Aug 20 2003, 04:24 PM
Would anybody out there have any suggestions for transportation for an Adept (Magician's Way) PC who has no vehicle skills, and a limited budget?
I'm playing in Sahandrian's campaign, and as of last Thursday (August 14th), my character has approximately 8,000 Nuyen to spend. However, he also has no vehicle skills.
As I have neither of the RIGGER books, and the SR3 Main Rulebook has few vehicles listed--and none in that price range, IIRC--I was wondering if anyone out there would have any suggestions about what sort of vehicle would be available in that price range.
As always, thanks in advance for any suggestions or advice.
Person 404
Aug 20 2003, 04:48 PM
I think the Dodge Scoot in the main book is in (well under, actually) that price range. Whether you really consider it a 'vehicle' is another matter...
Aug 20 2003, 04:52 PM
there was the Pappouse (sp?) thing from Rigger1. A bike w/ an electric engine for when you got tired of peddling. I don't have my books here.
Or you could buy 8k worth of tube tokens....
Aug 20 2003, 04:56 PM
VW Elektro: Hand 4/8, Speed 75, Accel 4, Body 3, Sig 5, No AutoPilot, Cargo 1, Load 45.
The elektro is an inexpensive exciting way to get around in style. The low-slung 3-wheeler is a sleek and stylish commuter car, with its high tech one-seat interior giving the impression of being in a jet cockpit. 8,000 exactly. (Rigger 3 page 168)
Talia Invierno
Aug 20 2003, 06:48 PM
The nice thing about something like the Papoose is that it can be folded up and carried in the team's (future?) van. You'll want to make sure it has GridLink capacity though: those batteries don't hold much.
If there's any way you can clear about another 10 kY I'd suggest trying to spring for an Aurora. (Maybe you can negotiate with your GM: anyone selling one as a "used fixer-upper"?)
The Surgeon
Aug 20 2003, 07:03 PM
BUYING a car?!
Chummer, all you need is someone who can beat vehicle security systems and locks, and a Decker who can hack the DMV!
Seriously, though, I gotta go with what Talia said: Get a Papoose, unless you can afford an Aurora, and if you can't you can always trade up later.
I am Jin
Aug 20 2003, 07:09 PM
Aug 20 2003, 08:07 PM
Buy one used. Under the Quality Factors section, check out the Prototype Model/Used Vehicle modifier. Basically, you get a price discount in exchange for hidden Stress points (Rigger 3, p. 76-7). Since your character isn't much of a driver, the Stress points aren't likely to be a big deal and they won't mind having a crappy second-hand car.
Aug 20 2003, 08:21 PM
As I have neither of the RIGGER books, and the SR3 Main Rulebook has few vehicles listed--and none in that price range, IIRC--I was wondering if anyone out there would have any suggestions about what sort of vehicle would be available in that price range |
He doesn't have the book. Thats why he's asking for help. I know there was a thread back there somewhere about not downloading books in print but could some one w/ Rigger3 explain how the math works w/o copywrite infringement? (I'm asking if its OK to do not if some one will do it)
Hida Tsuzua
Aug 20 2003, 08:34 PM
For an used vehicle, I would make it cheaper (20-50% off). However add in little things like no music player, gridlock system leans to the left/right of the road, seats are an odd stained color/have an odor, paint job ruined, doors won't open right, hidden compartment in back holds cursed artifact/drugs/skull etc. May not be Rigger 3 rules, but aren't copywrited either.
Aug 20 2003, 08:35 PM
Oops... I didn't notice/register that part. Yeah, I'm not real sure about copyright... it's a very small rule. Very small. I'd quote the two numbers involved if I was given the 'all clear.'
The White Dwarf
Aug 21 2003, 01:46 AM
The other alternative:
Middle lifestyle assumes that the character has access to a communter car.
Now, it may be crap but it can drive you from point A (safehouse) to point B (the meet) as long as you dont get in combat (even a pothole might result in a grand firey death). But its free with the lifestyle, whatd you expect.
Aug 21 2003, 05:56 AM
Otherwise a healthy stroll over the town has never hurt anyone (well, not any RUNNERS that is...... and not directly...... okay, it's dangerous then, but it's free!)
the best part of walking is: it's free, so you have essentially earned 8000
when you didn't buy a vehicle.....
Aug 21 2003, 03:23 PM
Rollers... foldable if you can afford it ; it's not pure canon (I think the only "rollers" mentioned are cyber in M&M), so convincing your GM may take ten to thirty beers, longer if he doesn't drink.
It's practical in most circumstances, quick(er than walking) and cheap (imo, even "pro" rollers shouldn't cost more than 2-3K), plus you don't have to care about parking space or car-thefts.
Aug 22 2003, 02:02 AM
Id say get a Secondhand Yamaha Rapier.
Aug 22 2003, 03:41 AM
As a side note-- my most recent character, a troll street sam, was naturally out of money when I remembered to buy a vehicle. I got the standard 3d6, and managed to roll up 11k. I tried to find a vehicle I could afford, and a troll-modified Electrokombi was it. It became something of a running gag, when my character got in or out of the subcompact...
Herald of Verjigorm
Aug 22 2003, 05:34 AM
One of the CLUE Files mentioned a 10-speed bike for 100
Sep 6 2003, 08:24 PM
Herald of Verjigorm:
One question--How fast could a PC with a +10 Reaction modifier/+5D6 Initiative be able to run, or move on the aforementioned 10-speed bicycle?
My current character isn't ANYWHERE NEAR that fast (YET!), mind you. (That's a variation of the "Increased Reflexes" power I found on the Web.) I'm just curious.
I'm only asking because I haven't been playing SR long enough to figure that sort of stuff out.
Herald of Verjigorm
Sep 7 2003, 03:20 AM
First, compare how fast you can run to how fast you can bike in the lowest speed. Your best running will give you an approximate value to your quickness (once divided by three). Dividing your bike speed by your calculated quickness gives you the lowest biking multiplier.
Once that is noted, you can test at a higher speed and dermine the rate of increase for the multipliers.
If you don't feel like doing that, set the lowest speed as 4, and +.5 each higher speed. (warning, numbers not chosen by a scientific study).
In the easier example, your reaction boost and initiative dice would only apply for crash tests, and your max speed will be your quickness * 8.5 meters per turn.
Sep 7 2003, 03:35 AM
Just take a cab until you get a vehicle skill. The autopilot is not something you really want to trust for doing anything more than the most basic of driving options.
And depending on how understanding your GM is, you probably won't want to try your luck on _anything_ without at least a modicum of skill.
Spend a point of Karma for "cars" and specialize to "sedan" or something similar for a quick 1 point boost. You won't be great behind the wheel, but it beats the hell out of a basic autopilot.
Sep 7 2003, 07:08 AM
Siege: it was always my impression that the average (unskilled) joe random could drive no problem. or at least as well as your standard Masshole.<tm> (which is to say, i'm amazed so many of them aren't dead, but if they've never had to make a ohmigod-situation skill-check...)
i took the skill levels to mean increasing levels of competency in actually PUSHING the vehicle to it's handling limits. at least for the Car skill. i doubt i'd let anyone easy default on any other vehicle.
Sep 8 2003, 12:59 AM
QUOTE (kenji) |
Siege: it was always my impression that the average (unskilled) joe random could drive no problem. or at least as well as your standard Masshole.<tm> (which is to say, i'm amazed so many of them aren't dead, but if they've never had to make a ohmigod-situation skill-check...) i took the skill levels to mean increasing levels of competency in actually PUSHING the vehicle to it's handling limits. at least for the Car skill. i doubt i'd let anyone easy default on any other vehicle. |
Check with your GM -- mine tends to rule, "no skill, SOL".
Of course, you can always default and try to fake it, but that tends to be a little rough on the equipment and draws the attention of cops posthaste.
Sep 8 2003, 03:07 AM
You might want to have a look at the NSRCG. It has most, if not all of the vehicles for Shadowrun. And it's free. Although the details for the vehicles might be lacking, it gives you a general idea.
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