Hello Dumpshock-ed members.
I'm part of the few who've had the chance to read and dissect the book for almost a month now, and as it is always the case with a new game, there are a few things that I wasn't entirely satisfied with. Some of them have been debated on these forums for the entire month and after a couple weeks of posting and thinking, and a couple gaming sessions, I think I have a first drafts of the house rules I'm going to use at my table.
Since some of you are good at finding issues within rules and proposing fixes, I would appreciate (even welcome) some criticism and feedback.
So here you go:
-The length of the condition monitor tracks are defined as follow:
-Physical condition monitor = 10 + Body
-Stun condition monitor = 10 + Willpower
-Drones, just like vehicles, have 10 + Body damage boxes as well, except micro and mini drones (who only have 1 box of condition monitor and are destroyed when hit)
-Edge never lifts limits
-Armor isn't limited by strength, but the penalty for armor bonuses still exists
-Drain and threshold for summoning is spirit force – 1
-A character can cast a combat spell with each simple action of an initiative pass (using reckless casting)
-All wireless bonuses are now standard gear bonus (they don't require matrix connectivity), except action-economy bonuses (these require DNI, either direct of via PAN), and communication-related bonuses, which actually require a matrix connection (to 'make the call')
-Laser Sight provides +1 die to the attack test
-Smartlink provides +1 die to the attack test (external) or +2 (implant). It also increases the limit for this test by 1
-Grenades damage resistance factor in reaction (“ducking and taking cover”)
-Cyberdecks' ratings are equal to their highest base attribute
-Rigger Command Consoles all have +2 rating and +2 to both matrix attributes
-Maser Industrial Electronics has a Data Processing of 7 and a Firewall of 7
-Commlinks all have +3 rating
-All device ratings on the DR table are doubled
-Wired Reflexes essence costs are now 1.5/2.5/4 and nuyen costs are 20000, 40000, 80000
-Muscle replacements' prices are 18000 x rating
-At a range of 0-10m, Battle Rifles' accuracy is capped to 5, Sniper Rifles' to 4 and Anti-Material Rifles to 3
-A new modifier for ranged combat: "inadapted weapon", when the weapon is too bulky or unmaneuverable (a sniper rifle in a fight that takes place in a room filles with cubicles) or otherwise inappropriate to the situation for any reason. Ranges from -1 (assault rifle in a moderately encumbered place) to -3 (Anti-Material Rifle in a ventilaton shaft)
-GM-Nissan Doberman and C-D Dalmation have an armor rating of 8
-Cyberware max. Availability at CharGen: 16, with betaware allowed
-Mystical adepts PP are 5*level each (5 for the first, 10 for the second, etc.)
-Maximum Device Rating is 8
-Uncouth gives 25 karma, uneducated 15