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Has anyone Released/Posted a set of preGenerated enemies for Shadowrun 4

I have been having trouble making balanced enemies to throw against a group of about five 400BP runners(of various types).

The few enemies in the book just seem to dissolve against the destructive power of the party.

I need a few good generic enemies that don't need to be in a massive horde to give the PCs a decent challenge.

Could anyone point me in the direction where I could find enemies like this.

If you're looking for one on one threats, try checking the rules for Prime Runners which vary in their threat level...then take one of the archetypes and add or subtract a few points.
Can you describe your group a little more deeply? Maybe I could send you some "enemies" that you can use?

Secondly. What are you looking for? Corporate types? Physad Dragons? Evil Masterminds?

For example, I could send you copies of the characters my group of players are running. smile.gif Fight fire with fire


I'm looking for generic corporate goons that are a little more powerful than the ones that are listed in the book.

anything that you could send me would be much appreciated...



If you just want generic corp goons, I'd suggest modifying the guys in the book.

One easy thing is to increase their Professional Rating, and use the resulting Edge points freely. Even wimpy goons can be dangerous if they have 5 Edge and no reason to save them.

Another easy thing is to give them better equipment -- give everyone smartlinks and APDS rounds, or maybe have the team leader carry an assault rifle.

Combat drugs are another good way to pump up the opposition -- most of them give decent bonuses to physical stats, plus an extra initiative pass and some pain resistance.

You could also add +1 to all physical attributes, +1 to all combat skills, and maybe throw in Wired-1.

Lord Ben
Use better tactics. If you have guys firing while standing in the middle of the room of course they're going to die. Take some cover. Goons typically outnumber the PC's so if you shoot lots of bullet the -1 to each additional defensive action eventually catches up and the PC's get shot.

We go back and forth between GM's and one GM puts in uber powerful bad guys who duke it out D&D style from the center of the room. When I DM I use professional rating 2-3 goons who take cover, act smartly, and shoot vulnerable targets. It's much more challenging than using bad tactics with great stats.
And then we could always try working on filling the Shadowrun NPC Wiki Jurgen started........Where did that thread go?
I've been posting all the Goon stats I come up with for the game in on the NPC wiki myself. I even wrote a template for them.
NPC wiki
When in doubt, BlackJack's page is often helpful. Here he talks about specific ways he uses tactics to make his otherwise weak security guards into something worth running from.
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