I think this is one of the most unique combinations i could have come up with. A shapeshifter who is a face. Just a couple of personal concerns i need adressed:
1. What is the native language for a shapeshifter? anything you want it to be, none, not covered in the RAW.
2. There's 12BP left over for Contacts, what would be most useful for a face, as i've never played one before, and at what L/C ratings?
Here he is, no name or real fleshed out background yet, just need comments on the stats and gear:
Negative Qualities:
Wanted: Hunted for Pelt +10BP
Weak Immune System +5BP
Distinctive Style: Blood red tribal tattoo that extends from the left shoulder up onto the neck, visible in Animal and Human forms. +10BP
Paranoia +10BP
Metatype: Shapeshifter, Black Jaguar, Shift (Human), (Allergy Silver Severe, Vulnerability Silver) 65BP
Positive Qualities:
Perceptive 10 BP (+2 to perception tests)
Linguist 5BP (1/2 time to learn languages, +2 to all language skills)
First Impression 5BP (+2 on any social tests at first meeting)
Body 5 20BP
Agility 6 10BP
Reaction 5 30BP
Strength 4 10BP
Charisma 5 40BP
Intuition 4 30BP
Logic 3 20BP
Willpower 3 20BP
Edge 3 20BP
Influence Skill Group 4 40BP
Pistols 4 18BP Specialization Semi-Automatics
Disguise 3 12BP
Shadowing 3 12BP
Blades 3 14BP Specialization: Katana
Forgery 3 12BP
Dodge 3 12BP
Knowledge Skills: 21 Free Points
Translator 4
Fine Cuisine 3
Fine Restaurants 2
Language Skills:
English Native
Japanese 3(5)
German 3(5)
Arabic 3(5)
Cantonese 3(5)
Gear: 40,000 Nuyen 8BP
Large Black Backpack 250¥
Katana (STR/2 +3) 1000 ¥
Morrissey Alta (5P, AP-1, Built in Laser Sight) 850¥
Advanced Safety System 600¥
Silencer 200¥
10 Spare Clips 120¥
Fairlight Caliban Commlink 8000¥
Novatech Navi OS 1500¥
Agent 4 5,500¥
Subvocal Microphone 50¥
Form Fitting Body Armor 1600¥
Thermal Damping 6 3000¥
Chemical Protection 4 1000¥
Jet Black Suit from the Berwick Line W/ Blood Red Silk Tie 3100 Nuyen
Rating 5 Fake SIN (James Richards) 5000¥ Personal: Amazonian Consulate Employee
Rating 5 Fake Gun License 500¥, Richards
Rating 5 Fake Concealed Carry License 500¥, Richards
Rating 5 Fake SIN (Henry Allen) 5000¥ Personal: Professional Freelance Translator
Rating 5 Fake Gun License 500¥, Allen
Rating 5 Concealed Carry License 500¥, Allen