Dec 14 2009, 11:01 AM
I have some new players coming in and I was wondering if anyone here has done conversions of old module into SR4.
Dec 14 2009, 02:06 PM
From what I've heard converting them is basically a no brainer. Most of the stats just carry over directly, as well as the equipment and skills. Edge isn't important because it is used as a group pool for the NPCs anyway. The only thing that really takes some work is updating nodes that need to be hacked into. Even that shouldn't be just too much trouble I would imagine, but I'm not sure.
Dec 14 2009, 02:31 PM
Yeah, when I was working on updating Missing Blood, I found that pretty much everything converts around easily enough, though its fun to try to figure out what Force rating you should be using for the bug spirits (and how horrible they actually are in combat; holy shit!). The worst problem came from trying to figure out how to set up their public node.
Dec 14 2009, 05:49 PM
You know, converting some of the old, classic modules might be a good basis for a communal site, you contribute, you can grab anything you want sorta deal. Shouldn't be a legal issue I'd imagine since they're all out of print I believe...
Dec 14 2009, 08:06 PM
The plan for me was to just post the conversion on here of just stats and say, "have at it guys". I just got plain lazy.
Dec 14 2009, 10:26 PM
QUOTE (ravensmuse @ Dec 14 2009, 03:06 PM)
The plan for me was to just post the conversion on here of just stats and say, "have at it guys". I just got plain lazy.
Why I like my idea, differant people do differant conversions because there is some room for interpretation in some stuff, so that there will be atleast 1 version of a specific module in all likelyhood, even if one convertor gets lazy.
Dec 15 2009, 04:31 PM
I ran Corporate Punishment in SR4, and found it to be VERY tough. The stats need to adjusted down a bit a la the PC conversion, I believe. Other than that, it worked okay.
Dec 16 2009, 07:24 AM
I tried running DNA/DOA and it seemed tougher than when I played it back in the early '90s.
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