emo samurai
Apr 1 2006, 07:23 PM
If a party adept bought a service of a force 10 spirit so that any time he wanted, it would use its ginormous movement power on him to multiply his speed by 10, would he get any bonuses to Dodge?
Apr 1 2006, 07:27 PM
+2 dice (if running).
Apr 1 2006, 07:32 PM
GM could technically rule you get more bonuses, as the person shooting you is trying to hit a high speed target, but good marksmen will still know how to lead a target based on how fast they appear to be moving. So +2 may still be all you get.
emo samurai
Apr 1 2006, 07:37 PM
Dude, he's moving at, like, 190 miles per hour.
Apr 1 2006, 07:41 PM
moving 10 times as fast is of limited use... but when its usefull, its VERY usefull.
your best use, is moving out of cover across a large open area. it will protect you, by giving the enemy less oportunity to shoot at you, thus fewer shots fired.
other than that... it all depends on duration, and how much manuverability you have at that speed.
Apr 1 2006, 07:41 PM
At close range, you'd have no real chance to hit him, true. At medium->extreme, you'd have distance to compensate.
Now a flip to this is that the human brain doesn't expect you to be moving at 190mph, so trying to compensate for your own shots against other people, or to make turns, or to avoid that car you're about to run in to all are going to require tests because your brain and body don't work together well at those speeds.
And then there's the wind resistance...
emo samurai
Apr 1 2006, 10:18 PM
I heard that movement abstracts speed, though, so factors like inertia and drag aren't worsened.
Apr 1 2006, 11:55 PM
then why would improved dodging ability be well represented?
you want to ask for something because it's realistic, you gotta face the other aspects of that realism
Apr 1 2006, 11:59 PM
Inertia and drag increase as your speed increases, but that is easily overcome with aerodynamics. The big issue is going to be wind friction. The faster you go, the faster the air is hitting you. At 190mph, your skin is not going to be happy, nor are your clothes...
emo samurai
Apr 2 2006, 12:01 AM
Whether or not they get extra drag, they become faster. Even if it's not gotten by attaching a rocket to the adept's shoes, the extra speed is there. No matter what, it should make it harder for people to shoot him/her.
Divine Virus
Apr 2 2006, 12:27 AM
Umm, I would worry about the effects of such high speed on an unprotected human body. He better be wearing combat armour and a good helmet.
emo samurai
Apr 2 2006, 12:33 AM
I'm talking about not having greater wind resistance.
Divine Virus
Apr 2 2006, 12:51 AM
still, if you cross paths with bugs, or small rocks... hell, lets hope no one strings monofillament wire across your path.
Apr 2 2006, 01:04 AM
You don’t get extra dodge but you can move from cover to cover without ending actions between even when the cover is quite sparse. That is your advantage.
The movement power is magical. This covers wind resistance and control at that speed. But all it dose is increase your speed, not your reactions so you can’t dodge any better.
Actual barriers (such as mono wire) would indeed be a problem.
Apr 2 2006, 01:06 AM
Oooh, talk about separation anxiety...
Anyway, since it's a spirit power, I don't think the drag/inertia/clothing element would matter. Consider it like a coccoon around you, and the whole package is moving at the higher speed. I would add some to your dodge, maybe +4 at close range reducing by 1 for each range increment of the shooter.
Of course, if you glitch or critical glitch on a roll involving movement...
[Edit: Poop. Edward rolled a better Initiative than me. To explain, I would give the dodge bonus because of the difficulty of getting a bead on you, not based on reaction. Maybe I shouldn't call it a dodge bonus, but a situation modifier]
Apr 2 2006, 05:01 AM
Perhaps smartlinks can attempt to compensate for fast moving target? The M1 Abrams tank has a computer assisted gunnery setup that does this. Although it's the size of a tank
Apr 2 2006, 05:08 AM
That's why you have the +2 from the smartlink, because with it you target easier.
Apr 2 2006, 05:31 AM
That's what a smartlink is for???
emo samurai
Apr 2 2006, 07:29 AM
But using that logic, that smartlink compensates for people moving at 300 MPH, then smartlink should be able to compensate for everything, including the target getting hits on his/her dodge test. The +2 bonus already compensates for smartlink; I say that the adept should get another +4 or something. Any movement to dodge would be 10 times faster, not to mention the insane speeds.
Apr 2 2006, 04:20 PM
Would you give that same bonus to a car moving at that speed?
A smart link can compensate for the average movement over the last .1 seconds. This covers fast ringing (at 300kph) but not dodging in random directions.
Apr 2 2006, 05:31 PM
Remember, Velocity * Mass = Force!
If this nut job charges at you at 190mph, the force of the blow (Especially if he's using a melee weapon) is going to be HORRENDOUS; I suppose the only drawback from his point of view is that the impact would probably shatter the weapon (and likely his wrist) even as it kills it's target.
Apr 2 2006, 07:16 PM
at that speed it would not as much a melee attack as it would be a crash test (using the damage table on p. 160).
emo samurai
Apr 2 2006, 07:18 PM
Hmmm... what if it was dikoted?
Apr 2 2006, 09:26 PM
so if you're running away from the shooter, does the bullet do less damage? The relative speed of the bullet is alot less. conversely if you're running straight at the shooter wouldn't that raise the damage substantially?
Personally when gm'ing I would say that the extra speed does nothing else to help avoid bullets or raise/lower damage (shooting at a running target already has a modifier if I remember correctly.)
However, for melee combat, I'd aimagine that it would change damage codes.
One thing you definitely want thte spirit to do as well is use its guard power as well to keep you from tripping, running into a brick wall whatever your gm wants to throw at you for moving so fast.
Apr 2 2006, 09:45 PM
given that a modern bullet is maybe traveling at several times the speed of sound, running away or towards it would have very little to say for the damage it does
Apr 3 2006, 12:02 AM
Figuring on a lower end, but adjusting for increased technology, bullets are going to speed towards you around 3k ft/s, or aproximately mach 3.5. You'll be hit before you hear the gunshot, and 200mph+/- isn't gonna matter.
Wounded Ronin
Apr 3 2006, 01:39 AM
QUOTE (Jhaiisiin) |
Inertia and drag increase as your speed increases, but that is easily overcome with aerodynamics. The big issue is going to be wind friction. The faster you go, the faster the air is hitting you. At 190mph, your skin is not going to be happy, nor are your clothes... |
Well if your clothes ripped off when you started to use your powers and all of a sudden you looked like a magical princess that would be pretty anime.
Apr 3 2006, 05:23 PM
Aren't there modifiers for vehicles moving at high speeds in combat? Just use those.
Apr 3 2006, 05:53 PM
still, if you cross paths with bugs, or small rocks... hell, lets hope no one strings monofillament wire across your path. |
To be fair, my characters worry about Mono Wire while jogging, let alone at 190mph. That stuff is nasty.
Apr 3 2006, 06:13 PM
hmm, i got the image of the first trap from the movie cube in my head now...
as for clothings and all that being ripped off, would not the spirits power take care of that?
Apr 3 2006, 07:31 PM
QUOTE (Ta'al) |
Remember, Velocity * Mass = Force!
If this nut job charges at you at 190mph, the force of the blow (Especially if he's using a melee weapon) is going to be HORRENDOUS; I suppose the only drawback from his point of view is that the impact would probably shatter the weapon (and likely his wrist) even as it kills it's target. |
It's actually Force = Mass x Acceleration (which is the change in Velocity divided by Time), but the point still should be well taken. Running in to any solid object be it wall or mosquito is going to hurt proportionally more. Still 190 mph is about 844 meters per second or roughly how fast you would be travelling after 9 seconds of freefall, which is like falling from around 9000 feet (someone check my math please).
Apr 4 2006, 12:15 AM
Doesn't 190mph exceed the terminal velocity of a falling human body?
Austere Emancipator
Apr 4 2006, 12:21 AM
In the parachuting spreadeagle position a human's terminal velocity is closer to 120mph. However, in a straight vertical fists stretched downwards, or legs straight down and arms pressed against the sides position, you might be able to get to 190mph.
Apr 4 2006, 01:28 AM
QUOTE (emo samurai @ Apr 1 2006, 02:23 PM) |
If a party adept bought a service of a force 10 spirit so that any time he wanted, it would use its ginormous movement power on him to multiply his speed by 10, would he get any bonuses to Dodge? |
Yeah, sure. Why not? It's magic, so it probably ignores friction. Perception penalties are probably in order, though, while moving, and it would be reasonable to increase the normal running penalty in rounds when the character moves that fast.
Just keep in mind that it takes a Simple Action to call up a spirit set on standby. It's not going to help with an attack that you weren't prepared for, but used in advance it could be useful.
It's in no way an overpowered use of a spirit service.
emo samurai
Apr 4 2006, 03:55 AM
I'd probably go with more than the usual penalties.
Apr 4 2006, 06:51 PM
If penalties exist for going 190, why would you use penalties greater than the penalties for going 190 when the character is going 190?
emo samurai
Apr 4 2006, 07:47 PM
...There are? Rigging's, like, the area I'm least interested in. I haven't read that part...
Apr 5 2006, 04:06 PM
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 1 2006, 07:55 PM) |
you want to ask for something because it's realistic, you gotta face the other aspects of that realism |
Quoted for emphasis.
It's probably best to just treat the speed-enhanced target as not speed-enhanced for all purposes except how fast it gets somewhere. As previously stated: "it's magic."
Apr 8 2006, 06:29 AM
So what are the dodge bonuses to running at insane speeds like that? well if you figure the guy is your average human with a 3 strength and a 3 athletics(he is an average shadowrunner, most of those guys know how to run away =P)
so running rate for humans is 25, and we'll say he gets 3 hits on his running test so that gives him 28 meters per turn ... now the spirit power kicks in and he's looking at 280 meters per turn quite fast now we'll say there is going to be 3 phases to combat this turn so he's going to move 93 meters in the first phase so lets go to the range chart!
Heavy Pistol
Short -0
Medium -1
Long -2
Extreme -3
ok So first combat phase he is out of heavy pistol range ... is that a big enough bonus for yah? =D
as for melee, to be perfectly honest this isn't cannon but how we used to rule the use of the Movement power is that the spirit you summoned actually moved the element around you, ie a water elemental pushed the water around you so it wasn't that you the person wasn't moving visibly faster but the environment was "pushing" you. so to run faster an earth elemental would move the ground for you almost like the moving sidewalks at the airport, which is why you don't dodge faster or have a bonus to inititive from the movement power, you just get to where you want to go, and fast. anyways thats my take on it
Ankle Biter
Apr 8 2006, 05:39 PM
I would use the old sr 3 or was it 2 high speed vehicle combat rules. As for manouverability 1 it is magic, if the spirit is moving you, can also move the air around you , and 2 if a rigger can do it in a ground vehicle, so can a phys ad on foot. The best use of this power is for the phys ad to run a crate full of nails at somebody at 190 clicks. Hee Hee.
QUOTE (Edward @ Apr 2 2006, 11:20 AM) |
Would you give that same bonus to a car moving at that speed?
A smart link can compensate for the average movement over the last .1 seconds. This covers fast ringing (at 300kph) but not dodging in random directions.
Edward |
Really? how far can you move your centre of mass in .1 seconds?
Apr 8 2006, 07:33 PM
just depends on the force its moved with, and the medium its moving thru
Apr 8 2006, 07:51 PM
Just wondering, that were possibly not more than 7 uses of spirit service... where are the other promised 1330 ways ?
Apr 8 2006, 10:41 PM
groantastic, purely groantastic
Ankle Biter
Apr 9 2006, 01:26 AM
QUOTE (Butterblume) |
Just wondering, that were possibly not more than 7 uses of spirit service... where are the other promised 1330 ways ? |
lets see...
8. Running an aardvark at 190 kph into somebody
9. Running an aardwolf at 190 kph into somebody
10. Running an abacus at 190 kph into somebody
11. Getting a fire spirit to randomly manifest, drop to one knee and sing the intro to "hooked on a feeling" at the nearest living aura then move at astral fast to another part of the Renraku Arcology and repeat in order to create a distraction. The watcher spirits giving soothing evacuation orders like "Would the staff evacuating biohazard lab B please avoid breathing on members of the public as they make their way to the emergency triage unit" and "I've been sent here by astral security as your suitcase is testing positive for plastique, do you have your dental records registered with us?" were a nice touch.
12. Running an abalone at 190 kph into somebody
13. Running an abattoir at 190 kph into somebody (you may need more than one person for this)
14. Getting an air spirit to use concealment on both you and the guy you are busy ganking so that their cries for help are not heard. Have it only allow you to see your target and not the other way round.
15. Running an abaya at 190 Kph into somebody
16. Running Abba records at 190 Kph into somebody
Apr 9 2006, 02:21 AM
*Sacks Anklebiter before he continues*
I know what your like...
emo samurai
Apr 9 2006, 03:09 AM
1321 services to go!
Ankle Biter
Apr 9 2006, 05:46 PM
QUOTE (Ophis) |
*Sacks Anklebiter before he continues*
I know what your like... |
17. Get a spirit of man summoned in a university to teach people the difference between you're your, and yore.
Apr 10 2006, 01:12 AM
*goes off to shoot himself*
dammit it was late Blam!!
wow that was a good soak.
*wanders off*
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