Dec 10 2008, 05:47 PM
I'm a new SR4 GM, with plenty of experience running everything else (DnD, HERO, DH, GURPS, etc) but SR. I've been gaming since 1986, and now find myself with this monumental task of making Emergence work for my players. I want this to be one that's remembered as "one of the all time great campaigns." As we've been together since '87 or so, you can imagine what's before me to impress these folks with.
I've gone off the rails a bit, trying to link the various events into one vast conspiracy, with an NPC duo (Anslem, a Christian Theurge and Marlowe, his Elizabethan-speaking Ghoul assistant) directing the 'runners to clues found in the book. Occasionally, I'll run one as a seemingly-random event or a run drawn from some other source, but I want to stick to Emergence as my main plot.
Would anyone care to discuss how they handled this book?
Ancient History
Dec 10 2008, 07:21 PM
I made an electronic music piece narrating the intro fiction for the last chapter of the book. Came out fairly well.
Dec 10 2008, 07:25 PM
is there anything you did NOT do at least once concerning shadowrun? O.o
Ancient History
Dec 10 2008, 07:34 PM
Never had sex with someone while LARPing Shadowrun. Yet. Good things come to those who wait.
Dec 10 2008, 08:37 PM
Short version:
I worked the events of Emergence into an entirely different campaign that I was running at the time of the book's release.
Long version:
The players were sent to Hong Kong to retrieve some incense that was required as a component to an enchantment that an NPC was performing. While they were in Hong Kong, it just happened to be the day that the TMs escaped and the city descended into chaos. They actually ended up assisting both TMs and MCT by the end of that little scene, IIRC.
The next Emergence-y run happened in Canada when a corp studying an AI that was born from a random number generator who styled herself after the goddess Eris was hit by the players. During that run, the AI was released into the matrix and escaped. This AI, in the metaplot of this campaign, and Pulsar -- the one who later deals with Sojourner and the Azzie satellite that he had -- are arch enemies for reasons I never determined and the players never investigated.
It was shortly after this release that Sojourner took over the Azzie satellite and the players realized what Eris had been -- they originally thought she was either a free sprite or a super agent of some kind which, I guess, she sort of was. Some of the TMs that they had rescued from Hong Kong had relocated to LA where they were working with Pulsar and Horizon to try and control Eris. Pulsar couldn't handle Sojourner and Eris at the same time, so the TMs were trying to help him out against the other AI. The players were called in to provide some meat-muscle for the TMs while Pulsar handled things in space. Thus, they headed down the coast to LA, met up with the TMs who lived in a sort of floating city of the coast, protected them from a large number of drones and other TMs who had been corruped by Eris, and eventually one their way through. Meanwhile, Pulsar handled Sojourner and the world was saved.
This was all before Unwired so I was making up stuff for dissonant TMs and entropic sprites all over the place. It was a good time, overall.
Dec 10 2008, 08:58 PM
I ran a really focused campaign about the remnants of a Barrens gang having one of their members snapped up by a corporate goon squad for being a VK. The gangers wound up becomming 'runners out of necessity. The events of Emergence were basically a backdrop. I think that the only things that the players were directly involved with from the book were some runs about outing Joey D as a Technomancer, and the race for the drone that Sojourner sent shooting toward Earth. Everything else was background material, with the story really being driven by the PC's desire to get their friend back.
Dec 11 2008, 05:27 AM
The Jake
Dec 11 2008, 07:01 AM
QUOTE (jmkeown @ Dec 10 2008, 05:47 PM)
I'm a new SR4 GM, with plenty of experience running everything else (DnD, HERO, DH, GURPS, etc) but SR. I've been gaming since 1986, and now find myself with this monumental task of making Emergence work for my players. I want this to be one that's remembered as "one of the all time great campaigns." As we've been together since '87 or so, you can imagine what's before me to impress these folks with.
I've gone off the rails a bit, trying to link the various events into one vast conspiracy, with an NPC duo (Anslem, a Christian Theurge and Marlowe, his Elizabethan-speaking Ghoul assistant) directing the 'runners to clues found in the book. Occasionally, I'll run one as a seemingly-random event or a run drawn from some other source, but I want to stick to Emergence as my main plot.
Would anyone care to discuss how they handled this book?
Emergence is a really good 'ideas' book basically. It is fantastic for giving inspiration on how to handle the migration from SR3 to SR4 but not fantastic if you want a pre-generated adventure or a 'run of a lifetime'. Ghost Cartels notwithstanding (because I haven't read it) those days seem to be behind us for now. Last "run of a lifetime" I read was Brainscan. I'm still kicking myself I never got around to running that one, or the Harlequin series.
I think Double Exposure is the LAST adventure I remember running that my PCs considered epic.
- J.
Dec 11 2008, 08:12 AM
When humanity falls, squirrels shall inherit the earth.
Feel the wrath of my Nuts!
Dec 11 2008, 02:23 PM
I've only really recently started GM'ing a regular game, and it's in early stages, but I've dropped some emergence fluff. The team's hacker woke up to my first IC post for him, and the trid turned on in his motel coffin, and it was a rerun of "Beyond Belief", or whatever that trashy show with the novelty technomancer. I didn't just transcribe the whole thing, I threw a few lines in inbetween paragraphs.
Another character has a girlfriend who's quite sick and living in his Barrens squat. He didn't specify what she has, so I think I might decide for him that his girlfriend has AIPS and maybe a NEOnet/MCT AIPS outreach program picks her up and decides she's a candidate for VK vivisection.
Wesley Street
Dec 11 2008, 03:12 PM
I'm halfway through
Emergence now. I'm pulling much of the Jackpoint message board material into emails that I sent to my players as teases of what was to come. I've put together my own adventures, of varying length, using most of the seeds presented. Unfortunately, I TPK'd my players' PCs during the "Frederick Gunn-run" in LA. That was a bummer because I put together a
kickass map of a rooftop shanty-town island in the LA flood plains.
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