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Full Version: Poll Results for Which Corp is the good guy.
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
The ranking of corporations from the most to least positive is listed below. This was based on the average rating given by the respondents to the poll of runners on the Dumpshock Forums. Ratings for each of the 10 megas and two large not for profits was given on a scale of 1(saintly) to 5 (evil incarnate). The results of this poll given its voluntary and not scientific in any way, but does give an idea of the general attitudes towards the big ten, the Draco Foundation and the Atlantean foundation.

1. Draco Foundation
2. Evo
3. Shiwase
4. Neonet
5. Ares
6. Atlantean Foundation
7. Wuxing
8. Horizon
9. MCT
10. Renraku
11. SK
12. Aztechnology

Draco Foundation
Not subject to the same motivations as true corporations, the Draco Foundation was well regarded by the runners on dumpshock. Of particular note, 65 percent thought of Draco Foundation as a positive force in the sixth world , rating it a 1 or a 2 on a 5 point scale. The average rating was 2.24

Of the true corporations, Evo had the most positive rating of the megas. Apparently their meta-human friendly attitude has persuaded the runners on dumpshock that they are the good guys. As with the Draco foundation 65% rated the corp positive, with an average rating of 2.43.

Unexpectedly, Shiawase had the second positive rating of the megas. Apparently the runners on dumpshock are pretty "meh" with them as 80% rated the abivelent, with an average rating of 2.94.

Neonet also earned neutral rating. Although 76% rated the abivelent, an almost equal percentage rated them 2 or 4, with an average rating of 2.95.

Ares was also neutral, despite its efforts in combatting bug spirits, the Saito incident, and the warm fuzzies KE gives us runners. Although 34% rated the corp poisitively (a 1 or 2), an almost equal percentage (37%) rated them a 4 or 5, with an average rating of 2.96.

Atlantean Foundation
Not subject to the same motivations as true corporations, the Atlantean Foundation was rated the most neutral of the orgnizations by the runners on dumpshock. Almost 60 percent rated the Atleantean Foundation a 3, noting it to be ambivelent and being neither good nor evil force in the sixth world. The average rating was 3.06

While Wuxing was also neutral, with 61% of the runners on Dumpshock rating them a 3 (ambivelent), 21% rated the corp negatively (a 4 or 5), and only 15 percent rated them positively. Is there something runners should know? Some dark evil underpinnings in this corp? With an average rating of 3.11, theres seems to be some indication that this might be the case.

Horizon had more mixed results than Wuxing with 40% of the runners on Dumpshock rating them a 3 (ambivelent). There was a significant portion (19%) of respondents that thought Horizon was evil incarnate (rating them 5). This significantly impacted polls results, and contrary to that 21 percent rated them a 2 (positive). Is there something the runners LA have run into when dealing with them? Or did one Horizon Johson just hose up a vocal minority? With an average rating of 3.13, they ranked 7 out of 12. Not good for a corp that prides itself on its PR department.

MCT was rated as being slightly negative. Almost half (45%) of respondents that gave MCT a negative rating of four or five. Of the remaining respondents, 48 gave them a neutral rating of 3. With an average rating of 3.52, this corp may not be in league with the devil, but the path to hell is laid with bones of the greedy.

Renraku was also rated as being slightly negative. More than half (52%) of respondents that gave Renraku a negative rating of four, the remaining respondents (48%) gave them a neutral rating of 3. With an average rating of 3.52, this corp may still be suffereing from the Renraku Arcology incident, which it bungled so badly. (Also note for those paying attention MCT average was 3.519 and Renraku Average 3.524.)

Saeder Krupp
Saeder Krupp was rated as being the second most evil of the corps. More than 64% of respondents gave SK a negative rating of four or five, of the remaining respondents only 2 (6%) gave them a positive rating of 3. With an average rating of 3.74, Lofwyr is wise to not advertise he his corp is the Johnson. Apparently the old runners adage: "Shoot Straight, conserve ammo, and never, ever deal with a dragon" still applies to 2070.

As the most evil corp of the corps, more than 71% of respondents gave Aztechnology negative rating of five (evil incarnate). The only positive responses were apparently from those enjoying their Nerps or Nukkit Burgers. With an average rating of 4.39, Aztechnology has alot to answer for, blood mages, genocide, New NERPs and all.
I seem to recall that I made a positive response about Aztechnology that didn't involve NERPS or Nukkit Burgers.
Umm, yeah...sure, you know its true though. Admit it! talker.gif

PS: Just having a little fun as to why a runner would rate them positively.
I'm not surprised Ares was rated so low. Not only are they essentially the heirs to the old U.S. military-industrial complex, but they picked an ancient culture with two war gods, and named themselves after the bad one! What does that tell you?
QUOTE (Glyph @ Dec 21 2008, 08:39 PM) *
I'm not surprised Ares was rated so low. Not only are they essentially the heirs to the old U.S. military-industrial complex, but they picked an ancient culture with two war gods, and named themselves after the bad one! What does that tell you?

Damien Knight was a USC fan? I know, I know, they're the Trojans. But still -- the profile of one helmeted hoplite is going to look pretty much the same as another.
also, they do kinda have an alliance with some bug spirits... you gotta expect that to be held against them...
QUOTE (Glyph @ Dec 21 2008, 11:39 PM) *
I'm not surprised Ares was rated so low. Not only are they essentially the heirs to the old U.S. military-industrial complex, but they picked an ancient culture with two war gods, and named themselves after the bad one! What does that tell you?

You mean the bad-ass one! Ares wasn't into any of that crappy build-up civilization shit, he was a bonafied god-o-war!

That said, a corp named after Athena would be pretty cool. Maybe if Cross had gone with that, they would still be part of the big 10 eh?
CATCo isn't in the Big Ten anymore because Lucien went and died in a plane crash. And yeah, Ares was a badass. Athena always seem to me to represent the intelligence-driven side of warfare: tactics, technology (such as it was back then), and how to profit from victory. Ares just liked to kill people, skin them, and use those skins as his bed covers. I certainly wouldn't want to screw with him.
QUOTE (Red_Cap @ Dec 22 2008, 01:13 AM) *
CATCo isn't in the Big Ten anymore because Lucien went and died in a plane crash.

Yeah, funny how a thing like that would go and happen you know? And how Ares was so well positioned to pick up the pieces...

And yeah, Ares was a badass. Athena always seem to me to represent the intelligence-driven side of warfare: tactics, technology (such as it was back then), and how to profit from victory. Ares just liked to kill people, skin them, and use those skins as his bed covers. I certainly wouldn't want to screw with him.

You would think that Athena would be a better example to model a buisness after. But when it comes to shear corporate ruthlessness, it clear Mr. Knight picked the right gods example to follow. He has relised that you can only profit from your victory if you win in the first place. Which means going for the throat.
I'm not sure I would call Ares a badass, though. He got his ass kicked by mere mortals,and more than once. If you ever read the Stephenson book, Cryptonomicon, he has an interesting dissertation of the difference between him and Athena.
Back in middle school, our history teacher described them this way. "Ares was the greek god of fighting wars. Athena was the greek goddess of winning wars."
QUOTE (MaxMahem @ Dec 22 2008, 06:19 AM) *
Yeah, funny how a thing like that would go and happen you know? And how Ares was so well positioned to pick up the pieces...

You would think that Athena would be a better example to model a buisness after. But when it comes to shear corporate ruthlessness, it clear Mr. Knight picked the right gods example to follow. He has relised that you can only profit from your victory if you win in the first place. Which means going for the throat.

Actualy Ares was created (and named) by some Mr Aurelius, Mr Knight (or Gavilan if you prefere) jumped on the ship thanks to the helping hands (and paws) of a certain Mr Cross and some magicaly proficent, media intensive, metahuman-friendly reptile from legends.
QUOTE (AllTheNothing @ Dec 22 2008, 01:17 PM) *
Actualy Ares was created (and named) by some Mr Aurelius, Mr Knight (or Gavilan if you prefere) jumped on the ship thanks to the helping hands (and paws) of a certain Mr Cross and some magicaly proficent, media intensive, metahuman-friendly reptile from legends.

So he ruthlessly stole the corporation from its former owner in a hostile takeover, then later conspired to drive him from his own company, to form a new mega-corp. Which Mr. Knight then ALSO took over after he 'conveniently' died in a plane crash.

What part of that doesn't sound like something Ares would approve of?
I take this as evidence as to how poorly dumpshockers hold themselves to the holy canon. It is things like this that lead to edition change, you know!
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