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Full Version: Shadowrun Miniatures?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
So....are there an Shadowrun Minatures on the way? I haven't heard any news about a line of them being released but I was wondering anyone hear has heard anything.
Take a look here:
James McMurray
Get the ones for SR's game WizKids made. They're a bit big for a battlemat (the troll is just shy of a foot tall IIRC), but they're pretty cool looking. The troll even has a roadkill cat stuck to the bottom of his shoe. smile.gif

Other than that, no idea. Sorry.
And now with that link and a place to find SR minatures all I need to do now is find the cash to pay for them.
You're on your own there chummer.
Oh, and welcome to the Dumpshock Forums.
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