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  1. Which to choose? (37 replies)
  2. Celerity Quality (25 replies)
  3. Defence sounds like thunder (10 replies)
  4. Insurgents hack U.S. drones (30 replies)
  5. What don't you allow? (224 replies)
  6. riggers / drones really that fast? (65 replies)
  7. Technomancer and Bio-nodes (4 replies)
  8. Shadowrun Underground (11 replies)
  9. Astral Perception vs Chameleon Suit/Infiltration (18 replies)
  10. Cyberlimb Armor (34 replies)
  11. AI-Walker Drone VS Jarhead-Walker Drone (66 replies)
  12. Shadowrunner team (15 replies)
  13. All In The Family (11 replies)
  14. Ultrasound (12 replies)
  15. initiation? (70 replies)
  16. Following the Money Trail (13 replies)
  17. Sustaining Sprite Powers (6 replies)
  18. Need Advice - I have an expanding player (4 replies)
  19. Chargen Questions (47 replies)
  20. Single Cyber Eye In Cyberlimb? (10 replies)
  21. Panther XXL and Recoil (37 replies)
  22. Duality - Karma + Nuyen (12 replies)
  23. Sioux Gangs (35 replies)
  24. Tips for large scale combat? (10 replies)
  25. Astral Chameleon & Flexible Signature (0 replies)
  26. move over aibo, make room for dog-wan (0 replies)
  27. Drone Generation ? (23 replies)
  28. Hacker, Rigger, or Technomancer. (lots of questions) (78 replies)
  29. Creating Spells (23 replies)
  30. Cyberadept (5 replies)
  31. Real Life Brain Cyberware (9 replies)
  32. Conversion (7 replies)
  33. Military Forces in the 6th World (93 replies)
  34. Completing the Square (16 replies)
  35. Hand of God Moments (15 replies)
  36. Newbie Magic Questions (39 replies)
  37. Newbie Tips (12 replies)
  38. Magic Drain (31 replies)
  39. Shapechanger and Dual Natured (10 replies)
  40. TM Advancement looking to link some sprites (2 replies)
  41. About Logic and about Incompetence (74 replies)
  42. This news story made me think of Shadowrun... (9 replies)
  43. Character Build Challenge: Troll TM (16 replies)
  44. User Accounts and Stealth Progs (20 replies)
  45. Rocker character (14 replies)
  46. karma generation cost (12 replies)
  47. Contacts (4 replies)
  48. Hacker making a Sammy (4 replies)
  49. Movement in Combat (8 replies)
  50. Occult Investigator (6 replies)
  51. How to make a Lightsaber. (64 replies)
  52. Shapeshifters and Shift[Insert Generic Metatype Here] (12 replies)
  53. "I am a ten second grenade! I am a ten second grenade! 10... 9... 8..." (66 replies)
  54. Edge Reroll (31 replies)
  55. Corprate law (14 replies)
  56. Need A Program! - Or two. (6 replies)
  57. Perception and Range (152 replies)
  58. Foci Cost at Creation (2 replies)
  59. Another Character Build 400BP System (24 replies)
  60. [RL] Biometrics and surgery (14 replies)
  61. Sim starlet (39 replies)
  62. Foci and Drain (36 replies)
  63. How to incorporate Hacking (11 replies)
  64. Clueless Newbie HackerSam needs advice (40 replies)
  65. Musings on India (43 replies)
  66. Fighting Spirits (31 replies)
  67. AR to the VR user (5 replies)
  68. 4th Ed A Active Soft Costs (41 replies)
  69. a real life for pay version of the exchange? (0 replies)
  70. Sprites and Linking (13 replies)
  71. Shadowrun Target Number Modifier Mast Chart (4 replies)
  72. Another Character Build 400BP System (7 replies)
  73. The Binding Power (62 replies)
  74. Need ideas for a magical ordeal (35 replies)
  75. Help - Shapeshifter Physical Adept (77 replies)
  76. Purchasing Critters (26 replies)
  77. sr3 to sr4 question (3 replies)
  78. Running abroad (6 replies)
  79. Shadowrun Cards (29 replies)
  80. Essence Drain power (3 replies)
  81. Technomancer idea(s) (13 replies)
  82. Training Mission (3 replies)
  83. Blast from the past (1 reply)
  84. Salvaging from enemy drones (210 replies)
  85. Modern Era Shadowrun (1 reply)
  86. Yamakasi Shadowrunner (8 replies)
  87. Need help on a slight combo... (52 replies)
  88. Interesting Run Locations (7 replies)
  89. Increase [Attribute] (26 replies)
  90. Trid Show Ideas (5 replies)
  91. Dancing in the Shadows (8 replies)
  92. anyone for some hmd ski goggles? (4 replies)
  93. Remote Control Deck (3rd) (13 replies)
  94. Why buy life styles? (218 replies)
  95. Glitches- kinda glitchy (40 replies)
  96. Fight Club Scenario (14 replies)
  97. Question re: roles needed to be filled in a military / mercenary squad (41 replies)
  98. Manabolt (45 replies)
  99. Improving the AI Character (6 replies)
  100. Matrix Related Adventure Help (7 replies)
  101. Shadowrun using Skype? (15 replies)
  102. Ghoul Street Doc Contact - Need Picture (45 replies)
  103. Karmagen and SR4A (8 replies)
  104. Would like some critiques on an adventure. (7 replies)
  105. Christmas Break Run (2 replies)
  106. Red Bull in 2072 (11 replies)
  107. Campaign Setting: Vancouver? (5 replies)
  108. Character sheet for spirits. (2 replies)
  109. gimme gimme gimme... (26 replies)
  110. Man Controls Cyber Hand (8 replies)
  111. Club fashion in 2072 (26 replies)
  112. SR4A: Consealment Rule Change (26 replies)
  113. Getting glam (3 replies)
  114. Free spirit PC: Vanilla flavor VS possession (1 reply)
  115. Cyberlimbs (8 replies)
  116. Gameplay examples? (12 replies)
  117. Do you have to activate Improved Reflexes? (54 replies)
  118. Can you trace a commlink via its commcode? (38 replies)
  119. Gear add-on Availability (1 reply)
  120. Shapeshifters and Home Rules (17 replies)
  121. Happy Holidays (3 replies)
  122. Buying Lots of Contacts (113 replies)
  123. New gang (29 replies)
  124. A real life shadowrun event (213 replies)
  125. What is NERPS? (38 replies)
  126. How does ultrasound work, in game mechanics terms? (58 replies)
  127. How to deal with a Reaction Maxed character? (87 replies)
  128. [RL] Piracy Exchange (20 replies)
  129. 10 players! (28 replies)
  130. Cyberlimbs and the non-physically fit. (56 replies)
  131. Favorite AAA CEO? (59 replies)
  132. Commlink basic software (11 replies)
  133. That Crazy Wizworm! (30 replies)
  134. Mages and AR (14 replies)
  135. drone rigger (17 replies)
  136. [SR4] - Direct rigging without a commlink? (16 replies)
  137. Magicians in SR4 (11 replies)
  138. The Tournament Request (71 replies)
  139. Dryad Summoner (4 replies)
  140. Taking a trip to the Cyberdoc (7 replies)
  141. Astral Tracking and Spirits (9 replies)
  142. Firearms and Melee (21 replies)
  143. Ritual Casting (28 replies)
  144. What would you do with 15 million :nuyen:? (70 replies)
  145. Probably a stupid question (3 replies)
  146. Hacker qualities at creation (22 replies)
  147. Probably a stupid question (1 reply)
  148. Matrix Revisited (44 replies)
  149. Arcana (1 reply)
  150. The Wake (17 replies)
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