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Can magical foci be attacked or otherwise affected by someone who is astrally projected?

provided the foci are astrally present, yes.

just don't ask questions like "how long is the foci condition monitor" or "what are the astral attributes of the foci" biggrin.gif grinbig.gif biggrin.gif
Shinobi Killfist
yeah we assume so since you could in every previous edition. At present there aren't any rules for it, so we have to wait for the magic book or make up a house rule.
On a related line of questioning.

Looking over the Counterspelling rules, it says that to counter a sustained spell you have to be on the same plane as the target. So I take that to mean that a mage in the astral plane could not try and counter a sustained spell that another mage had up if that mage was on the physcial plane. Am I right?
Actually, I'm pretty sure we don't have to ASSUME it's possible - I remember seeing it specifically mentioned in the SR4 book. Or at least, it was mentioned that an active focus has an astral form, and it was mentioned that you can engage any astral form in astral combat. It just failed to provide rules for handling anything but living creatures and mana barriers.
QUOTE (Gomez)
On a related line of questioning.

Looking over the Counterspelling rules, it says that to counter a sustained spell you have to be on the same plane as the target. So I take that to mean that a mage in the astral plane could not try and counter a sustained spell that another mage had up if that mage was on the physcial plane. Am I right?

correct. unless of course the mage is astrally perceiving, and therefore dual-natured =P
But are Active Foci dual-nature?

Or by the same reasoning are Sustained spells Dual-Natured?
Yes an active foci is dual natured. I think they said spells were not dual natured. Check spellcasting.

Hey i know... make a spirit and tell him to manifest in front of the enemy mage. Then the mage will have to go astral percieving to attack it and then WHAM you drill him with magic or attack him.

well sr4 pg176 talks about dispelling a sustained spell and they said you have to be on the same plane as the spell and also able to percieve it.

Astral Perception talks about spells and how they appear on the astral. They are not dual natured. They are only physical or mana based and only exist on that plane. Although all spells have aura's which can be assensed to find out information about it. Although you wont even know its a spell's aura until you assense it.
QUOTE (Jaid)
QUOTE (Gomez @ Jun 26 2006, 10:47 AM)
On a related line of questioning.

Looking over the Counterspelling rules, it says that to counter a sustained spell you have to be on the same plane as the target. So I take that to mean that a mage in the astral plane could not try and counter a sustained spell that another mage had up if that mage was on the physcial plane. Am I right?

correct. unless of course the mage is astrally perceiving, and therefore dual-natured =P

or if the mage was sustaining a mana spell which would be in the astral plane.
mana spells are not necessarily on the astral plane either.

for example, if i toss a mana ball at an area, and there's an astral being within that area, the mana ball doesn't have any affect on the astral being (unless i cast the manaball spell specifically into the astral, in which case it has no affect on the physical plane).

as far as a spell contained in a sustaining focus... i don't know. that's a good question.
Uhhh i would say the spirit in astral space doesnt get hit because he isnt visable to the mage

ALL mana spells travel through astral space and then "ground out" on their targets. Thats why they get to ignore armor.

Physical spells form in the astral and then materialize and shoot through the physical plane to hit their target. You would not see the actual spell shot from the caster to the target in astral space. Only its aura.
QUOTE (Abbandon)
ALL mana spells travel through astral space and then "ground out" on their targets.  Thats why they get to ignore armor.

I don't think it works that way any more. I'm pretty sure magical spells travel entirely in the plane on which they are cast. Consider:

QUOTE (Boyle et al. 167)
Sorcery involves the intuitive manipulation of the mana field by a magician, who shapes it in certain ways for certain effects. [...] All of this occurs on the same plane—physical or astral—as the magician and the target.

I suspect the passing of Haley's Comet and the mana spike solidified and strengthened the previously leaky division between the physical and astral planes.
Then why do mana spells get to ignore armor??

And if mana spells are flying around in the physical plane then why cant physical spells fly around in astral space if a mage is astrally percieving or projecting.
Can't wait for the FAQ, really wink.gif

Imo a foci is dual-natured so it can be attacked by a on both planes... wait, that sounds stupid? Are foci visible on the physical plane? Iirc they weren't on previous editions.
A foci is an object that has to be in relatively close contact with the person it is bonded with. it can be an earring, a ring, your favorite nose hair trimmer, a necklace, an optical chip of your favorite band.

It would take a perception test to actually "spot" the foci on a mage.

When a mage goes astral he can take all active foci with him(within his limit). I dont think he can activate them from astral space but i may be wrong.

Think of a weapon foci such as a dagger or sword. Yes it will be visable on the physical (unless he is hiding it) and once he activates it he will have a sword in the astral plane to.
Focus, a focus. wink.gif

Well, it just makes sense, that an active focus is dual-natured, being present on the physical plane (which it is, anyways), and on the astral plane.

Abbadon, ALL direct combat spells ignore armor - both Mana and Physical. Neither Powerbolt nor Manabolt is stopped by armor. Indirect combat spells, however - the ones that create a physical effect, like a burst of flame or a jet of acid - DO interact with armor.

Physical direct combat spells (Deathtouch, Powerbolt, Powerball) apply magic directly to the target's body. It's not a projectile of visible force and it can't be dodged, - despite the name 'Powerbolt', it's more like you're using magic to try to stop their heart. Mana direct combat spells are the same way, except that you're attacking their mind or 'spirit', if you will, instead of their body.

Your spells can only affect things that are on the same plane as you are. Physical spells only affect the body, and the body is only ever on the physical plane. Mana spells affect the mind/spirit/consciousness/whatever, which is on whatever plane the target is currently sensing: physical if they're wholy physical, astral if they're a spirit or are projecting, or BOTH if they're dual-natured or astrally perceiving.

Direct combat mana spells are often more effective than physical ones. They work in the astral. and they're resisted by Willpower instead of Body...for most opponents, a lower stat. But since they won't work on non-living targets, they're not the perfect solution to every problem.
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