Hey Runners, I have a few questions that I thought I should probably combine into one topic so I'm not topic-whoring.
Ok, #1: Has there been any printed material on space? Specifically what settlements/corps have a presence on Mars? If this was printed in an earlier addition I apoligize for my ignorance, I'm 4th ed. raised lol
#2: I'm currently planning my teams next run, its very loose as of now but atm is looking like a johnson will hire them to retrieve some extremely sensitive data from a research tanker that isn't supposed to exist. The tricky part is that the tanker has been 'liberated' by pirates and in order to hide this from his superiors he has ordered it to be blown to pieces 6 hours from when the runners get the job.
Now for the hard part, I can't decide for the life of me what kind of research or even which corp to use, im tempted to do something with technomancers but im not sure .
like I said, very rough. any advice?