moments there. But the full force is usually kept out of view. Well, people do want to watch that for entertainment, not to depress themselves, so that's perfectly allright. The world is bad enough as is, and entertainment is escapist for a reason.
BBC documentaries, on the other hand, sometimes spare the viewer next to nothing.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Jan 5 2013, 12:07 PM)

The TV show "Leverage" (whose creators admit they're Shadowrun fans) stated they often based some of the villains the team worked against on real life people, but had to tone them down because they were considered "unbelievably evil".
You mean
like this? Ah, the innocence of "children".
Jan 5 2013, 08:30 PM
Or maybe like
And there's also
this. And how about
this little matter (
compare)? And do you remember
Jan 6 2013, 12:39 AM
QUOTE (kzt @ Jan 5 2013, 06:10 AM)

Then, in an exhibition of mindless, totally insensitive bureaucratic behaviour, the cops spent the next half-hour arguing over whose jurisdiction the crime fell under, he said.
If the victims would still have had their wallets on them, the police would probably have been more "helpful"...
Jan 6 2013, 07:10 PM
Is it strange how I feel that the worst part is how the media treats things like this?
Really despicable to expose tragedies from every possible angle, with a heavily angled narration tailored to raise interest and thus increase revenue.
Jan 6 2013, 11:35 PM
Is it strange how I feel that the worst part is how the media treats things like this?
Really despicable to expose tragedies from every possible angle, with a heavily angled narration tailored to raise interest and thus increase revenue.
To be fair, media coverage in India led to some probably lasting social changes. American media, naturally, are a different matter.
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