Jun 19 2007, 05:20 AM
I just got a used Axim X50 and I'm wondering if any Shadowrun (4th edition) programs exist for PPC? Also, does anyone have any custom Pocket Excel files for tracking initiative, characters and the like?
Jun 19 2007, 07:42 AM
I have a MS-Access database I use for tracking players, NPC and initiative for SR4.
I'll get it hosted and post a link if anyone is interested.
Jun 19 2007, 03:39 PM
That would be cool.
Jun 19 2007, 06:55 PM
You have a Particle Projection Cannon? Awesome!
Kyoto Kid
Jun 19 2007, 08:30 PM
...and here I thought he was referring to a Plasma Pulse Cannon.
Jun 19 2007, 09:16 PM
a PPC? cool...can I get a murader with that? *starts having wet dreams of riggers and battletech* who needs a steel lynx MWHAAHHAHAHA
Jun 19 2007, 10:36 PM
QUOTE (Cadmus) |
a PPC? cool...can I get a murader with that? *starts having wet dreams of riggers and battletech* who needs a steel lynx MWHAAHHAHAHA |
Marauder? Nah, you gotta think bigger! Go with the Awesome, then you get 3 PPCs. Although the Clan versions of the Warhammer and Marauder are quite... interesting.
Jun 20 2007, 12:27 AM
Wow, that got off topic quickly....
You know, if I mounted a PPC to the roof of my car - I highly doubt anyone would cut me off again...
Jun 20 2007, 06:52 PM
Sorry for the delay, here's the link to my file:
Combat Tracker in MS-Access
Jul 20 2007, 12:15 AM
FWIW, I don't believe any GM software is written directly for
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