Aug 15 2007, 09:01 PM
I sometimes do adventures and other supplements for my site, as many of you know. I'm putting together an adventure set in Eastern Europe. It's the biggest Shadowrun thing I've done since Carnival and frankly, I need some help with it. When I have it in draft format, I'll be asking if anyone from Germany or Hungary (if we have any of the latter) would like to help localise it by working with me to add extra detail.
Right now however, I just need some character names. I want to convey specific impressions with each of these names. I can do it in English, I don't have the familiarity to do it in the languages I need. There are websites containing whole lists of names, but I've no way of telling the Marjorie's from the Mary's on these lists (to pick two wildly different feeling names to British ears).
What I need at present are as follows (quite a long list, I'm afraid):
German names:Real name, old fashioned and slightly cumbersome (1x male name needed)
Real name, serious sounding and slightly dangerous: (3x male, 3x female needed)
Ordinary sounding names, surnames included: (2x male, 1x female)
Street names, cliché shadowrunner names, e.g. Shadow, Hunter, Ghost, etc. (12x or more, assorted male and female)
Street names, non-cliché shadowrunner names, whatever you can think of (8x or more, assorted male and female).
Hungarian names:Real names, genuinely serious / sinister names: (4x male, 3x female)
Real names, ordinary sounding: (9x or more assorted male and female)
Real name, silly or very weak sounding names (1x male, 1x female)
Street names, hideously cliché sinister names, e.g. Dark One, The Fiend, The Dweller, etc (1x male)
Czech name:Real name, innocuous, but suitable for a complete psychopath (1x Male)
Street name, non-cliché (1x Male)
Please provide a translation for any street names, just so I can get a feel for them. And please, because it's the point of this, note which category each name belongs to!
I know this is a long list, but this is hugely appreciated if anyone can help with this initial stage. If Adam also wants to sort out the PDF release of SoE, that would also be most welcome.
Many thanks for any replies,
Aug 15 2007, 09:04 PM
Check out You can search based on origin and it gives you the meanings as well.
Aug 15 2007, 09:09 PM
QUOTE (sinthalix @ Aug 15 2007, 09:04 PM) |
Check out You can search based on origin and it gives you the meanings as well. |
Thank you. I use these sorts of sites sometimes for character names, but this is something that I want to put on my site and I picture a German writer sitting down, carefully crafting a story set in London, complete with arch villain, the elite samurai known as "Cuthbert."
I don't want that to happen. I'm really hoping some natives can make suitable suggestions. I'd be particularly lost when it came to street names for runners.
EDIT: I should say that I get over a hundred downloads of my adventures a month so far, so obviously anyone who helps gets credited too. Fame and glory beckon *ahem*
Aug 15 2007, 09:29 PM
I use these two sites:
Behind the Name: the etymology and history of first names; damn good site (especially the random name generator; you can have it do global, or just from one language or culture)
20000; lists of themed and regional names, with a short blurb on their history or etymology for each.
Aug 15 2007, 09:41 PM
Okay. Once again, thank you. But right there in the first post, I explained that I was familiar with all these sites, but will not be using them. I am looking for natives who can help me with picking the right names. Also note the need for street names.
No more links to name sites, please. I appreciate people taking the time to post, I really do, but it is not what I want... Thank you, though.
Aug 15 2007, 10:12 PM
QUOTE (knasser) |
Okay. Once again, thank you. But right there in the first post, I explained that I was familiar with all these sites, but will not be using them. I am looking for natives who can help me with picking the right names. Also note the need for street names.
No more links to name sites, please. I appreciate people taking the time to post, I really do, but it is not what I want... Thank you, though. |
The thing is that we really want to help, but not being native to the regions listed in your criteria, we are restricted in what we can do. Our best is, therefore to maybe give you a link to a site you might not be aware of, knowing full well that we are not fulfilling your request, but still meeting our need to attempt to be of assistance.
Aug 15 2007, 10:16 PM
QUOTE (knasser) |
German names:
Real name, old fashioned and slightly cumbersome (1x male name needed) |
Hans-Heinrich Wieskowski.
Real name, serious sounding and slightly dangerous: (3x male, 3x female needed) |
What do you mean with "dangerous"? Real german names are like Alexander Meier, Werner Schulz or Carsten Röper. Not really "dangerous"-sounding to me.
For the females: Jana Schurer, Meike Maria Jansen, Katharina Schnankeberg.
Ordinary sounding names, surnames included: (2x male, 1x female) |
You didn't want full names in for the above?
Anyway, some more: Heinz Marakoswi, Ingo Koschmidder (both male) and Kerstin Lepers.
Street names, cliché shadowrunner names, e.g. Shadow, Hunter, Ghost, etc. (12x or more, assorted male and female) |
Todesengel (Angel of Death - that's how Mengele called himself, so reserve it for the bad guy)
wow, just have a brain fart. Can't think of more german street names atm.
Street names, non-cliché shadowrunner names, whatever you can think of (8x or more, assorted male and female). |
Brain fart again.
Kyoto Kid
Aug 15 2007, 10:31 PM
Real name, old fashioned and slightly cumbersome |
...Herr Doktor Maximilian Rheinberger.
More later...
Aug 16 2007, 12:49 AM
I'm not Hungarian, but I lived there for 2 years and my wife's a native. Just off the top of my head - (P.S. - Hungarian names, in Hungary, are written with the family name 1st and the person's given name second, ex. Bartok Bela (in Hungary) is Bela Bartok outside of Hungary. I'm going to write them in the Hungarian way, so the given name will be last. Also, a / mark after a letter shows that it's accented)
Hungarian names:
Real names, genuinely serious / sinister names: (4x male, 3x female) |
Nagy A/kos (M), Kun Attila (M), Molnar Ma/tya/s (M), Szekely Sandor (M), Farkas Csilla (F), Ba/thory Julia (F), Soo/s E/va (F)
(I'm not sure these are necessarily sinister - how sinister can a name by just by itself? - but they're good, common names and certainly not humorous or strange.)
Real names, ordinary sounding: (9x or more assorted male and female) |
Gazdag Ja/nos (M), Kovacs Tibor (M), Sipos Ferenc (M), Fazekas Soma (M), Horvath Andra/s (M)
Pogany Judit (F), Toth Monika (F), Temesvary Ildiko/ (F), Szabo Mercedes (F), Kiraly A/gnes (F)
Real name, silly or very weak sounding names (1x male, 1x female) |
Kiss Be/la (the family name Kiss is very common in Hungary, but a) it looks like 'kiss' in English - even if it soudns different - and it also means 'small' in Hungarian. Also Be/la is not an uncommon name, but it has a very... bumbling middle-manager with no social skills kind of feeling in Hungary, I guess. At least according to people I know there.)
Istva/nffy Mariska (F) (Mariska is, according to my wife, hopelessly old-fashioned and silly, even though it's the name of one of the stars of Law and Order SVU who had a Hungarian father)
Street names, hideously cliché sinister names, e.g. Dark One, The Fiend, The Dweller, etc (1x male) |
Ordogi Kor (all the o's have an umlauts over them, but I can't do that on this keyboard) - it means catch-22, you're doomed if you do, doomed if you don't kind of situation. The literal translation, however, is "Devil's Circle" so I could see some cliche "evil" runner taking it and having a gun and a monosword or something - he'll get you one way or anther.
I also have the SR Hungarian book, though they don't have many good streetnames in there. One decent one is "Neoma/d" - a combo of nomad and neo - so new nomad, I guess? Another is 'A/rnypatka/ny" - which roughly translates as 'shadow rat' - good for a sneaky-type of character.
Hope this helps! If I can help more, let me know.
Aug 16 2007, 01:21 AM
No problem, I wasn't sure if you had checked such websites. I spent 9 years over in Germany, so here are a few I've encountered. Note: The first and last names have been mixed around so as to not duplicate real people.
German names:
Real name, old fashioned and slightly cumbersome:
Friedhelm Lueken
Real name, serious sounding and slightly dangerous: (3x male, 3x female needed)
Rainer Wolff
Ordinary sounding names, surnames included: (2x male, 1x female)
Christian Gundert
Christoph Llingg (yes an actual real German family name:)
Tanja Meijer
Those are some just off the top of my head. I'll probably remember more after I sleep.
Aug 16 2007, 01:23 AM
Props Prospero - I finally caught you on this site! I figured you'd have some good Hungarian names.
Knasser - I would love to check out your site. I have a game to run on Sunday and no adventure
. Could you post your site for us?
Aug 16 2007, 01:48 AM
QUOTE (Dizzman) |
Could you post your site for us? |
It's linked in his signature.
Aug 16 2007, 01:48 AM
Regarding the names for actual german shadowrunners, it's probably safe to say that 90 % of ze germans are going to be using a cliché english handle. At least thats what my experience tells me.
But since things always sound cooler if you have no idea what they mean here goes:
Non cliche street names (most just being the rick to someones richard):
Lille (m), Sham (m/f), Sami (m/f), Bobbi (f), Karo (f), Gando (m), Mara (f), Cuthbert (j/k), Flo (m), Kuba (m), Stein (m), Hamster (b), Stauffen (m/f)
and on to the more trite handles:
Eisheiliger (m, -r for f; ~Icesaint), Rabentochter (f, ~Daughter of Raven), Konfusius (m, similar wordplay as Confusius), Nachtwesen (~being of night), Psycho, Schattenklinge (~shadowblade), Faust (~fist, also protagonist of one of a rather well known cautionary tale by Goethe), Schnappi (m/f), Pumuckel (m; two characters of childrens books/series with high pitched annoying voices), Wolf (m), Nachtglanz (m/f, ~nightglimmer), Schwarze Witwe (f; ~Balck Widow), Feuertänzer (m/+in for f, firedancer).
Aug 16 2007, 02:09 AM
Thanks - Nice site Knasser. I'm checking out your stats for Harlequinn.
Aug 16 2007, 07:19 AM
Huge amounts of thanks to those who have entered into the spirit of things. These are really going to help a lot. I particularly like some of the German street names (but Hamster...? what??!!!??!?! ).
All of this is very useful though. Please post any more if anyone still has some good ones. I don't know exactly how many names I shall need at this point. The adventure is going to be quite big, on the scale of Carnival or slightly larger, but have more of a focus on a specific adventure path. I know many people liked the open-ended nature of Carnival, but in the case of this adventure, I think the stricter path will be a very positive thing.
Dizzman - thanks for the comments. My stats for Harlequinn were... contraversial
. But I think the game benefits from even the great H. being a real person. It's not as if anyone is going to outwit him!
Again thanks for all names posted or still to come.
Rotbart van Dainig
Aug 16 2007, 10:13 AM
QUOTE (knasser) |
Street names, non-cliché shadowrunner names |
Excuse me, but aren't street names supposed to be cliché?
Aug 16 2007, 10:49 AM
(but Hamster...? what??!!!??!?! ) |
Thats actually a real character that popped up in one of my games.
Aug 16 2007, 04:54 PM
German names:
Real name, old fashioned and slightly cumbersome (1x male name needed) |
Karl-Heinz Koslowski. (polnish origin, but can easily be used in the rhine-ruhr-sprawl)
Ordinary sounding names, surnames included: (2x male, 1x female) |
Among the most frequent german surnames are Meyer/Meier/Mayer, Müller, Schmidt (the german Mr. Johnson is called Herr Schmidt)/Schmit/Schmitt, Schneider or Fischer.
As there's a statistic for everything, the top 10 of given names since 1890 in northern germany are.
Male Peter, Michael, Thomas / Tomas, Andreas, Wolfgang, Claus / Klaus, Jürgen, Günter / Günther, Stefan / Stephan, Christian / Kristian.
Female Ursula, Carin / Karin, Helga, Sabine, Ingrid, Renate, Monica / Monika, Susanne, Gisela, Petra
A really ordinary sounding name would be Peter Müller, but that's frequent enough not to be helpful at all. There are 12 of them in my telephone book alone.
Street names, non-cliché shadowrunner names, whatever you can think of (8x or more, assorted male and female). |
If someone does not want to be recognized, he could call himself "Mustermann" (m) - which is used like "John Doe", in places where real names are not known or needed, e.g. example adresses. Or just use a frequent surname.
Aug 16 2007, 05:42 PM
QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig) |
QUOTE (knasser @ Aug 15 2007, 11:01 PM) | Street names, non-cliché shadowrunner names |
Excuse me, but aren't street names supposed to be cliché?
yes, but there's a difference between a street name that is a cliché and a cliché street name.
a good example of the former is "Tesla"
a good example of the latter is "Trogdor"
Aug 16 2007, 06:12 PM
By cliché and non-cliché street names, I was referring to the phenomenon whereby for a while, you couldn't throw a watcher spirit without disturbing the aura of someone called Shadow or Steel, etc. Less cliché names that have I have used for NPCs are Buffalo, Sultan and Blaze. Though these may seem cliché to some, I hope they're not as bad... When I asked for serious, scary, real names, I meant say the difference between Rob, Bob and Caine. Any of these could be a dangerous hitman, but only one of them has that edgy name of murder (no offence to any Robs, Bobs or conceivably Caine's around here).
Anyway, this thread has produced some wonderful material and I thank you. The translations are very useful. I still need a few more, I think, but I'm now starting work on fleshing out characters for the adventure. I only wish Arsenal was out already, as some big guns would be useful. Oh well...
EDIT: Walkir - "Mustermann" is very useful information, I can work that in. Cheers!
Aug 17 2007, 12:04 AM
Hey, Dizzman!
knasser - if you need any more Hungarian stuff, just let me know (besides names or street names, if you need place names or anything of that nature, I'm happy to help as well).
Aug 17 2007, 05:47 AM
QUOTE (Prospero) |
Hey, Dizzman!
knasser - if you need any more Hungarian stuff, just let me know (besides names or street names, if you need place names or anything of that nature, I'm happy to help as well). |
I will do. Still working out more details of the adventure at the moment, but when I'm ready to flesh out some of the Hungarian parts of it, I'll PM you.
Many thanks,
Aug 23 2007, 05:16 PM
Cliche german streetnames are taken from bad american television series OR american comics. Using translated ones will actually sound very funny to us. Nicknames can be taken from any language, as english+german is pretty much the minimum here. Names from Polen, Russia and Turkey are also very common, along with their respective minorities.
But anyway:
Keule - old word for "chummer", could be a nickname now. Means bat (the weapon).
dok - short for doktor, same as doc really.
Tiger - pronounced with an i like in independent. Have fun...
Real surnames that could double as street names
Stein = stone
Bär = bear
Rabe = Raven
Wolf was mentioned. It is pronounced with o instead of u though. Sometimes the surename is written Wolff.
here's some additional slang you might find useful, an official web-addition for Shadows of Europe:
Aug 23 2007, 08:37 PM
also, for an "idea" on obtaining some very real, common sounding names, take a look at sports rosters like soccer teams, and combine/mix names.
It trolls!
Aug 23 2007, 08:45 PM
QUOTE ("Shadows of Europe") |
geil (adj.) Wiz, cool |
Just be aware that "geil" also means "horny"
For street names: I usually try to find descriptive street names for my characters. As I understand it, a street name isn't always something you give yourself but are given according to how you're perceived in the area.
If you want some descriptive names for certain characters, PM me a few lines about them (guessing you don't want your players to be able to read about them here) and I'll try to find something fitting.
Aug 23 2007, 08:50 PM
I have a few sugestions for street names, they are one of my favorite parts of creation for characters and contacts.
Street names, cliché shadowrunner names, e.g. Shadow, Hunter, Ghost, etc. (12x or more, assorted male and female)
Nacht- I can't no one threw this one out, it is pretty freaking cliche.
Faust- He was German.....good name for a creppy runner.
Ichabod- Sleepy Hollow anyone?
Beowulf- He's big, he's bad, he kills monsters
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