Dec 19 2008, 01:07 AM
I've got a copy of the Fifth Printing of SR4. On page 329, it has prices and availability for all of the street drugs except for Jazz. It gives an availability of 2R, but no cost. Any ideas of what it should be?
Dec 19 2008, 01:12 AM
According to Arsenal, it's 75

a dose.
Dec 19 2008, 01:37 AM
And I'd really, really like to see the poor Lone Star unaugmented bastard who comes up against, say, the Street Sam Example Character with only Jazz and a predator to back him up.
Dec 19 2008, 05:22 AM
QUOTE (Hagga @ Dec 18 2008, 08:37 PM)

And I'd really, really like to see the poor Lone Star unaugmented bastard who comes up against, say, the Street Sam Example Character with only Jazz and a predator to back him up.
But what does that same street sami do when half a dozen of them get shotguns and assault rifles from their cars, wear their securetech PPP system, and take Jazz before encountering the runners. Never underestimate your opposition. Drugs may have serious long term side effects not present with augmentation, but when the lead is flying I really don't think anyone cares how much they are destroying their liver and kidneys.
Dec 19 2008, 05:30 AM
when going up against a full runner team, that would be a High Threat level. as such, you can expect Lone Star to call in a High Threat Response team, not just regular officers with predators and jazz.
the jazz + predator is what you do when you're stuck facing a couple of go-gangers or something, not for facing down a runner team alone (in general the recommended piece of equipment to use when facing a full shadowrunning team is "cover", followed closely by "anything that will let you call for heavy backup")
Dec 19 2008, 05:48 AM
I have to agree with Jaid here. Jazz is there for dealing with "typical" augmented opponents, like big metas hopped up on Nitro. In raw metagame terms, the typical Lonestar beat cop is there to present a non-combat obstacle to the runners or to pose a threat to the non-combat specialists. Flatlining a few officers as they respond to a corp distress call, isn't hard for a Samurai, but it is the kind of thing that gets a citymaster and a few aerial support drones on your ass post haste. Which, incidentally, is why a Samurai better be able to tear Joe Lonestar to shreds-- if he can't do the job quickly and safely, I doubt he'll have the time he needs to get the rest of the team the hell out of Dodge before it's too late.
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