So I was reflecting on how a proper Shadowrun team should double as a band when the natural mapping between a few major archetypes and their proper instruments hit me. For example, it's obvious that the streetsam is the lead guitarist; he's out there, showy and flashy, laying down the melody and getting things done. The Face, meanwhile, is obviously the lead vocalist—he's the one that people see and remember out in front, and even though his job isn't the most important, everyone notices it.
The rigger is on bass guitar, helping set the rhythm and holding everyone together.
As much as the idea of having the decker be on the synthesizer is appealing, I'd say he's actually the drummer, working along with the rigger to make up the rhythm section. It's actually the mage, with his ability to duplicate aspects of other roles when in need, who's working synthesizers.
The adept is a tougher cookie to place; he tends to have a lot of overlap with the streetsam, but to generally play second fiddle outside of a narrow specialty. Maybe second guitar and backing vocals?
I was initially thinking that the otaku might be the turntablist, a bit weird and rarely-used, but I think the effect a turntablist has on a production is too profound to reflect the otaku's role as a variant on the decker.
Any archetypes I've missed or other thoughts on the matter?