Aug 25 2006, 08:08 PM
Well lets face it all for any of you that have had to use wireless connection or wifi. You would well know the issues that revolve around this. I am a truck driver and for me to be able to get online I either have to use my verizon PCI card or use a wifi hotspot. Now granted In the last 3 years I have seen tremendous improvements in the wireless internet connection capability, but lets face the facts Latency is going to be a HUGE factor for the wireless networks comparitively to hardwired terminals. As such I would see the deckers even in the future that physically plug in would get much less latency giving them a HUGE advantage over their wireless hacking counterparts.
Imagine your hacker going toe to toe with a decker when he suddenly gets a one second latency spike caused from a big truck passing by where the driver is using a high power CB.. That decker is going to make mense meat of that hacker as far as I am concerned.
Anyway just a thought and I was bored waiting for the page to load due to the lag I am getting right now with my wireless connection.
Aug 25 2006, 08:20 PM
Yes, if only hardwired matrix connections were still valid...*sigh*....
Aug 25 2006, 08:23 PM
Well, that's wireless today. We are talking about wireless in 60 years.
Look back 60 years in the past... then look at what we got today.
I don't think cable lines where that stable 60 years ago, really.

Aug 25 2006, 08:25 PM
Latency isn't in the rules, though.
(I think I have some pretty good working theories why bandwith doesn't matter).
Ruleswise, a hacker has in VR 1 second per phase (hot sim). Normaly that should be enough time to not be affected by lag.
@JonathanC: The hardwired matrix is still there, it builds the backbone for the wireless matrix. That's not only common sense, but somewhere in the rules
Aug 25 2006, 08:33 PM
QUOTE (cybertrucker) |
Imagine your hacker going toe to toe with a decker when he suddenly gets a one second latency spike caused from a big truck passing by where the driver is using a high power CB.. That decker is going to make mense meat of that hacker as far as I am concerned. |
Lag works both ways, though. The attacks are also programs and if the program information takes longer to reach me, the attacks will likewise take longer to reach me. So, being faster isn't really that much help there. It's a lot of help, if both are after the same target, and not each other, though.
Aug 25 2006, 08:33 PM
Hehe in the campaign I am running currently, the group is having to break into Aztechnology for a data steal. Our Technomancer had to actually tag along on this run physically because the computer is offline. She has to use her comlinks hardwired Data link connector (aka USB 5) to connect to the cyber terminal inside and route the signal through the airwaves so she can talk to it

. In essense turning her comlink into a wifi router

Aug 25 2006, 08:40 PM
QUOTE (Thanee) |
QUOTE (cybertrucker @ Aug 25 2006, 10:08 PM) | Imagine your hacker going toe to toe with a decker when he suddenly gets a one second latency spike caused from a big truck passing by where the driver is using a high power CB.. That decker is going to make mense meat of that hacker as far as I am concerned. |
Lag works both ways, though. The attacks are also programs and if the program information takes longer to reach me, the attacks will likewise take longer to reach me. So, being faster isn't really that much help there. It's a lot of help, if both are after the same target, and not each other, though.
Bye Thanee
I am an Avid MMOer and I use wireless connection... You have obviously never messed around much with wireless connection to make a statement like that. On nights when my connection is bad, I just log off.. The Latency causes severe issues. Especially in PVP where I will hit a 3 second lag spike and come back from it dead. And no it didnt effect those that were targeting me. Now in PVE against dumb mobs I might be able to still live but it still causes issues. There are some nights where the connection is great and doesnt cause me any problems... but wireless can be a killer and I see no reason it wouldnt be the same in the future sure it might be better but I would think that land lines would have improved just as much making them even faster still.
Aug 25 2006, 08:57 PM
QUOTE (cybertrucker @ Aug 25 2006, 10:40 PM) |
Especially in PVP where I will hit a 3 second lag spike and come back from it dead. And no it didnt effect those that were targeting me. |
That's because in the game, the effect is not on your client, but on the server. Your client only displays the effect, but everything is run on the server. The non-lagging player has your position from the server, there is no need to get information through the lagged connection you are using. And since the server does not get any input from you (because of the lag on your connection to the server) you do not move, like a sitting duck. Easy prey. The server also records the damage done to your avatar, and once the information gets through the connection to your client, you are dead (well, your avatar), since you couldn't react in the meantime.
In cybercombat you would have to affect the client directly, in order to crash it. That's where the latency would come into play.
But this is all moot, anyways. Latency is no relevant factor in SR's matrix technology. Just assume, that it simply doesn't exist on a notable level.
Aug 25 2006, 09:48 PM
I'd be willing to bet that SR wireless interfaces employ spread-spectrum on a massive scale.
By using multiple frequencies and constantly rotating to find those with the least interference, you could have huge amounts of data transferred with very little lag or loss. If one channel went dead, you'd still have ten more to take the load.
By having a vast amount of wireless transcievers, you could have vast amounts of bandwidth everywhere. However, I'd be willing to bet that they're also connected via fiber-optic, reducing lag and packet loss, so even if your friend is in Guam, your signal's only travelling to and from the nearest fiber-connected transciever.
This would also make jamming almost impossible, as you'd have to block pretty much everything in the microwave spectrum.
Aug 25 2006, 10:01 PM
I'm pretty sure that Black IC's killing signals to your brain will suffer from there being a 3 second delay to get to you just as badly as your signals to the server to crash the Black IC's program will suffer.
An MMO character is server-side, meaning it can get trashed while the server-client connection is slow. Your brain is client-side, meaning that the server has to go through the server-client connection to get to it, just like you have to go through it in the opposite direction.
Kyoto Kid
Aug 28 2006, 06:50 AM
...I can still see systems set up on a direct connection only basis. What better way to protect your sensitive datastores. The Hacker (decker) still needs to get in to the installation and physically jack in. Kind of like using Mechanical instead of maglocks. How many runners ever take real lock picking?
Aug 29 2006, 01:09 AM
you dont need lockpicking, when you can just get a decent autopicker and use that in place of skill at lower cost than an activesoft.
The ultimate limit to security, is what you need the computer to do for you. If you need to sell a product, then you want EVERYONE to have easy acess, while at the same time keeping financial information secure. And that customer interface needs to attach to acounts reciveable for billing, the warehouse for inventory and shipping, and so on.
Sure, you keep your very secure top-secret drek on the mainframe with no wireless. but thats your secret ingredients, your illegal evidence, your security systems. but as soon as you say you want an employee to be able to acess it, you create a weak point... is his login/password secure? did you want to add biometrics to the login? it can still be cracked, thats just a speed bump, to make the runners take longer... and hopefully give security enough time to spot them and react.
Look at how some stores work now. you can order over the internet, and inside the store everything can have an RFID tag so we know where inventory is. when to reorder, track theft, and so on. And every system has a weakness... vunerable in that narrow window of SOTA between when a weakness is found, and when it is patched. If the hacker knows of a flaw in your OS, they can exploit it and you cant do anything about that exploit.
SR is sci-fi, so you cant assume todays limits in hardware apply to SR. but it is unlikely that the human element will be that much better than it is today. a lot of the needs will be the same.
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