I am wondering if the current focus on Street Running is viable from a historical point of view. Taking all we know about the SR world and the way it is supposed to move, how long could last the time of the Shadowrunners ?
How long before they became integrated into Corporation or basic Criminals ? The motivation of using Shadowrunner is the supposed fight between corporation and the need of deniable asset to fuel this fight.
How long could the corporation fuel this kind of passive-offensive war before they ressort to full action ? If you consider the extremely harming effect of the Shadowrunner actions, especially in the novels, wont the corporation notice they are really killing themselves by ressorting to the use of SR. Also from a legal point of view, how long before the Corporate Court rules that an action of shadowrunner that can be traced back to the initiating Corporation (something that with the Matrice 2.0 will become more and more easy to do) implicated the Corporation regardless of his denial.
How long is the shadowrunner time supposed to last ? a decade, a generation, a century ?
Basically is the Shadowrun background sound and stable enough to be here to last or should it be perceived as a kind of Wild West : a historical period that is quite small in fact in time but provide enough material for a large exploitation, but that cannot stay the way it is for ages.