Aug 26 2003, 09:27 PM
Does anyone have access to the old earthdawn Thera sourcebook? I'm trying to track down and confirm a couple points of information from an old conversation I half remember.
First off, Italy used to be a province of Thera's called Talea didn't it? And during the chapter they made some references to a pure white Great Dragon with the rather nifty power of being able to see all moments of time at exactly the same time, that lived underground somewhere there- I have vague memories of the Rome area? And that he was somehow connected to a really thinly veiled ripoff of some early Christian-like cult? Thanks.
Ancient History
Aug 26 2003, 09:35 PM
Yes on most points, except said dragon did not ahve the omniscient power. I'll quote ye exact bits when I have the time, later on tonight. if ye like.
Aug 26 2003, 09:47 PM
It didn't? Shite. Ah well, my idea, my line on draconic powers.
Ancient History
Aug 26 2003, 10:01 PM
Ah, my bad. It appears the dragon "Mole Skin" can see the future as if all moments in time were happening simultaneously. I'd just say he/she had Divining and run with it.
Aug 26 2003, 11:07 PM
Cool. Means that I can implement the whole whilst being able to foresee uncountable
possibilities, actually figuring them out and just not getting caught up in them all- can even throw in a little Minority Report "Is it now?" or some such - means he's not
too uber. This is working out nicely.
Aug 26 2003, 11:10 PM
It appears the dragon "Mole Skin" can see the future as if all moments in time were happening simultaneously.
Wow, that's not a ripoff of Milton's description of God at all. I bet the cult isn't supposed to be a thinly veiled reference to Christianity. God is a Great Dragon! Jesus was a Drake!
Why do people always try and explain the "truth" behind Christianity, Judaism, etc.. in RPG settings? It always seems unnecessarily incendiary to me.
Aug 26 2003, 11:22 PM
god is a balm and cushioning power for your feet. jesus died to soothe your blisters!
Aug 27 2003, 12:18 AM
From what I can tell, they're actually kinda proto-Christians. They're just a bit early in that Mole Skin's let them in on Jesus turning up and his general teachings a few thousand years before the fact. This could be interesting.
Ancient History
Aug 27 2003, 12:33 AM
It doesn't have to be Christianity. Could be pre-Judaisim, pre-Islam, pre-<Insert culture with prophet here.>
Although I must say, they really could have worked harder ont he Theran Empire sourcebook.
Talia Invierno
Aug 27 2003, 12:38 AM
The idea of divine a-temporality predates Milton by some centuries.
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