I'm not sure I like the capture/escape criteria, since there's no reason a car should be captured if the driver of the chase vehicle can't do anything to stop the lead, and there's no reason that the lead vehicle should vanish even if the chase vehicle is on its rear bumper the whole time.
I like the random leg generator, but you've got to be prepared to ditch a lot of the information if the chase ends up on the highway.
These are the rules I came up with for chases, in an attempt to include multiple vehicles, vehicle stunts, and real-time car-to-car combat. They're a little wordy, but mostly complete. I could be persuaded to change the crash damage, but I only really use it for critical glitches.
For reference: A vehicle going at Speed 100 is crossing a distance of about a city block per combat turn.
For vehicle stunt tests, use the normal thresholds in the vehicle rules in Combat. Reference the Terrain Table, but apply a positive threshold modifier instead as a negative dice pool modifier.
Define the Lead Vehicle as the vehicle that is being chased. If for some reason this changes mid-chase, redefine the Lead Vehicle on the spot. Define Trailing Vehicles as all other vehicles in the chase.
It's possible that multiple vehicles could technically qualify as the Lead Vehicle. In that case, let the pursuer(s) choose which one they're following, and the other ones are all Trailing Vehicles. A Trailing Vehicle may choose to break off pursuit on its turn -- if for some reason other Trailing Vehicles want to start pursuing that Trailing Vehicle, start it up as a separate chase.
In the event of a total drek-fest cluster-frag car chase where 2 separate biker gangs of 3 bikes each are chasing the players' group of 6 vehicles, or a car chasing a car chasing a car chasing a car, you have no one to blame but yourself.
The Lead Vehicle sets the speed of the chase, and can change it by +/- the vehicle's fast Acceleration rating at the beginning of each Combat Turn. A vehicle may exceed its Speed rating by up to 25%, but doing so imposes a -2 penalty on all vehicle tests.
At the beginning of each Combat Turn, the driver of the Lead Vehicle rolls a vehicle test, modified by terrain/conditions/traffic (as well as speed, if above or below the vehicle's Speed). All trailing vehicles do the same. If the Trailing Vehicle does not achieve at least as many hits as the Lead Vehicle, it slips down one range increment for each hit it is deficient. A tie results in no change. Net hits by a Trailing Vehicle may be used to move a number of increments up or down the chart at the driver's discretion.
A Trailing Vehicle traveling less than its Speed receives a +2 modifier on the above test for each full (fast Acceleration rating) it is below its Speed rating. So a Sports Car with a Speed of 240 and a fast Acceleration rating of 60 receives a +2 bonus at 180, a +4 bonus at 120, and a +6 bonus at 60.
Each Trailing Vehicle places somewhere on the following chart:
QUOTE (Chase Ranges)
Outrun (distance = current chase speed x3): The Trailing Vehicle is way behind and in danger of being lost. If on the next vehicle test the Lead Vehicle scores more hits than this vehicle, it is able to escape this vehicle for the remainder of the chase.
Disadvantaged (distance = current chase speed x1): The Trailing Vehicle is at a significant distance from the Lead Vehicle.
Even (distance = a car length or so): The Trailing Vehicle is very close to the Lead Vehicle. At this distance it is possible to attempt Rams and Cut Offs. At this range, it is also possible to have passengers attempt to jump onto the Lead Vehicle. Or throw explosives, or take Polaroids of the Lead Vehicle's cockpit while following them through a -4G inverted dive.
Advantaged (distance = a car length or so, or up to the current chase speed x1 at the discretion of the driver): All the advantages of being Even, but with an extra little buffer for vehicle tests. Also in an Advantaged position an Advantaged Trailing Vehicle can actually be ahead of the Lead Vehicle, but if the Lead Vehicle makes a sharp maneuver (for example, down a side street) it could easily be lost. A vehicle in this position receives a +2 dice pool modifier to any attempt to Cut Off the Lead Vehicle.
Once the relative location of every vehicle is set, everyone rolls initiative and run a normal combat turn. During this combat turn, the driver of the Lead Vehicle may spend at most one complex action to attempt to perform a vehicle stunt (quickly turning down a side street, driving through a red light at a busy intersection, taking a shortcut through the mall etc). The threshold is set by the GM depending on the difficulty of the stunt being attempted. The driver of all Trailing Vehicles must each make a vehicle test with the same threshold or immediately move down the Range Chart by a number of places equal to the threshold number. This costs the driver of each Trailing Vehicle their next complex action. If they do not have a complex action remaining this turn, it costs them the first complex action on their next turn.
Failure of the Lead Vehicle to succeed on this test allows all Trailing Vehicles to move a number of positions on the range chart equal to the threshold. Failure of any Trailing Vehicle to succeed on this test forces them back a number of positions on the range chart equal to the threshold. A glitch on this test inflicts damage on the vehicle equal to (chase speed)/10, resisted normally by Armor and Body. A critical glitch on this test causes a crash -- that vehicle takes ramming damage as normal, and is immediately stopped. If this is a Trailing Vehicle, that vehicle is removed from the chase. If this is the Lead Vehicle, the chase ends immediately.
The case ends when all Trailing Vehicles have fallen off the range chart, wrecked, or otherwise broken pursuit.
For the purposes of Trailing Vehicles wanting to be up next to each other, assume that anyone within the same position is "about even" with the others.
If you're going ridiculously fast through an area that doesn't support it (driving 200mph through the shopping mall), the GM should impose additional penalties on all vehicle tests.
A Trailing Vehicle that can't keep up with the chase speed (even pushing to 125% of its Speed) either drops out immediately, or falls behind a number of meters equal to the difference between its Speed (or 125% of that) and the chase speed, depending on how you want to adjudicate it. There are distance markers in the Ranges chart to let you know when a Trailing Vehicle passes from Disadvantaged to Outrun. Once it drops below Outrun (chase speed x3) range, the Trailing Vehicle is assumed to have dropped out of the chase.
As for TJ's question of "why change the book rules," it's mostly because they're boring. There's not a good risk/reward mechanic for the driver choosing to do fancy tricks.
Also they take too long. A full minute of chase turn is enough for the vehicles to go something on the order of 10 city blocks, and that's if they're going well under the speed limit.