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The books mention Atlantis or the Atlantis Project. What is it, a place or a project (I'm sure at some point some scientists even in our time has used the term Atlantis Project.)?

Either way, what is it?
Ancient History
<raises_eyebrow> The lost city/civilization/island of Atlantis.
I know that in real life. smile.gif But what does Shadowrun say it is? Place or Project? And either way, what is it about? Some type of underwater experiment? Reference to genetic research? Weapon Research?

Is it the lost city itself and if so, where is it near (Other than the Atlantic Ocean. Is it closer to Europe, Africa, America, etc..) and what goes on there? Who inhabits the Island and what do they do?
As I understand it, the Atlantis folks mentioned in the sourcebooks are just a group of fresh-faced optimists looking for the lost city. Some more tantalizing clues have surfaced about Atlantis, but I don't think that the city has actually been definitively located--if it had, the sourcebooks would have made a HUGE deal about it. Until a sourcebook is published that discusses Atlantis in depth, I believe that you get to make up pretty much whatever you want about the group and/or the city.

EDIT: Ehran the Scribe had this to say about Atlantis and its influence on world culture in his keynote speech at the Young Elven Technologists dinner:
QUOTE (Ehran)
As the last age of magic came to a close, Atlantis was readying itself for disaster. The Atlantean culture was a Human/Elven hybrid that had achieved both scientific and magical wonders, but in its later years, it turned against itself by fighting nature to maintain the island. As the end came near, a migration of technology and culture spread from the isle to the rest of the world. This is the reason mankind’s ancient calendars all start within 100 years of each other. The Hebrew, Egyptian, Chinese, and most importantly, Mayan calendars all show the direct influence of Atlantean culture. . . .
Atlantis sank on August 12, 3113 BC, thus marking the end of the Fourth World and the beginning of the Fifth. The Sixth World has begun, and will end, according to the Mayan calendar, on April 4, 7137 AD.

Of course, there are those who claim that Ehran is BSing to make elves look better. Anyway, I hope this helps. You can find the full text of his speech here.
well, there's the Atlantean Foundation. you can read about it in LA, but the gist is that on the outside they're a bunch of magic-loving hippies who bankroll archeological digs and other projects aimed at discovering pre-Awakening magic stuff. on the inside, it's largely the same deal, except that if you find something cool, they'll probably kill you to get it (assuming other channels fail). they're run by a chick named Sheila Blatavska, who some believe to be an IE.
Ancient History
Generally speaking, Atlantis in Shadowrun is the excuse the Atlantean Foundation uses to dig up the remnants of the previous age of magic. In this case, Atlantis specifically refers to the island of Thera, which in a past age of magic was the home of the Theran Empire.
And Sheila is supposedly Alachia (Loose Alliances for reference), which would explain where she knows where to dig. But if that's the case ,the lady must power nap like hell, because she's supposed to micro-manage the A.F. , while Alachia is a power behind the throne in Tir Na Nog, and meddles in Tir Tairngire (Worlds Without End, and T.T. SB for refernces).
yeah. that's why i said "some believe". i mean, jeez.
biggrin.gif Sorry, I was just trying to give 'em some more info to work with. When I first got on these boards, you guys would talk about something ,and I'd go home trying to dig up some reference to figure out what the hell you were talking about.
Shanshu Freeman
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
biggrin.gif Sorry, I was just trying to give 'em some more info to work with. When I first got on these boards, you guys would talk about something ,and I'd go home trying to dig up some reference to figure out what the hell you were talking about.

as one of a similar lot, let me say, your efforts are appreciated
the "jeez" was in reference to Alachia's "sleep is for the weak" lifestyle, btw. if she's Blatavska... criminey. that's a lot for one elf to be doing.
ok, cool. Now, it is possible. I myself average about 3-4 hours of sleep a day in between working graves and taking care of my kids during the day. Throw in liberal use of the refresh spell, and perhaps some 4th age Spirit Portal/Gateway spell use to get around, and it's possible. If she's lowfyr's get (my opinion is that she is, not much to base that on), could explain the work-a-holic-ness.

Shansu: welcome. donations are appreciated as well.
Who needs to power nap when you have a bajillion magic points to burn away with longhaul?

Or she could just use magic. With 10,000+ years worth of initiations and some of the best magical knowledge of three Ages at her disposal it is highly probable that she has a health spell that takes care of her need for sleep. There are already some that take care of the need and desire to eat and drink. Considering the fact that the vast majority of the most powerful beings in the world don't like her very much, it is safe to assume that she has a custom spell that removes waste from her intestines so she doesn't have to worry about checking her toiletpaper for deadly poisions.
QUOTE (hyzmarca)
it is safe to assume that she has a custom spell that removes waste from her intestines so she doesn't have to worry about checking her toiletpaper for deadly poisions.

love.gif That's awesome. I love you man.
So lemme get this straight. The Atlantis which Ehran talks about and which to the Atlantean Foundation refers to, is actually the Isle of Thera? Wasn't Thera somekind of a great empire in the fourth age? And how megalomaniac are those geezers at AF anyway, are they hoping to cash in on every darn piece of antique, since the sourcebooks state them to be digging up in A LOT of places all over the world?

I've never understood why people thought Sheila Blatavska/Hecate to be Alachia, but now it's starting to make sense.
Ancient History
The Atlantis Ehran refers to is the Theran Empire of Earthdawn.

The Atlantean Foundation claims to be searching for remnants of Atlantis, and has focused primarily on the ruins of the Theran Empire, but has used the various legends and literature surrounding Atlantis as an excuse to carry on other investigations. Yes, they want to dig up as much as possible.
Interesting, I've always equated, at least geographically Thera with the island Thira (or more to the point what's left of it) in the Agean.
Ancient History
So does the AF.
So either there is something to it or they like having a nice office in Santorini wink.gif
And how megalomaniac are those geezers at AF anyway...?

if Blatavska is Alachia? on a scale of 1-10, they'd be a pretty damn.
Ancient History
Alachia is an 11.5.

For reference, Dogbert is a 9.
The atlantean organization seems like a bunch of new age flakes but it is implied that there is real power behind the top levels. The leader's name is almost identical to a Russian mystic in the late 19th C. who founded Theophistry. Some say she was a visionary, some say she was a charletan but she certainly tapped into the late victorian/edwardian occult rage.
Also, doesn't that speech of Ehran's finally confirm that Leonarus isn't/wasn't Leonardo Da Vinci?

Ta' for the link to the speech by the way. It kinda put the racism of the IE's in perspective. Dunno if it justifies it though.
Hey, just out of curiosity, if Thera is Thira (somewhere on the mediterranean?) and Barsaive is close to Ukraine, where are the other places located? Blood wood? Cara Fahd? Throal? Not sure about the spelling though.
Cara Fahd lies in the southwest of Barsaive, Blood Wood in central north and Throal in the norteast of Barsaive, so go figure. smile.gif
There's some talk that Bloodwood/Wyrmwood is now Chernobyl too. Take that one however you like.
Even though the Poisoned Forest would fit better wink.gif
how 'bout we call go with 'Radiation Poisoned Forest" for a middle ground? embarrassed.gif
For the truely paranoid (see "Threats") the Atlantis Foundation is actually survivors of the original Theran Emprire whose real goal is to re-establish the TE and enslave the rest of the world.

It's not "enslave". It's "enlighten". Just like with the DBC...
QUOTE (mfb)
The "jeez" was in reference to Alachia's "sleep is for the weak" lifestyle, btw. If she's Blatavska... Criminey. that's a lot for one elf to be doing.

Doesn't the Tir Tairngire sourcebook mention that she has a daughter stashed away over there that happens to be a Prince? I figure that should help spread the load some - she can handle the day to day plotting and scheming plus any special instructions, and if anything goes pear-shaped she can stall long enough to phone mummy dearest for directions. Mind you that still leaves ruling Tir Na nOg from behind the throne and running the Foundation which is nothing to sneeze at.
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