QUOTE (Miri @ Jan 12 2013, 06:55 AM)
If you are going to still allow the hot sim bonus because it is a matrix action then you have to also allow the TM Matrix Perception bonus because it is still a Matrix Perception check and the "jumped in" rules just say it uses a different Skill + Attribute.
Newsflash! Perception Tests(the category) and Perception(the skill) are not the same. There are numerous cases within the rules that gives bonuses to Perception Tests, that also apply to Matrix Perception and Astral Perception.
That being said, a test can be both - a Matrix Test that is also a Vehicle Test rolling Physical Perception(not matrix). So in this case you're rolling Sensor+Perception+hotsim+other relevant bonuses like control rigs.
QUOTE (Sengir @ Jan 12 2013, 01:00 PM)
Obviously, the first "can" does not establish a choice between active and passive targeting, but between using or not deciding to "use the vehicle’s Sensor Attribute to help with Gunnery".
I'd like to point out that Gunnery is Agility Linked. You roll Agility+Gunnery in ALL circumstances, before any sort of stat swapping is involved. For example, in older vehicles that do not have a Sensor.
Jumped in, Agility gets replaced. It may be replaced again, but sensor targeting isn't mandatory, just an option.
QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Jan 12 2013, 01:15 PM)
But it doesn't help that the given example is a gunnery test using longarms...
Our group's covered this fairly reliably. We realized there's a really dumb situation with the core rules, involving a 3 man car. There's a driver(which we don't care about), a passenger firing out the window with an LMG, and gunner on the turret in the back mounting an absolutely identical LMG.
Both shooters use different actions and weapon skills to fire the exact same guns. In particular, the turret gunner with the MORE stable firing platform, can't shoot twice.
Our solution to fix all of these issues was simple: You declare the attack test with the skill of your choice, which means that you have a choice between an actual specific weapon skill, or one very versatile gunnery skill.
For drones, since the shooty autosoft mimics a specific weapon skill, are able to fire twice because they are NOT using gunnery. However, that option is also available to them: Nothing stops a Gunnery Autosoft for being taken for Gunnery, the skill instead of Heavy Weapons or whatever.
QUOTE (Falconer @ Jan 12 2013, 01:26 PM)
why because every example and table and direct reference in the book does it that way.
Common Rolls For Riggers isn't ALL rolls for riggers.
Case in point: the full Defense Entry doesn't include the Evasive Driving option. It should be "as above + Piloting". The table only provides one of two options at a glance, and leaves the other one in the main rules.
It does the same thing with sensor targeting, assuming assuming for you which option you're using, because it doesn't have room for both.
Shit, doesn't even have room for "+/- Handling" which IS included in defense rolls,(attacks against vehicles, page 170).
Do you know why that table wasn't in 4th edition? Because the covert ops maneuver didn't EXIST until Unwired happened, and was completely ripped out of the book and pasted into Anniversary.... and they couldn't even bother to reprint the covert ops autosoft in the autosoft section.
Perhaps another case of catalyst not knowing their own shit, which should be surprising to no one.
In other words, that 'table' is as useful as the FAQ.